'Grotesque': Joy blasts GOPers scapegoating immigrant victims of Baltimore bridge collapse

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'Grotesque': Joy blasts GOPers scapegoating immigrant victims of Baltimore bridge collapse

The Baltimore bridge collapse has incited leading conservatives and right-wing pundits to spread conspiracy theories about the disaster. Yet, this tragedy underscores the vital contributions amid sometimes dangerous conditions made by immigrants in the United States. Joy commemorates the six victims who died in this calamity.

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  1. Wow that was a lot of Anti American and Anti White Racist nonsense. I am a Canadian that has been trying to LEGALLY immigrate to America for 7 years now with no options. The problem isn't the fact that people are immigrating to America its that the infrastructure cant handle hordes of unveted illegal migrants flooding in. Its not the 1800s anymore where we have endless amounts of land to develop you notice any new cities or towns being built in the last say 50 years? The hospitals and social services in America and Canada are overun way past capacity. At this point you need to improve the country before you have space for more people. With 100k American it still was not enough for me to buy my way into the states and start a business and new life however anyone that just walks across the southern boarder is handed a 5000 dollar visa pre paid card a bus ticket and a order to appear in court many years in the future. Does that seem fair to you. Also did you forget the fact Africans sold there own people to slave traders. The Persians had a far bigger slave trade then Europeans ever did. Forget about Egypt? People sure love to spin history to whatever agenda they are trying to push. Also the real story with the bridge collapse you and every other news outlet seems to miss is the effect on the supply chain and what this is going to do to increase the already skyrocketing costs of everything.

  2. The U.S. always look for escape goat and foreign monsters for blame, nothing unusual or new, there whole history, the new escape goats for there crimes, gangs, the cartel, diseases, they don't pay taxes, there on welfare, ect. "ITS THE MIGRANTS) always the some goofy lies, is it true? NO, its what they want to hear, Drug addicts? guaranteed that's not migrants, that's Americans, the same B.S. about covid came from China? NO evidence covid came from China, the U.S. had the highest rate of Covid in the world, look it up, (Corana-19 Coronavirus statistics, worldometer and THE Chinese, THEY created the virus and let the virus out of there labs, has already been debunked, also see China and the 24 lies about Covid and China

  3. This women is the most vile women i have ever seen as a host…. People are just concerned that some are criminals and hurt Americans when they come illegally…. I guess you want the country to become like your distant relatives in Africa hey Joy…. Now that's civilised 😅

  4. Astounded at the racist skills it takes to twist every event into a racist topic. I keep trying to catch Joy Reid doing a segment where she can speak WITHOUT mentioning race. It’s impossible!
    What a sad way to live.
    So many amazing people on this earth of all races, ethnicities and backgrounds!
    Too bad Joy judges everything by race.. like EVERYTHING! 👈🏾

  5. Biden has allowed the biggest insurrection and invasion of America in American history!!!!!
    An Obama appointed federal judge has ruled that under our second amendment illegal let me repeat illegal immigrants are allowed firearms!!!!! There is due process to come into this country period!!!

  6. This is what the people who control the world do… they broadcast what they will do before they do it… They destroyed the Francis Scott Key bridge because they are going to Bankrupt this Country.

  7. Razist MAGA people say these new migrants will be on welfare and handouts indefinitely while in the very near future most of them will become financially independent by selling fentanyl in our neighborhoods.

  8. DEI makes race something for companies to celebrate. If something goes wrong in their operations, a critic can look at race as being a factor to what went wrong. DEI ideology put race on the table for consideration. Either race matters or it doesn't–you can't say it matters only on your terms. I believe it doesn't matter, and that companies ought to stop bragging about DEI policies and thereby stop celebrating racism.

  9. Hope Americans are seeing the colour and race of the people working repairing that bridge. Not see any “whites” working on bridge??? Show Trump this report, let him pick out any whites that vote for him there. God Bless the hard working Immigrants in the US🙏

  10. This isn’t a bad interpretation, though I DESPISE when dems and libs say ‘kidnapped’ from Africa. 2 things: adults are not kidnapped, they’re abducted and purchased is the correct word as the Africans and the Barbary state were the ‘gatherers’.

    Next, this is the same game the conservatives and reps play with sowing division.

  11. Joy Italian immigrants were LEGAL VETTED SPONSORED AND HAD A JOB BEFORE THEY LEGALLY CAME TO AMERICA VIA ELLIS ISLAND.. Do you understand the process of legal immigration it to VET people so criminals, traffickers, drug dealers , and clean background checks can enter,p. Americans are for legal immigration Joy how much money do you make spewing venom?

  12. This black woman that makes millions bbrings on the Baltimore Mayor and all they talk about is Racism and not the dead citizens in the river, those 2 are sick especially given since 1987 of the 8 mayors 7 have been BLACK.

  13. Amazing if someone thinks that fixing potholes is going to bring a bridge down. What did they do? Did they pour tons of tar that they didn't have onto the bridge?

  14. What does the flag of the ship mean when the flag is usually chosen to avoid different regulations? Thank you, Republicans, for actually admitting that regulation is good.

  15. So when you think about it … This great country was built by immigrants! Still today! Thank God for all of them ! After surviving Hurricanes, if it wasn't for the immigrants I wouldn't have my Home. No white men around to do the work!

  16. yea legal immigrants, not those who break into this country.But Im not surprised at the lost left and as far as the ones on the right you need to get the facts first before open your mouth. I don't expect the left to do that because they don't deal in facts

  17. Joy Spewing Fake Historical News- Utter nonsense!!! just cause u say it on air it doesn't make it true Joy. FoX5 is a great example of that

  18. I keep thinking of the preview for the movie "Civil War". The scene where the guy breaks through the bushes and says, "Wait, I'm American". The others raise their guns and the leader asks, "What type of American are you?"

  19. Never let a good crisis go without taking advantage of it. That is a marxist and democrat tenet. Emmanuel from Chicago is notorious for using this phrase. That's what's going on here. Soon the race, climate change, and abortion issues will be tied to it. Democrat politicians (Since they have no issues to run on) know that power comes from controlling people's emotions. When you let them do that, they become your master. This video is based on emotions not facts or reality thereby proving that they believe their followers are dumb as rocks. Joy Reid even said that Americans didn’t know what inflation was until Republicans taught them the meaning. She is partly right because it only applies to her viewers, CNN, MSNBC, Whoopi Goldberg, and Joy Behar.

  20. That’s what always gets me about all the clap trap about immigrants ruining this country. From the Native Americans would be right saying that. From nearly ANYONE else, they need to look back at their own family heritage. Almost ALL of us are descendants OF IMMIGRANTS!!!!