From Academy Awards to a Flag Quiz | Pointless
In this thrilling Pointless episode, contestants embark on a journey through Olympic sports trivia, delve into the glitz of Academy Awards trivia, name Santa’s reindeer, and identify flags from around the world. This unique blend of topics tests their knowledge across a spectrum of sports history, film excellence, festive folklore, and global…
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academy awards triviaalexander armstrongalexander armstrong pointlessflag quizgameshowgeneral knowledgegeneral knowledge triviamixed triviaolympic sports triviapoint lesspointlesspointless quiz showpointless ukquizquiz showrichard osmanrichard osman pointlesssanta's reindeer quizTriviatrivia quiztrivia quiz questionstv game showtv quiz show
You have to be a hard-core football nut to get a pointless answer in that final. I know my football quite well but hadn’t even heard of most of those players.
The reindeer question was dumb. Just a lottery trying to guess which one was the lowest scoring
Please note the year
How can 88 people see a picture of Stephen Hawking and not know who he is? It's not like he's a non-descript person.