Election News: The Democratic Alliance Party Campaign AD Ruffles Some Feathers Across South Africa

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Election News: The Democratic Alliance Party Campaign AD Ruffles Some Feathers Across South Africa

Reneilwe Morema reports on the opposition party The DA’s recent election campaign AD that shows the Country’s national flag on fire, which goes against protocols of how to handle the National flag. The AD faced backlash from the Citizens, and President Cyril Ramaphosa condemned the DA, calling their AD ”treasonous”.



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  1. the LATE GREAT YUSEF BEN YOCHANNEN once said that if the kkk opened its door for black people to become members ,a lot of black people would join.the same way the black SA are doing today with the DAP, SAID SAID SAID.b1

  2. As a black American im hoping for the EFF to rule SA however seeing as how SA hasnt expelled the boars and allow them to practice white supremacy openly i have doubts that SA is ready to move foward and do what has to be done …

  3. And you are how old, and dare make comments about an era where you had no existance. You have destroyed the flag by discarding anything " proudly South Africa " ……. Please vote for the party that makes the most sense, and not based on an advert that you dont like. You might want to stop using lip gloss, the current advert for it was produced in a neighbouring country – and their political ideals are far from what you are advocating.

  4. vote DA…apartheid will never come back because we out number the whites and we can easily win against them if it came down to it. remove ANC from the seat and give other parties A CHANCE…its just 5 years guys, we can remove it after.

  5. bruh what s this reporting its so bad. Its not "burning the flag to replace it with the old one", its more deep. they say "what our flag stands for and what our country stands is burning from people who wants to destroy the country for their own gain."

    this is anc propoganda, they love to do this

  6. It baffles me as to why these White foreigners think they should be leaders of a BLACK country. BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS need to elect a leadership team that will represent all the BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS. Get rid of all corrupt leaders. South AFrica cannot move forward as long as you have corrupt leaders. Plus, they need to get rid of all those WHITE folks who think this is there country. No questions ask , just take back the stolen land.

  7. If the DA wins, hundreds of thousands of people who had left South Africa for a better and safer life overseas will slowly return, bringing with them their skills, their wealth, bring back jobs and businesses. The DA will rebuild the justice system, bring back the Scorpions who were disbanded and fired by the ANC because they got too lose to prosecuting the ANC for crimes of corruption! They will resume operations, capture and trail everyone involved in corruption. That is also why the ANC is clinging desperately to power because they all know they need to flee the Country to escape justice when the DA takes over.

  8. The Democratic Alliance stands for ALL people of South Africa!! No Matter your color, creed, culture or background. The Democratic Alliance will raise South Africa out of this awful depression, help create millions of new jobs, bring back investors, bring back wealth and power to the people!

  9. The ANC government has desecrated the flag of South Africa and these corrupt politicians and the president is burning this country down into the dirt. That is why the DA is fighting against the ANC, to stop the ANC from destroying the Country further, to save South Africa and to save her people from a far worse future.

  10. The Democratic Alliance made the clever and effective advert which shows nothing but the TRUTH to show the people of South Africa what the ANC is doing, and what the EFF and the MK Party will do to South Africa if they take over, if they form the doomsday coalition! Then the paper pixelated paper flag gets restored, reversed and asks people to Vote for the DA, because they Democratic Alliance will save South Africa!

    South Africa is facing a terrible and very dangerous crisis, people are dying here every single day! South Africa is currently burning!! Literally burning and innocent people are losing their lives as I am typing here!!! The Country will completely burn down and collapse if the ANC holds onto power. Why? Do your research!

    So this horrible accusation about the DA burning a flag is nonsense!! It is only the ANC party and the EFF, and the MK Party who is using it, twisting it, falsifying it and turning it into a weapon against the Democratic Alliance through lies and manipulation! Which utterly ridiculous and pathetic.

  11. The people of South Africa are sick and tired of the evil, corrupted ANC criminal party organization which must come to an end in order to save South Africa from a catastrophic future, where there will be nothing but a grim future ahead for all South Africans if the ANC stays in power.

  12. You really need to do your homework when it comes to politics in South Africa before posting videos on YouTube and feeding disinformation and negative opinions about the only Party in South Africa that can and will crush the ANC for once and for all, and save South Africa from the doomsday coalition of the ANC, the EFF and the MK Party!

  13. I haven’t heard any of the politicians in SA talking about how they are going to build housing feed their hungry,improve their schools and education system, and more. They have been slow to action if not inactive.
    The blatant ways in which nothing is happening is ridiculous.
    Less talking and more action.

  14. Our worst enemies are those whites surrogates YouTubers who looks like us. They are given crumbs to discampaign the EFF by instilling fear mongering amongst us by saying if the EFF and the ANC come together this village called SA in Africa will be like Zimbabwe. Well it has already been worse than Zimbabwe since they showed up in African shores more than four hundred years ago. Generational curses generation after generation.

  15. Democracy is "Demo" (demon) "Cracy" (rule), meaning "demon rule". So, Why do Africans push Democracy? The continent of Africa must establish, educate, certify, legislate laws, etc. for its' own Black Nations leaders and governments. Please, Please, Please!! Africans must PUT A STOP TO ALL Western Corporate Giants and Corporate Investors from their corrupt domination, rape, robbery, murder and destruction on the African continent. Africa will not have Peace until our Black people are securing and governing our own Nations and Kinds.

  16. DA is not good for SA and Black stand in the world.
    Have you noticed, they never say Ramaphosa president of SA; all whites refer to him as the president of the ANC.
    They don't consider a black man or woman as in charge of them also
    Look how DA (white owners) rejected Maimane, like a socks…and they guy is totally lost. What else Black SAns need to open eyes… Trying to put whites back in charge will wipe out all Black successful entrepreneurs. Black middle class will be made of supervisors. BEE will be gone
    Finally, weakening the ANC in the middle of all the ongoing changes in the global geopolitical order is a 100% mistake.
    Coalition government are a simply a proof of an in country inconsistency, indecision and division. Which is not good for FDI and policy making.

  17. Stop blaming America it's putting the more and more one Day America will say will stop the stop building schools getting water wictch America want America not like that

  18. May God bless the Afercan and they jsd it hard but America trying help the higher power don't spend on the people Afercia should be rich all of the people doing good it might be to late hooe not

  19. They genocided the native americans, aboriginals, southamericans, namibians, tried to genocide south africans, support genocide of palestinians, yet you people talking about unity.

  20. Vote DA cos they are the most intellectual party in goverment they are also the only one's without criminality plus they didnt burn SAfrica to the ground and put SAfrica in a straight jacket like ANC did 💙💙💙

  21. My God the boers are the greatest threat to Black South Africa! PLEASE BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS ELECT JULIUS MALEMA AND THE EFF! But this is what happens when Black South Africans did not hold the boers accountable for their crimes against humanity during the Apartheid terrorism!