Ethiopia: UK warns of food crisis triggered by war and drought | BBC News

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Ethiopia: UK warns of food crisis triggered by war and drought | BBC News

The UK’s Africa Minister Andrew Mitchell has said there is “every danger” of famine in Ethiopia unless action is taken to prevent it.

His warning was echoed by regional leaders in the country who said the world was ignoring a worsening crisis triggered by war and drought.

The Ethiopian government said 16 million people across the country…



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  1. Stop the war in Amhara, the more fertile and largest food cop producing region, and most of the problem will be resolved. The Amhara genocide must be stopped.
    ## STOP Amhara Genocide

  2. More than 20 million people are starved in Ethiopia which is absolutely done by prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali. People can't access to food, water and basic necessities becuase of War which is committed by Abiy Ahmed Ali. There is still a devastating war in Ethiopia especially in Ahmara region and Amhara ethnic cleansing!

  3. This is the cruel criminal policy of the mad man of Ethiopia PM Abiy ahmed who changed the constitution and brought death, disaster and destruction to the Tigrie people and it's region..
    This regime is now fighting against Amhara people and part of Oromo people.
    This regime committed Genocides last three years and thousands of innocent Ethiopian people are dead, thousands are injured, and millions are displaced and are internal refugees..
    The regime is failed politically, Economically, and socially..
    That's what caused the famine
    But the world are deaf,dumb,and blind about the atrocities that the Abiy ahmed regime is committed and committing now in Ethiopia and upon it's people..
    Our prayers are whith the Ethiopian people..

  4. Shame on FOA for awarding Abiy Ahmed the prestigious FOA Agricola medal. A leader whose country is decimated by war and famine. This is so surprising to award a man whose country is affected by drought and endless conflict.

  5. All this happened because of the new dictator abiy Ahmed.
    This dictator starts war by inviting other neighbors to kill and to Destroyer, his own country, and his people. Before the war, Ethiopia was the fastest growing country, but the war has destroyed it.. and those people that you see starving are purposely he wants to finish the population of tigray by withholding the food.

  6. The West supports Abiy Ahmed, supports him in his civil strife against Shaaba, supports his expansionist policy, and supports Ethiopia’s policy of stealing water through dams, so the West will pay money to the Ethiopians to combat famines.

  7. This is neither climate change nor over population. You don’t know Ethiopia at all!
    This is a crises that the incompetent, irresponsible, warmonger, and so to speak narcissistic psychopath Abiy Ahmed Ali (PM) single handedly created.
    2 years of war in Tigray that killed over a million people, this is Abiy Ahmed’s project to destroy northern Ethiopia.
    He is doing the same as you are reading this in the Amhara region.

  8. В Эфиопии очень красивые люди. Девушки красивые и дети. Разве вам их не жалко? У развитых стран есть деньги, так почему бы не помочь Эфиопии? Нельзя быть такими злыми и равнодушно смотреть на их голод. Правильно делают, что кормят их.

  9. This is endless problems since British colony created 1945 bloodshed country called Ethiopia for small mountains ethnic group to slave majorities ethnicity!