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The reason why they called her to come to the hsp is someway hmmm…
The reason why they called her to come to the hsp is someway hmmm…
This is heartbreaking
My condolences to the family.
This is spiritual attack.
Finally, I've seen the face of this reporter, Mr O. George with beautiful enunciation.
Please don't rush to the clinic if you miss your period unless you suspect pregnancy and want to confirm it. It happens and returns to again. Why was there any blood involved in this if they were only performing ultrasound? This just horrible.
Sadly doctors bury their mistake
Its not everything that needs opérations
Jesus help us in nigeria.
Why are the doctors running ,medical association may not be truthful
This is horrible
Law in most African countries is simply not working😢,
So the fake, less experienced, incompetent with faked diplomas and degrees easily find their way into government institutions some of which are manned by friends & family, and wrong doers are not corrected 🤔 the reason why the affluent go out side Africa for medical care
and check up 🤔 .Gone are the days when a spade is called spade😢😢
There is no way having a pulmonary embolism would cause a haemorrhage as stated on the death certificate. The clinic is trying to hide their failures
But why go so far for a 24 year old who probably is not getting married so soon or complaining of infertility …… just 3 months ? first time amenorrhea 🤷🤷 Sounds like using a sledge hammer to kill an ant, i feel that procedure was totally unnecessary…
They should have done autopsy to detect what really went wrong
So sad
People keep quiet about your business! Witches are real and they are very jealous. Somebody who knew her very well and was jealous of her life and outcomes killed her
He cause of death was not but premature death! Witchcraft 😢
Why’s the hospital still running??
Its a police case
Compasation must be paid😢😢
For a procedure that is not life threatening, why all the perceived blood loss ? Why did the doctors and nurses go into hiding. I hope the post mortem will bring out the true cause of death, bearing in mind that every thing can be compromised in Nigeria. One hopes all the organs are intact. There sbould be a meticulous investigation into this young lady's death. May God give strenght to her family.
hysteroscopy??? what did they puncture? why was thee a lot of blood? what attempt did they make to stem the blood loss ?
Please God have marcy on us especially African, why the hospital still opened 😭😭😭