Evolution of Parenting
Evolution of Parenting
Parenting is tough; you do your best and hope your children become good people. In this episode, Toyin and Tokunbo discuss parenting while reflecting on their parent’s style of parenting and how much it has evolved. What part of their parent’s style did they incorporate into parenting their own children?
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Wow, ladies! I love the conversations. Please keep it coming. It resonated well with me .
Great job ladies, as you have said, structure is very important in life even for adults, and let's not forget what the Bible says concerning children in the book of Proveb 29vs15. Agreed, many of our parents would have been arrested or sent to jail, but look at the results many of us turn out right. Conclusions this generation are wire a bit different from us , we must learn to listen and see things from their perspective not to agree with it all but to guide them. Have respect for people and fear God
Hmmm… Deep one for me.. 😅Not being able to express my thoughts as a child did a number on me… I guess that’s why I encourage my children to use their voice however, be respectful and don’t be rude!!!! As a parent we need to educate them on how it’s important for their development and self-expression. Encourage open communication and provide a supportive environment and never to shut them out. (invite them to the table.)😊 Be open and honest!
Great job ladies. Love this episode. It’s definitely not easy being a parent.
If we parent how we were raised, trust and believe Department of Social services will definitely be at your door step 24/7 😂
However, we can still implement the positive impact of how we were raised. So that our children will inherit the positive aspects of our upbringing. Like cultural values, traditions, and positive role modeling
Great one ladies! My favorite part of parenting is seeing the growth in my children and how much they are able to express themselves especially with issues that they care about
Great job ladies per usual. My favorite thing about being a parent is the unconditional love I get to share with my kids. Makes getting up every morning worthwhile.
Couldn't agree more! Hats off to single parents.
💯% agree with correcting kids, however, I'm ok with my kids speaking up & advocating for themselves. We were raised to not challenge our parents but I welcome my kids questioning me (I don't always like it but I see it as a net positive)
My kids are so traumatized by being called to bring me the remote. When you find a comfortable spot on the couch, it blows to move😅
Parenting how we were raised wouldn't even work in the US. Our parents will be locked up for child abuse😂
The production value is exquisite