FARMLANDS (2018) | Official Documentary

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FARMLANDS (2018) | Official Documentary

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  1. Thank you so much for watching everyone… this documentary was created thanks to your wonderful support and donations. I've uploaded it totally free to watch, so if you can do one favor for all the effort everyone put into creating this – please please share it with at least one person. Spread the word so these stories are not forgotten.

  2. For the poor afrikaans :: Marry german womans and mens and move here we got a perfect social system our gouverment pay all .
    we need more white people here bc even our culture die.

  3. People need to realize that they are also manipulating the weather to destroy farms. Why do you think the media pushes back so hard on Chemtrails. I’ve tracked the Chemtrails daily outside of the Charlotte NC airport. I also found the government contractors website that sprays all of us. On their website they bragged about their contracts attempting to advertise for more work. I shared their site 100’s of times within six months. The last time I shared it they had deleted all the information linking them to government entities and deleted all the pics they have. This is happening around the world. Once you have done the research on the globalists plans for the world you easily see their bigger plans. I see all of it watching this documentary. The same symbolism ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿 the same manipulation of people, encouraging racism. The only way to stop the Globalists is for the majority to wake up and fight back. If we don’t we are all done. It’s really that simple. There is no escaping this! God Bless America because what they have planned for us they have already tested all around the world and this is plan as day to see when you understand the objective.

  4. Anyone in 2024 that still thinks that crime isnt a opportunistic event in SA, should really have their heads examined. SA in whole is in total disarray and i applaud individuals from all sides that are finally tackling these issues as one. The world needs healing and this type lazy and agenda driven journalism isnt helping

  5. It's simple what you have to do, send all the whites to first world countries like Netherlands, Australia or USA, and leave the country for the blacks I guarantee to you that in 5 years South Africa will be a unlivable shithole like 85% of the African continent.

  6. A really good documentary about a bad thing/situation! One thing I found missing though: On what is the need for 300K$ based on? That was not elaborated at all.

  7. I see absolutely no problem with the small "whites only" community in SA. Whites are a small minority group in SA that faces racism and a lot of violence. In America if a minority group such as blacks created a small "blacks only" community, the left would largely be fine with it arguing that they are a minority and deserve their own private space for their culture and to protect themselves. I guarantee many leftists in America and the West though would be hypocritical here and call this white community in SA "racist."

  8. Buy a plane ticket to Mexico and come through the Southern Border. It's wide open right now, and we might as well take real refugees, along with everyone else they are letting through.

  9. The harm of slavery in the west today is that it is used as a crutch. An entire group of people get to say, "My great-great-great-grandfather was a slave, and that is why I am unemployed/undereducated/underemployed/divorced/a single mother/an addict/etc today". When people absolve themselves of accountability, they get to sink to any depth and blame others for their failure.
    You are not an oppressor for refusing to accept an ideology that teaches people to hate you.

  10. Fighting racism with racism is like throwing wood in a house that's on fire and being confused why it's still burning.
    The never-ending circular arguments made by these "activists" is maddening.