Godfrey on Interracial Dating “Most people date for an agenda” | CLIP

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Comic Pierre

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Godfrey on Interracial Dating “Most people date for an agenda” | CLIP

Godfrey breaks down his beliefs on why many people date outside their race – Pierres Panic Room | CLIP
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  1. It’s an internalized discussion to the point that it always has a stigma attached. I think a lot of this is self fulfilling prophecy at this point. We’ve been integrated for more than a 1/2 century…the taboos just aren’t as prevalent anymore. And so much of what you see is that certain interests that used to be divergent aren’t nearly as much because people interact not just with each other, but similar forms of media (i.e. music, tv, movies, etc). Of course there’s always some curiosity that’s rooted in stereotypes but by and large i think interracial relationships are more the product of different races of people having more similarities than ever before.

  2. Let's say hypothetically in the white relationship diaspora in America that there was a relationship crisis between white men and white women based on the feminist movement. And that white women were turning away from white men towards non white men. ESPECIALLY towards black men! The white patriarchal establishment with galvanized all audio/visual resources through MEDIA, ENTERTAINMENT, ADVERTISING, MUSIC, T.V./MOVIE PRODUCTION to enhance propaganda in favor of keeping the white relationship / family Dynamic intact! There would also be anti black/white relationship propaganda on a subliminal and covert basis through those same channels of interactive communication. The silent movie Birth of a Nation was created as a propaganda source to project anti black male interaction between white women. During the Transcontinental Railroad campaign, the United States government created a policy / edict that prohibited interaction between Chinese laborers and white women because it was found that white women we're finding themselves sexually active with the Chinese laborers Within certain venues including smoking tents on the workers off time.


    Turning the scenario back to real life. The authoritative and controlling entities of white AmeriKKKa, whp tries to deceive by saying that there is not a black and white America but one America and that we're all "Americans", NOWS that there is a inter cultural Civil War, if you will, of self-hatred between the black man and the black woman based on the disruptive traumas brought on by slavery and Jim Crow.. and how it has tremendously affected the prosperity and Harmony of the black family as an institution. But the white patriarchal Authority continues to not address how the interracial agenda through these communicative channels have a contributive Factor in keeping progress from Black family and relationship cohesiveness.  This sudden Kumbaya-ism is in the audio-visual world interracial unions is not a passive reality. It is mechanism to further divide the black family and create the biracial offspring of these unions for the purpose of white genetic survival over a period of time. Statistics  say that most of the planet will consist of people who are shades  darker than white by the year 2050.

  3. Like often attracts like

    I do not…I repeat… DO NOT like neurotypical men enough to become a close friend to them or have a healthy romantic relationship with them. A few years back I realized I’d rather give up on the typicals and keep the company of my own people (Autistics) because being my true self around them is much more effortless or comfortable.
    Not too long later I met my now-husband.
    Look at the demographics of who’s diagnosed with autism they most: White males. So who do you think i ended up with? An autistic white man. I doubt interracial couples form due to one or both partners intentionally seeking out that race of people to be with. It’s more nuanced than that

    Yes most people prefer romance with people of their own race because of shared experiences, proximity, social Norms, eased relatability — but sometime your racial demographic is not the demographic that you mentally consider the most central to your identity.
    Hate on me all you want but in regards to personal-identity I’m autistic first and black second— how outsiders first identify me doesn’t make a difference mentally

  4. Well we can blame that on history. Certain individuals weaponized race and that's why it's still and will always be an issue. That's why interracial dating still leaves a bad taste in peoples because we still see how it's being used as a woman. Facts there are things a black man will do (abusively) to a black woman that he wouldn't dare do to white woman. Because we all know and history has show us how dangerous the tears of a white woman are

  5. THE AGENDA – THE AGENDA IS TO GET RID OF THE BLACK RACE. By doing that we need to turn the black woman and the black man against eachother using celebrities. It’s better to have the next generation looking closer to white than blacks….. wake up black people

  6. No this is called projection. If they were to date out they are letting you know why. Some ppl just date who they like. I’ve dated ppl of all nationalities just because they liked me, and I was attracted

  7. Don't let bw 👩🏾 trick you into thinking that bm 🧔🏾‍♂️ are the biggest divesters……BW, even married bw have been moving up in the company by temporarily divesting 🧑‍🦳 with their bosses for years, it's just become fashionable to divest "fulltime" in recent years

  8. Black people continue to think that way because they’re weak minded. It cannot be fixed. The only resolve is a process of intuitive, thinking, critical thinking independent, thinking, and questioning everything absolutely

  9. We have a distorted view of relationships in this country, if they taught race from a purely biological perspective in school then we would not have the issues that we have today. We all have to understand that we are not a "race" but people and that is a hard concept for us to wrap our heads around.

  10. BM seem to be more affected by WS than BW. Meaning they moreso desire and are submissive towards yt's while most bw want to replicate ourselves, I don't have an issue with Yt people collectively & I've never felt that a person is better than me based on their phenotype. I don't understand that type of mindset.

  11. I've never felt inferior to white people so when I deal with my people and get shafted that's when I get pissed at us. I expect white people would mistreat me, but my own just hurts.

  12. People will go to Tim Wise and Jane Elliott before they look up or mention Dr. Cres Welsing or Neely Fuller and many others… Do a little more research and you'll find a video where Tim wise said Neely Fuller and Cres Welsing are pseudo.

  13. I don't give a damn what Godfrey says, my wife is Nicaraguan & we've been together for 12 years & have 3 children. She's treated me better than anybody I've ever been with in my life. Only a fool would deny himself the gift of finding a soul mate simply because they're not the same race as you. This ain't the 18th & 19th century anymore, racial homogeneity is a thing of the past.

  14. That explains why I’ve seen so many videos on social media, of BM allowing their WW to put makeup and wigs on them then talk trash to them “for fun”..

  15. Ohhh ohh Hold on Godfrey she veered off, a few times. She talk all that GOOD anti-racism Talk but when black people ask her opinion of Reparations she brings up native Americans who already got theirs https://youtu.be/DFjUcsseN30 and Tim Wise had some BS to say about the Dr Frances Cress Welsing who fought many battles in debate against racist. Yall can keeo these Good whites at your own Cookout