Eminem Daughter Reacts to Sleeping with Diddy and Kanye West after Diddy's Arrest

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Prophet Muscle

Joined: Dec 2024
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Eminem Daughter Reacts to Sleeping with Diddy and Kanye West after Diddy's Arrest



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  1. It would seem that the more advanced we become as a society, technology that works for us, aids us in our day to day lives, and creates more time for leisure, we have not managed to change what matters most. US, and our vore behaviour. We should be on a path to becoming enlightened beings by now? We have changed how we look, how we talk, how we see day to day life, and we have created our own expectations for what is a "successful" person within these parameters. Sadly, what we haven't managed to change is how we act. How we treat each other, treat animals and the earth itself. War, money, theft, hatred, racism and so much more. All diseases of mans way. Imagine the progress we could make in 100 years if we managed to understand, and control, eventually rooting out all negativity?
    I know……im a dreamer.

  2. Пълни глупости. Тази много добре е знаела къде се намира и защо е отишла. И властите са знаели. Мълчали 20 години, сега им казали говорете и те говорят. И това е ниско ниво на сатанизъм. По нагоре, освен "изнасилването" ги транжират , докато са живи и пият кръвта им.
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