Food Choices DOCUMENTARY – The truth about Food, Diet and Wellness

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Food Choices DOCUMENTARY – The truth about Food, Diet and Wellness

Join award-winning filmmaker Michal Siewierski on his three-year journey to expose the truth about our food choices. This ground-breaking documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people’s health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet,…



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  1. Different eating habits fit into each individual person uniquely. There is no black and white when it comes to nutrition. My personal opinion is to eat whole foods and cook your own meals. Sift out the processed frozen convenient meals. Take the time for your health. Your body is the only home you will ever truly own.

  2. Probably the worst food documentary ive seen)))).animal food bad, too animal protein bad.. that is wrong. Period. Need animal protein, protein in generla for healthy muscle, just our bodybin general for healthy amino acids. Plant protein is insufficient and lacking. Need to consume a ton of plants and therefore sugar – many fruits and even vegetables nownare high in sugar/fructose – for that protein.

  3. No point watching this documentary. It answers no question, but only causes confusion for a critically thinking person. Here are some weak points I found in it.
    06:20 The man claims that humans ate mainly starches when they were hunter-gatherers. Yet, there were no potatoes, corn or rice in Europe back then. Mots grains were uncultivated and were wild. Imagine most rice being like the brown rice that takes 2 hours to boil and is still harder to digest that white rice. How did humans got enough energy from it to run and hunt something down? When he talks about Eskimos he says they are an exception and not the rule. What is the rule? After you ask yourself the same question the documentary jumps in another direction, and that is that your hands are perfectly designed to harvest and pick plants. They brainwash the viewer into thinking he should go on a plant diet after providing him with the question what is the rule then what he can do with his hands.
    17:25 What do the four stomachs of a cow have to do with the chemicals that they put in animal products and manage to poison us? The cow has 1 stomach with 4 compartments to digest the grass it eats. Why are they telling us to eat plants? Do we have four-compartment stomachs as cows? Or do we have the digestive enzymes and microbiome that a cow has? Perhaps we haven't evolutionalized enough and if we all stick to a plant-based diet, we will eventually get the cow's 4 packs 😀
    They say that a plant diet is healthier than a carnivorous one. In today's day and age when everyone takes everything at face value, perhaps it is, since for the modern human it is much easier to grab an apple that has no additives than to investigate the way his meat or dairy product was prepared on each point of the supply chain (from the farmer who cowed the cows to the dairy farm where they prepared the cheese, then to the factory where they sliced the cheese, then to the restaurant where they prepared the burger or creme soup for example) On each point of the supply chain a substance is added to increase the volume and thus the profitability of the product.
    First, the farmer, who cows the cow, adds water to the milk, then the farmer in the dairy removes the fat and makes butter from it, yet, in order to keep the fat percentage of the end product that contains the milk, he adds some kind of plant oil since its cheaper than the animal fat he can otherwise sell at a higher price (butter). Then depending on what type the end milky product is, different substances are added. For example, in greek yogurt, they add starches, in fresh milk – they add chalk. And that is how we downgrade the quality of animal products and consider them unhealthy. How dare they say that animal products are trash and dangerous for our health when they are not only animal products? They are industry-made products.
    Unfortunately, this downgrading is not happening only to animal products. Those of you who are more interested could watch Secrets of our Food: The Hidden Ketchup Chronicles | ENDEVR Documentary. It is about how Heinz ketchup factories in the US are closing down and tomatoes are grown in China because of the cheap labour there. Chinese make tomato paste with additives that are not labeled and ship big barrels of it across the globe, where the product is further canned and labeled. The European legislation does not impose to state the country of origin of the tomatoes, but for sure where it is packed. In our case it is canned in Italy, therefore we have a high-quality overpriced Italian tomato paste sold all across Europe.
    All those people in this video, claiming that a plant diet is best for humans, have probably done their research and tests comparing people who ate plant-based meals that they have cooked themselves after buying a whole plant and cooking it at home and the second part of the equation most probably ate the overly processed animal-based food. I would like to see research where the second part of the equation eats grass-fed animals and drinks their milk, which grass is pesticide-free, bio, organic and all that good stuff, and the animals are freshly cowed or slaughtered before the person consumes them. Perhaps this research will be too time-consuming and expensive to conduct, but a Super Size Me, where the main character ate only MacDonalds, was not. After all, he ate convenient food and made a convenient study.
    Following the logic of the utter vegans from this video, eggs are not healthy, since they are not a plant. The only animal product that is hard to downgrade now is the egg. Have you seen a fake egg? Thankfully not yet. That is why it is so controversial whether eggs are healthy or not.
    10:10 The person shown eats not only a steak but french fries. Is he in bad health because of the steak he eats or is it because of the fries? Or maybe he doesn't care at all about what he eats?
    Moreover, a vegan diet is not sustainable for women, since many of them lose their menstruation. All vegans (men as well) have to take supplements because of vitamin deficiency. How is this diet healthy then?

    Disclaimer: I am not advocating not to eat tomato sauce because it comes from China. I am advocating not to trust this video, critical thinking and wiser consumer choices, because government won't take care of you, even when you end up in the hospital. Governments say everything is up to us, and surely it is. We wanted democracy and we have it. They know that smoking causes cancer, but they do not ban smoking, since we have the choice of whether to smoke or not. They know that added sugars have no nutritional value, yet they allow marketing such food to children and then they alarm us about the high obesity among children. Laws are made based on ethics. It is unethical to kill a human. If you do it, you are not only a murderer, but a criminal and go to jail. But if you lure children to wanting sugary food, it is just how you make your living. Surely there is nothing unethical behind that and you are not contributing to the high obesity rate. After all, parents are those who should lead arguments with their children about why they won't get a candy for being a good child. But humans don't stay children forever. One day they will have their own and they will let them have as much candy as they want, since back then, they have been so to say deprived of the sweet taste of candy, and now they want their children to have it all. Killing has been known to human beings forever and we have managed to make an ethical code about it, yet we are faced with so many new concepts that we don't have the time to judge but to make a living and ethical codes about those new things in our lives will be made with the cost of trial and error of whole generations.

