Goodness Gracious! Two African American ladies rip into Nigeria [Reaction Video]

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Goodness Gracious! Two African American ladies rip into Nigeria [Reaction Video]

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  2. Hi Phrankleen! It's been a minute since I watched and responded. I really enjoyed this program and agree very much with your stand. I am African American from the U.S.A. I have had the pleasure of an online friendship with a young man (he's 40) from Nigeria, 7 years strong. He has taught me so much and I have fallen in love with Nigeria, (and him🙂.) I appreciate him and thank him for educating me on his culture. I do plan to journey to Nigeria to personally meet him and his family. Please continue your wonderfully knowledgeable vlog/blog. You are the strength we all need! Thank you!

  3. I think this was a set up…regardless if Chris Rock knew about the situation….Will need self control ..anger management class is needed…law suit against will Smith…what if he hit him and put him unconscious…His action reflects blacks , children looking at this what are learning?
    This world is staged to get blacks down and build rich white…
    My own black man have already sabotage my career behind my back. Rich black people in USA don't consider themselves African. Whoopi said that she wants her 401k so she is American. 😆 🤣 😂

  4. I apologize for what this AA woman said about Nigerians. This does not represent the majority of AA. He was sharing his views about the U.S.president. He wasn’t insulting them. We Americans talk about our presidents all the time. Try not to bring up politics. Not all Americans are that patriotic.She fails to realize that Nigeria is one of the richest African countries. The Middle Passage did a number on us.

  5. I agree!!! I am American by birth Liberian by root. It you will NEVER hear me speak I’ll of the US and even Liberia. American we may love certain aspects of a certain administration m- we may dislike our President but never the country.

  6. I agree he should have remained professional. Even if he wanted to talk about Trump, his language was inappropriate. But there’s ways to talk about or question the US administration without using such language and bias tone even if you dislike Trump.

  7. I'm African American if it were so great I myself wouldn't want to leave. I'm trying to get to Africa. To be around people look like me. This was once all black. This place was home. And then they came and our leaders did the same thing that's happening in Africa. Bottom line ALL Africans need to appreciate the motherland. We're starting to change and stand together as one. It's a slow but steady change but it's change from the days before. I want to save for that btw truck Nigeria has out there. All my imports are going to be from the continent. I missed that video. That lady sounds like an agent of white media. Causing hell. I love my people. No matter WHAT🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖🌍🌎🌏😇😇😇

  8. You got a good point here brother!!
    And may I add that, Nigerians who have never travelled abroad will talk down on other countries, the exact same way they(we) trash their(our) own country.
    When ever I entertain guests from Naija, I have a rule: If you don't like US, its okay, but don't make it your morning/ daily devotion while you're my guest, eating my food, going to my doctor, and benefiting from me being an upright taxpayer!😊

  9. as Ethiopian myself, even though obviously we are among the poorest nation. with not much resources and many many differences and failing, we better die than someone insult our country.and if she said to my face, she is racist to me/cause we are not related/ acts as such

  10. Not to be rude, but what good things are there to say about Nigeria?

    Its true that Americans are very patriotic despite their countries obvious problems however, those Americans have sent people to space, they have some of the best universities in the world, they've made major contributions to STEM and so on.

    China was mostly a poor rural country 50+ years ago, now it's a superpower with the second largest economy in the world. Both have verifiable evidence of being able to significant things within their own countries. What has Nigeria done? I've never met any young Nigerian, who lives in Nigeria , that had anything good to say about the country…

  11. Our people are suffering GLOBALLY from FUNCTIONAL mental illness as a result of PROLONGED BOMBARDMENT, MISEDUCATION, POISONING and WARTIME IMPRISONMENT. We exhibit EXTREME GULLIBILITY and DELUSION, and then ofcourse: the world at large recognizes this and simply CAPITALIZES as needed. We're "POW"s with"PTSD", "SAD" and "DID". And the woar hasn't even ended yet……..

  12. That so called "African American" woman works for white ultra-conservative Christian organizations and is paid to undermine black movements. Also u have to understand she may claim to be African American but that does not mean she is a Foundational Black American (FBA) or a descendant of American slavery. I've heard that this woman is of caribbean descent and most caribbeans have a very different experience here in America than those whose ancestors went through slavery on this land. The other Black woman in the video i believe is from France. As an FBA whose family has been in America around 300 years I just like to say this woman does not represent us as a whole but the cabbie should have just minded his business.

  13. I think the main issue with taxi cab driver is whenever we as Americans travel around the world people, usually random, always feel that is appropriate to give us their unsolicited opinion of what they think about America, Trump, and what we should do. When they bash Trump, they are expecting us to do the same. It is a weird way of establishing a "connection". How would he feel as a Nigerian if every time a foreigner saw him, they mentioned Buhari, the #EndSARS movement, and how the country is in ruins? It is very inappropriate and uncomfortable to be on the receiving end. Yes, many African Americans hate Trump. However, there are other ways we can connect as humans outside of politics.

  14. Most people don't know the truth about black people's history in America. No we weren't stolen from Africa. A lot of my ancestors migrated out of Africa centuries ago. My ancestors were here long before anybody. The Spaniards called us Indians (indigo) because they thought they were in the west indies because those ppl were dark too. A lot of wars were going on back than as it now. So you had blk ppl who were captured, and became prisoners of war (slaves) and yes they were traded around. Btw slave and prisoner mean the same thing, look into that. You'll probably get a better understanding on how deep the prison system, the police run.

  15. I was very disappointed in her because I actually liked her before seeing that video. The question is apart from being patriotic, what can we do to make Africa an equal

  16. My brother phrank the problem of Nigeria is the corrupt leaders we have, the politicians who care only about their pockets and their families sometimes I just wish they can bring down that country and rebuild it, things are not really working and another thing is that all this black American don’t know they are all part of Africa that is the reason they are being addressed as African Americans

  17. The average American of a certain age do not trash talk the sitting President. It's a code. Also, a great amount of African-Americans love Trump, are Conservative, and have been Republicans since President Lincoln freed the slaves. They believe we would have still been slaves, to this very day, if it was left up to Democrats