Fascism: Is Italy's government allowing the past to live on? | BBC News

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Fascism: Is Italy's government allowing the past to live on? | BBC News

Italy’s current government is led by the Brothers of Italy party, which has roots in post-war fascism.

Its leader, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, has said her movement has completely changed and that it is clear her politics are not those of the people raising their arms in Milan.

But some fear she and her party have not moved far enough…



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  1. I remember watching articles published by the BBC about the Azov Brigade, Ukraine. The BBC reported at length of how they were a far-right Nazi regiment who were slaughtering thousands of Russian speaking civilians living in Eastern Ukraine. The BBC even documented the SS insignia worn by the Ukrainian soldiers. How ironic that those programs, originally put out by the BBC, have vanished as if by magic!
    Please wake up to their bullshit and never buy their TV TAX.

  2. Let's remember the hypocrisy of the English and French institutions when they idolized Mussolini as the savior of Europe and then stabbed Italy in the back, dragging Italy towards a forced
    alliance with Germany

  3. Funny how half of the comments are trolls for the italian fascist party, who so openly display their hatred and incompetence under a vail of anonymity. Who claim news agencies and democrats are fascist for stating the truth. But worse are the ones that attempt to hide their fascism behind "But the ones at fault are the current goverments" or "Immigration is causing poverty", such lies that could be debunked with a 5 second google search.

  4. Please who killed Socrates? Now if Palestina is an Italian word, and if Philistia and Philistine seem so similar even with Palestina, and if Mussolini's fascism killed Jews or sent them out of Italy, what is Italy's interest in The Middle East and how have fascist ideologies influenced as well as triggered the hate that has plagued The Jews and The Palestines since Jews in Diaspora returned to their Fatherland in 1948 to establish The Zoin State of Isreal? Apostle Paul in the Bible recounted how though a Roman citizen born in Cilicia still spent a lot of money to get his Italian citizenship. We are all wasting time with ideologies that only spread hate and defend it with visible plausibilities. Germans migrated to South America to settle and establish the same hateful ideologies that killed native American Indians. The LORD JESUS CHRIST did not kill a single person and today He remains the Greatest Leader with The Greatest Ideology, Love one another.

  5. I am Italian and my families did not agree with Mussolini. Remember Italia was an Allied power in World War I. Mussolini chose to be neutral until Hitler knocked on his door and begged for him to be on his side for having provided soldiers in Ethiopia for the Italians. I hope Italians everywhere will pray and seek God and Jesus and also study American history and Italian and European histories over and over again, so they do not repeat the wrongs our nations passed through. And in America is found the foundation of modern liberty and self government that is also something you have to study on your own, because the media does not teach but what the controllers allow to be manifest.

  6. Authoritarianism is the answer to a lame democracy if infinite promises. When democracy fails and a people are neglected..what do u expect will happen? Democracy always ends this way. And then it's wanted again.

  7. I think I'll stay with a more stable honest country like England. I know it's not perfect nothing really is – it's just a lot less violent and more tolerance. Came close to getting a lovely home really good deal then I checked into their politics and laws no no way am I moving to a fascist country to escape fascism

  8. En attendant la présidente Meloni fait du tres bon travail est l économie italienne va beaucoup mieux que la France , l Allemagne.
    Donc vive fratelli d'Italia 😊😊😊😊

  9. My lived lived under Mussolini. She said on the one hand there was feat. On the other hand you n could your door open, suitcase somewhere and no one would dare touch it. With all governments you have the good, the bad and the ugly, unfortunately.

  10. Absurd, how can people NEVER learn from the past ? (as an italian descendent this really upseats me, and the problem is that it is happening not only in Itally but in so many countries in Europe and America )

  11. This note of the bbc about a fake fascist regime in Italy it is a complete lie , along this article never never is talked about the extreme left forces that always dominataed the political enviroment in Italy, forces of the right must exist in Italy we live in democracy in this country

  12. I'm a Romanian immigrant in Italy. I love Italy! People here just had enough. Muslims are driving everyone crazy. There is no future for Islam in Europe. There's no future for woke culture in Europe. We are Christians, we support families, education, work, laws and civilization. If you call that fascism, then, yes we are. No to communists, no to Islam, no to woke culture. If you don't like Italy just leave. Romania gave me back bone, Italy gave me the opportunity for a better life. Let's keep it that way.