    And for those of you who think that what they say in this video is true, I suggest having a vegan pizza. It will provide you with a lot of vitamins and it won't be as contaminated as a meat steak that is high in the food chain.

  4. the fact that people still think that cholesterol is bad is mind blowing, cholesterol is bad when you have inflamation. i will do what worked and still works for me, on a carnivore diet for 2 years and I fell perfect

  5. There is an ideal cat diet, elephant diet, etc. Correct. But I don't see how an ideal human diet can be based on foods that were only hybridized within the past 10,000 years or so, which is less than 5% of the time homo sapiens has been on the earth.

  6. You’re wokeness is showing. First of all you have a so-called expert reporting his own opinions about historical context he could not possibly prove as if it were fact. The idea that sexism had anything to do with men taking on the most dangerous job hunting is a joke. Virtually all hunting and gathering societies were illiterate so there is no way he would have evidence to make that claim. Also there are plenty of examples of these societies in today’s world where the men do both the hunting and gathering and the women tend to the children and do the artisan work as well as the most important job, food preparation. Which by they way they are incredibly respected for. Always weak men slipping this nonsense for points with feminists.

  7. 54 years old guy. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, a myriad of inflammations and a really vast etc.
    Keto and OMAD, got me out of the "hole". But carnivore lead me to describe it more than once with a simple word: Miracle! In spite the fact of being a newbie carnivore. I'm absolutely overwhelmed, the surprise really set in. Mostly because of the fact that I, honestly wasn't expecting much… Boy was I wrong! 🙂

    Plant based?! Forget that processed S… that help get me into that "hole". Videos like this are a ridiculous disservice to normal people! 😉

    Possibly one of the most surprising facts. I reduce my glasses graduation!! Now using my "old" glasses from years ago. For me that was almost unbelievable. And took me some time to acknowledge the fact!

  8. These are dietary recommendations for a sedentary lifestyle. Perfect for the disabled or elderly, not so much the rest of us. The lady doctor said you only need 2.5-3% of your calories from protien, that's only 15g of protien on a 2000 cal/day diet, I dare you to try that…

  9. No wonder the Americans are so fat. I have just seen three documentaries today. One of them said you must eat protein otherwise you will spike your blood sugars if you eat too many carbs. The other said it was all about calories in and calories out. the final one is this 😅

  10. I just started changing my diet from an everyday meat eating diet to now a more plant based diet and no red meat at all. More and more veggies and fruits, and I have to say that my issues with constipation have completely disappeared. I regularly visit the bathroom which is something that never use to happen. I have more energy and my mood is great. You can’t go wrong with changing your lifestyle habits.

    I learned a huge lesson, my father passed 2 years ago and he had high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol. When he passed I just knew that I had to change my life because I want to live a healthier life.

  11. What a joke. If this documentary were true (pushing the prescribed standard American diet…SAD… Which is truly sad), then we'd all look and feel great. But alas, we are the most obese and sick as ever. Ketogenic and Carnivore are the way to go. These jackasses just want us eating carbs to keep us addicted and sick…keeps the pharmaceutical companies and food industry making billions.

  12. I find it totally hilarious that no matter what channel I watch that actually knows something about what they're talking about. Nobody ever brings up kelp or what most people call seaweed. I don't even know why we don't give seaweed to our livestock because it's a hell of a lot better and it will stop 90% of the infections and push-filled pustules that these animals incur by being housed the way they are. And believe me folks help is about 98% better than spinach kale charred. Then what they claim to be. It really is simple folks I don't understand why you all make it so difficult

  13. You know it's more dangerous than eggs or meat. Even as poisoned as it is. Sugar they literally put it into your meat they literally put it into every single food you eat nowadays sugar. Aspartame highly poisonous. Then you brush your teeth with another chemical fluoride fluorine. Same s*** . Different name same exact s*** toxic. By the way the United States literally allows other countries to pay us to take that crap in and give it to us That's how much your government and the people that own you the 1% and the United corporations give a s*** about your health or your life. This country actually allows other countries that find fluoride to be highly toxic they don't want it in their country they don't want to deal with it they they give it to the United States and pay them to take it so that they can dump that s*** into you and your children. Yeah that's right folks you just don't know because you actually don't research anything you just believe anything that's told to you. How the hell do you think that the maga cult began. Lack of research and believing in nonsense. By the way that's also called ignorant or stupidity it just depends on how much a person knows before they reach stupidity

  14. Oh come on folks and I'm talking to people that made this documentary now. A plant-based diet will reverse many things it will not cure anything. But do you realize you can increase diabetes if you eat too much fruit. Your body can accept fruits and the sugar that's in them. But if you eat too much of that and you still eat ultra process b***** you're going to increase the chances of your diabetes by a hundredfold. Because you're going to add the sugars from the ultra process s*** with your body can't produce and you're going to eat all the sugars that are pretty much soluble not all of it but pretty much of it is soluble from your fruit. Pick one choose one which one's better I'll tell you this folks it ain't the one in the box