Gachagua arrives in Embu for Ordination of Catholic Bishop Kamau of Diocese
Gachagua arrives in Embu for Ordination of Catholic Bishop Kamau of Diocese
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BE AWARE. YOUR CHILDREN ARE NOT SAFE. WOLVES IN SHEEPS' CLOTHING. THE MORE CHARISMATIC THE PRIEST THE WORSE THEY ARE EVENTUALLY DISCOVERED TO BE. GET THE WORD OUT PLEASE. They got caught covering up & essentially allowing a massive amount of pedophilia stretching back several decades by lots & lots of priests. Essentially, most Americans assume the majority of priests are child molesters now and they should absolutely never, ever, ever be trusted or listened to again. When they act sanctimoniously we are outraged. Their organization should be outlawed. We know all the priests and probably alot of nuns kept quiet and allowed these sex crimes to continue for over a 1000 years. Yup. How you accept that and remain Catholic is beyond me. Crusades & brutal/evil Inquisition too. Seriously, f*cked up religion. SHAME! SHAME!
Anapewa pole na wamama
Our DP and next President arrives in style
Power is transient.
Mlitamani afike wooiye ni muoga.
Pole sana
Soo bad that embu university has muddy sections
Our dp