Goat Meat Light Soup | Aponkye Nkrakra | Goat Meat Pepper Soup Easy But Tasty | Ghanaian light Soup

Goat Meat Light Soup | Aponkye Nkrakra | Goat Meat Pepper Soup Easy But Tasty | Ghanaian light Soup

To order Sweet Adjeley Seasoning Please contact Hertage Distributors @ 9736224406 and they would ship it to you, anywhere in the USA Thank You 😘✌🏽❀️

This Authentic Ghanaian Goat Meat Light Soup or Goat Meat Pepper Soup is a super delicious comfort food that can be enjoyed at anytime wether cold or hot. Please Enjoy



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  1. 🀣 charley, ah dey watch Naa again ooo… I’m preparing a light soup right now for my Roomate and I am. πŸ˜‚ plus my date too 🀣🀣🀣

    Pray for me. I didn’t want to mess it up that is why I’m watching it again.

  2. Hudjdhdidhodhdidhepeheoejeokeiejeoejoeheoeheoeheojroejeoehrojrorjrorjrorjorjrorhrorjrorjorhroejeorjrorjrorjprjrornrorjorhrorhkrjokrkkkjkjjjrjkkkrhjkkkkkokkjrjkrkrkkirirorikrkkrhrojeokkkokrkokrorjokrkkkrkkkrjkkkjjrjkkkkkkrkrjrjrojkkikkooorkikrkkkjkkrjkkkkkkkkkkkkkrkjkrkrkrjjrorjrkkkrkrkrkrnrjjrjrornrkkj

  3. I just followed your video to prepare this dish for my Ghanaian husband😁. Thank you so very much I am also making the sobolo which I love tomorrow cause I’m soaking the hibiscus flowerβ™₯️. You are a joy to watch and learn from. medase

  4. today is the first time I've tried to prepare this recipe.. am so happy, it came out amazing!! I added some extra spices to my own taste and decided I will prepare this again next time for my boyfriend πŸ™‚ thank you for sharing!! πŸ’“