GMO mosquitoes released in Djibouti to fight malaria

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GMO mosquitoes released in Djibouti to fight malaria

GMO mosquitoes released in Djibouti to fight malaria – Despite their tiny size, mosquitoes rank among the world’s deadliest insects. Nations, particularly those in Africa, have long battled the scourge of malaria they spread. In an innovative twist, Djibouti has adopted an innovative strategy: using mosquitoes to combat mosquitoes.



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  1. What creatures eat mosquitoes and what creatures eat the creatures that eat the mosquitoes? An entire ecology is going to be desimated. And finally mosquitoes get their food from human blood. Do you know how easily they will infect and wipe out Africans by using manmade diseases carried in these GMO mosquitoes? Djibouti has got to be crazy to allow this madness.

  2. I think there’s more to it. Normally they test medications that kill people . They don’t care about Africans but they’re going to make mosquitoes to help us ? People when will you take a stand?

  3. Another devilish iventions for evil reason,why cant the drainage be built like every advanced nations?trust the gullible Africans to buy into it hook line and sinker

  4. After the europeans Finish killing all the mosquitoes they will all move in to Africa. Africans do u know that are we are busy Praying and dancing?

  5. Africans have lived with mosquitoes for hundreds of years, they have herbs, etc to cure malaria. Why do we let foreigners play “god” in our spaces? Aren’t we tired of the sinister actions against us. They do not like us! They wish we were gone for good! 🙄

  6. So "they" now started attacking African environment? The mosquitoes are there in the nature for a reason. Instead of changing the balance in hte nature (with disastrous end results), cure the person who contracts malaria. BIG MISTAKE FOR AFRICA.

  7. Go check what malaria does for us Africans as An ADVANTAGE. this is self-Genocide. Leave Africa if u can't live in peace with it. What other animals do we have to modify to live with nature.

  8. That's the European & American tactics they create a problem then introduce a solution especially to bad & corrupt leadership by African leaders who care little about their people

  9. This is Bill Gates expirament, Africans be very careful. Two years ago Bill Gates released the same mosquitoes in Florida, USA. Don't trust them… if you do your research on this topic you will discover the Bill Gates is financing the entire project

  10. This is highly suspicious the manufacturing of GMO mosquitoes in a laboratory produced by a colonist country to be released in Africa people wake up! When will Africa stand on its own and lock the door on these colonists imperialistic countries. Africa does not need the West the West needs Africa when will Africa see its value and stop bending their knees to Western colonialist