First Black Man To Live In Orania For A Week

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First Black Man To Live In Orania For A Week

Naledi Mfoloe reports on a historic event as the first black man spends a week living in Orania, a predominantly Afrikaner community in South Africa. This bold move challenges the norms and beliefs of a society known for its commitment to cultural preservation and separatism



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  1. Life isn't fair. Amd just look around the E.U. where there are real no go zones for Whites in their traditional Homelands now. So quit with this diversity is our strength crap. No one ever says asia is too asian, africa is too black, nope its only the White countries (a minority by the way. in the actual world population numbers) that are considered ….JUST TOO WHITE! After saying all of that… too bad, and we dont care anymore!

  2. Blacks are so annoying, they can't build a successful community and so always want to join a successful asian or white community and when their numbers increase the former succesful community fails because of the unproductive blacks. Leave them alone, blacks

  3. The church don’t allow him because the Christians there believe if your black you use to sin in your before life, that’s why they called kaffiar from Arab meaning no beliver

  4. There are several black-only towns in South Africa. The Zulu land ownership, Mnyameni in Eastern Cape, then Wupperthal, Elim, Melkhoutfontein, Mamre… but Orania was built on legally bought private land, and conforms to the South African Constitution. They aren't racists or extremists, but people of a small indigenous language and a Christian cultural mindset. You should identify as an Afrikaner to be living there. Let them do as they deem fit; it is their backyard, not ours. Replicate their immense successes elsewhere.

  5. This is nothing new in "white" European supremacist culture. The forgiveness and grace of black and brown people toward "white" Europeans for what they have done and continue to do is truly astounding and a testament to the humanity of black and brown people. People like these doom there children to a future where they will be the losers as the globe enters a new era of economic parity amongst all people. Imagine living on a continent of black people and having these backward beliefs. Its truly unconscionable.

  6. he lives in the UK, than he should clearly know that the multiculural society doesnt work in the UK, its terrible there!!! Im from the netherlands and i love this city, it looks so nice and peacefull.

  7. I love how Orania is clean with no crime or some typical crazy stuff you would get in other places. They are an example of how we as people should be living except from the part of separation.

  8. So mutch jelouse. Some blacks can understand they have the whole south africa they cant even build it up … whites in orania do a beter job .. leave them alone look at the cult in africa africa cult they hate everthing satan people

  9. For the people here wondering why orania is left alone. The built their village in the middle of nowhere in semi desert Karoo in the north cape. There are no natural resources. They pay taxes to the provincial and state government of SA. Article 235 of the constitution states that cultural independence is protected( the zulu benefit from it aswell). They bought the desert land from the SA government. This is why they are left alone.

  10. Well, maybe he wants to venture. Let's think of the positives Let him, it's legit only a week 📆.

    Plus, maybe they want to hear his very unique perspective as a Black Brit with a disability 🇬🇧 ♿.

    You gotta hand it to the man, because he is insanely brave 👏🏾!

  11. Man, we Afrikaners must be really dangerous if we are not even allowed to have one little village in the entire world. While every other tribe in South Africa has hundreds of their own villages and towns.

  12. Orania is not the whitest place on earth. I've been there. It's not 100% white. Plenty of poor small towns in Illinois that are 100% white. Tens of thousands of villages, towns and cities in South Africa and Mozambique that are 100% black. Who cares?