Ethiopia: The East pt. 7 – Harar, Belayneh Hotel – Crappy and cheap hotel room
Ethiopia: The East pt. 7 – Harar, Belayneh Hotel – Crappy and cheap hotel room
Belayneh Hotel
0 %
I have been there, in Belayneh hotel. Dirty hotel and surrounded by noisy area. We shifted to Ras Hotel.
Is it safe, I mean if you leave your belongings?
So what standard American quality maybe.
What a spoiled lil cry- baby, maybe you should go to Europe and pay 2-500 usd's per night….and the comment under mine is 1000% right….Time to smart'n up
You should have paid a little more and get a better hotel. You will get, what you paid for. Thank you for the info and I don't go to Belayneh Hotel.
I was there last year, Harar and Dre Dawa! I stayed in a beautiful hotel with a nice bed, jacuzzi, and breakfast. If just add $10 you could have get it.
When you’re traveling ask for the cheapest and the most expensive hotels in the city. You will be surprised to find a nice hotel for appropriate money.
P.s. If you didn’t get the chance to feed the hyenas while you’re in Harar, you missed out.