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  1. If you believe this bull crap I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale for cheap.. these chicks are leading each other down the wrong path and it’s crazy AF to me.. lol😂 damn..

  2. Men, if you're looking for a fit, feminine, friendly cooperative, and submissive woman, the odds are not in your favor.

    There's women In there 30's, and 40's with a 14 – to 16 years old mindset, and most of them never grow up 🧐‼️

  3. I studied psychology too, once I was basically forced to go to therapy. I read everything I could get my hands on, about it and learned that it’s an occult practice, designed by Northern Europeans, to manipulate your spirit. They changed most of the original wording, so that it could be accepted, as a scientific practice but it’s actually witchcraft and paganisitic ritual. As a black man, I’d love to speak with you about it, if you’re interested. Once you see it, you’ll see it everywhere, in “their” culture. Avoid their practices, at all costs. They are absolutely corrupt.

  4. This false there are more black men in America making more money than black women, educated, and eligible for marriage this near it is absolutely false, for example earning over 100k annually
    BM: 900K +
    BW: 700K +

    Millionaires for very BW Millionaires, there 3 +

    Black women just can't STOP LYING ON US😂🎉🤫🤣

  5. Who is raising the Peter Pan boys? ….. Single mothers. Women in their 30s and 40s have hit the wall. If they do get a man she will just be a jump off and too old to have his children and set in her ways. He has his eyes on the 20 to 25 year old without all the baggage.

  6. Sweetheart let's just say you're right. Do you not think that's done on purpose? So let me ask this if in 10 years a decline in black marriage and child birth is significant come back to this video and ask yourself this one question. Was I contributing factor to that? Are you bringing awareness or just bashing and claiming black men aren't worthy? We have too many facts to continue this ignorant. It's not that hard to look at the bigger picture sista….