ECOWAS must sit-up,the union have not done anything to help liberate Africa,Dr Arikana
ECOWAS must sit-up,the union have not done anything to help liberate Africa,Dr Arikana
Some bold and, frankly, eye-opening criticisms from none other than Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao—a vocal advocate for African liberation and the former African Union Ambassador to the U.S. Dr. Arikana has recently set her sights on ECOWAS, accusing it of falling short of its promise to liberate Africa. Has ECOWAS become a symbol of regional…
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Facts. They need us
Very sick. Mentally and physically. It so disgusting
Time for ECOWAS TO CHANGE ITS NAME.REORGANIZING A NEW CONSTITUTION . WHEN THE COUNTRIES ARE WEAK UNDER WEAK Governments. The old are not showing strength or change. Many are afraid of the West even West African people.West African countries are moving forward WakeupAfrica
Trump and Israel is coming .for weak PUPPETS THE COUNTRIES WILL SUFFER .
Us the enslaved Africa's we were the ones who were supposed to build Africa. But u Africans sold us into slavery Africa is paying the price for this inhumanely action
The Europeans took or replaced certain words in our scriptures that would cause us to loose our paths or our history as to who we really are sons and daughters of the living Elohyim/Power.
The fact and reality is the Bible and all scriptures taken out of circulation is actually the historical records of a Bantu Shemitic people living in all African countries at the bottom of the economic ladder and is not a European book or history,even they are in as the oppressors known as the Greeks and the Romans with the help and collaboration of the Bantu Y'sraelites Brothers the Edomites.
ECOWAS must stop working for the west and focus on Africans
African leaders are puppets of the west
She is a strong black Queen that is trying to do the best for africa we have some old black leaders thst like to kiss the whire man ass and keep africa down we need to get the rid fo those leaders
She's speaking to me an American African via slave trade…truthful
Thank you for the information
Thank you, Mama Africa.
Hope the women in parliament and those who hold key positions got a nugget of wisdom, self dignity, and pride and have learnt to stand up and do something for their people. We as a nation need to be healed and set free from this DA and FP apartheid regime.
AES is the way to follow and to get Africa out of poverty. Thank you Dr. Arikana.
The sister is RIGTH, we never stick together. ❤❤
Yes Mama, wake up the Dead, We have been too long in the Grave, Let Africa arise and all Our Enemies be Scattered.🔥🔥🔥.
Dr Arikana is absolutely right. First, we must get rid of the selfish, self-serving leadership. Next, throw out all the books being taught in the schools. Re-educate the teachers about who they really are. Remove all the religious leaders. European history is a false history. Learn the facts about what is actually African History. Accept lies no more.
Welcome botswana to the table
Lets make the caricom a state of the AES panafricans need to stick togather and leave the people with stocholmes syndrome behind they serve european gods and agendas
Give power to the AES and forget Eco was In the pastense where they belong bunch of pupets .
Stop taking money from your enemies
ECOWAS and AU are puppets of Western countries and in love with there WHITE MASTERS! LOL!
Is our mind sister our mind
I would love to go to Africa one day