Gaza: ICJ ruling, UN failures, and US complicity | The Chris Hedges Report w/Craig Mokhiber

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Gaza: ICJ ruling, UN failures, and US complicity | The Chris Hedges Report w/Craig Mokhiber

The International Court of Justice has just issued preliminary measures against Israel for the crime of genocide in Gaza. The ruling follows weeks of anticipation and months of international outcry for Israel to face accountability from the UN. While much remains undetermined, this is a critical development in a time when the integrity of…



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  1. We admire and fully support your spiritual and highly intellectual qualities which you and your excellent group display in all your commendable activities!!!–Dr. Nelson Rochet, San Juan, PUERTO RICO!!

  2. What can a measly citizen do? Our only power is to vote. Too frustrating to see this and cannot do anything. We have our families and jobs to address. Do emails and communication to politicians have any affect? I think not which adds to the frustration.

  3. * He Said What we have saw being Brodcasting of the news.
    The Israel Government in behalf of itself, tearing the Gaze's Strip Down .
    As result,
    Thousands of Deaths have been confirm add hundreds of Civilians trapped under debris and Collapsed buildings .
    The worst War scenery taking Place since of 1947 according to their assertives against The Defenseless Citzens.

  4. US are not fix to nominate in middle east presence in middle Eastern and Europe and Pacific Asia, always had many nations had be chaos and substantial dead and injured,this is not peace,8n facts show more aggressive war conflict all the world 🌎, very disgusting and bad reputation

    Paul Teich©️12/25/2023
    This is the story of a poor woman, nine months pregnant, and her husband, a carpenter you see
    They were forced to leave their home in Nazareth in Northern Galilee
    The occupying Roman power has demanded that they register for the census 90 miles away in Bethlehem
    So the vile maxim knows how many there are, and where to find them

    When they arrive in Bethlehem, there are no rooms and not even a table
    Mary, the vessel of God gives birth in a stable
    King Herod, orders the death of all children fewer than two, and to rob every mother‘s cradle
    An angel warns Joseph to flee in a dream if they are able

    The couple and infant make the 40 mile journey to Egypt under darknesses Cover
    This was one special baby that would not be found by a soldier or hunter
    King did not realize his blunder
    There is a balance to the universe and a kindness that you are asunder

    Oppressed people whose homes were burned, and whose friends and family had been removed by man’s in humanity to man and living in the filth and mud
    Their villages and homes destroyed or abandoned
    Were as they decorated what was left of their dwellings with pieces of colored paper, they found in the rubble, to celebrate the death of innocence

    They were asked why this was such an important day
    Because this was the day, Christ became a refugee
    He would save the world, though born in hay
    No one could stop this miracle, not a king or a slave

    The Christmas story was not written for the oppressors, it was written for the oppressed
    We are called to protect the innocence
    We are called to defy the occupying power
    This was the enlightenment, we know what to do
    This is the hour

  6. Modern day Israel is a secular, apartheid state, not a kingdom governed by the law of God, neither were they gathered from out of the nations by God.
    It's from the machinations of men, who think to usurp eternal kingdom promises (wherein dwelleth righteousness) to God's saints, here in this temporal age.

    This is a spurious regathering for the purpose of (Jesuit counter reformation) deception.

  7. 13:00 I find this ridiculous. The UN officials are not standing up to genocide because they're worried about Israel lobby groups calling them anti-semitic? The anti-zionism = anti-semitism trick has been so over-played, it is bizarre to me that anyone is still being cowed by it. I'm Jewish, and I can say that I am far less worried about anti-Jewish talk and action than I am about what's happening in Gaza. The "rise of anti-semitism" I hear so much about has been utterly trivial ("figuratively" 21:35) when compared with the anti-muslim offensive that is actually taking 10000s of lives as we speak.

  8. The initial Mistake was Building the UN Building in NEW YORK CITY it should have been built in a neutral country, for it seems Noam Chomsky is and was absolutely right when HE said the worse terrorist nation in the world has been and is the USA.

  9. Just waiting for the sill of 1987 which made the US a signatory to the UN Genocide Convention , which Joe Biden cosponsored, returns to his desk in the form of a subpoena for complicit involvement in Netanyahu’s genocide.

  10. USA is as guilty as Israel in the genocide of Palestine. And world must establish the fact that the West with USA have committed war crimes since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to all the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, etc ….

  11. Thank you Chris & Craig for speaking truth to power and for reassuring us that humanity still exists in our troubled world. All the best to both of you 🙏✌️🇵🇸