DRC tribunal sentences 25 soldiers to death for ‘fleeing the enemy’

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DRC tribunal sentences 25 soldiers to death for ‘fleeing the enemy’

Twenty-five soldiers accused of fleeing fighting against M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have been sentenced to death.

Al Jazeera’s Felix Nyawara reports.

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  1. m–a & menses said chris maybe mentor (?)
    it is too violent out there
    stop killing and warring out there, Africa
    bid you much better


    After migration of thousands of Africans ethnicity. In 14 to 15th centuries those Tutsi came from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and Somalia 🇸🇴 then immigrated to Rwanda 🇷🇼 . That times they didn't have any land cause they were warriors marionettes utilized by the west during their wars. So at their local areas in Somalia and Ethiopia they got told to move away as they went to help white people in Europe 🇪🇺, then they came back in Africa and installed themselves in Rwanda then they spread later in Uganda , Tanzania , Kenya, Burundi, etc. No single one was in the Congo yet.

    Then they went to Rwanda and starting fighting local people there and change power all the times by war sometimes they were on power , sometimes local people.

    In 1950s , the lost war and power to local people so they fled to Congo in South Kivu , they name that place Mulenge. So that's why those ones in Congo are called Banyamulenge. Our former president decided to help them , which now is considered the biggest mistake our former President Mobutu did, he announced that every who was in the Congo 🇨🇩 DRC before the independence in 1960 became Congolese. So Banyamulenge became Congolese in that way as I have told you it was a biggest mistake every Congolese will tell you these.

    In 1994 , Tutsi and Hutu (local people) they started to kill each other, apparently they kill more Tutsi cause Hutu had more access to guns and matchetes those are history they teach every Congolese in school from primary to University. So Hutu lost the war because French lied to them to do cease fire 🔥 and they tell those Hutu to go to Congo, the Congolese government accepted to welcome them, another big mistake because other neighbouring countries refused to welcome them genocidaire as neutral person as me, Hutu did bad by killing innocent babies we saw on the movies and history at school.

    In 1996, Rwanda government Tutsi and few Congolese politicians removed mobutu on power through war called AFDL liberation, every Congolese was happy cause Mobutu was a dictator and war there for 32 years. And the had of that Liberation movement AFDL became president of Zaire and change the name to colonial name Congo and post colonial name Congo before Mobutu.

    After Liberation in 1998, when the president of the country and of liberation told Rwanda government to go back to Rwanda they were angry and started a another war called RCD Goma.

    WARS IN MY DRC TILL NOW : as I said the biggest mistakes was to allow Tutsi Banyamulenge to be Congolese in 1970s , and to Welcome Hutu Génocidaire in the Congo as Refugees. Rwanda 🇷🇼 government through these wars used discriminatory allegations that Banyamulenge have been mistread in the Congo 🇨🇩, which is not true cause these people have been with US Congolese since before until wars and Genocide of Rwanda that's there are Hutu and Tutsi we used to know all are Rwandan our brothers and our sisters until their government brought these separation in Rwanda and in the Congo.

    Everytime Rwanda does wars in the Congo they came as to look for Hutu Génocidaires or they came to support Banyamulenge in the Congo 🇨🇩 so that they government can treat them well.

    First of all, we don't know who is Tutsi Munyamulenge and who is Tutsi Rwandan because they are all the same , speak same language, they all against Congolese governments all the times.

    Secondly, that confusion Rwandan government use it to infiltrate our government so that all the times when there's negotiations between Congolese government and rebellious Banyamulenge wars, they government of Rwanda will impose and infiltrate its military in our Government so they can have access to our government information and those Rwandais military 🪖 need to be highly ranked as general ,major, colonels, and so on.

    In Conclusion, Rwanda government with its rebellious allied, and its genocidiary system comes in the Congo for several reasons:

    – Working for super power countries : USA, France, UK, Belgium, and European Unions so that they can give them Congo 🇨🇩 's natural resources for free or at cheaper cost.

    – Congo 🇨🇩 is so bigger and Richest country in the World when it comes to natural resources.

    -Divide Congo 🇨🇩 so that the poorest and smallest country , Rwanda can be bigger and Richer.

    – kill all Congolese if it's possible and take over

    – Send Rwandan citizens as Banyamulenge ("means Congolese Tutsi " apparently) send them as Congolese refugees in Australia, USA, UK, France, Belgium, Europe, North America, New Zealand, etc so that one day they can come and divide Congo or bring huge war in their favor in the Congo. They make sure once the Rwanda citizens arrive in the those developed countries they can do army so that they can go weaken the Congo.

    -Over half millions Rwandese have gone to those countries as Congolese when they are not even Congolese or Banyamulenge but Rwandais who speak Kinywarwanda or English. While languages spoke in the Congo 🇨🇩 are French as Official language, 4 nation languages: Kikongo, Kiswahili, Tshiluba, and Lingala. Plus , 450 plus dialects and every dialects correspond to language of each tribe. Such for your information there is no tribe in the Congo called Banyamulenge or Tutsi Congolese don't exist and will never exist.

    – Every Tutsi Rwandais want to be Congolese.

    – Gain more from war in the Congo by raping Congolese women cause most those soldiers or Rwanda origin have HIV aids.

    -Kill all Congolese if they can so Rwanda can take over.

    – Rwanda Government and its genocidiary system have killed over 20 million Congolese citizens since 1996 till present.

    – Rape all Congolese women : every 5 minutes these people have raped over 30 millions women, children and boys , men.

    – Causing Atrocities so that local Congolese people can leave their houses 🏠 , lands so that Rwanda can take over.

    – Congolese Army cannot win any kind of wars against any rebellious group founded, supported and created by Rwanda because Congolese army is infiltrate by Rwandan soldiers imposed at so called negotiations which imposed by the west on profits of the west and Rwanda government.

    – Kill as many Congolese people as they can cause they West supports Rwanda government and make the media silent that's why there's a silent biggest genocide happening in the Congo 🇨🇩 cause Rwanda are killing us Congolese and the west and media are silent

  3. This is Disgusting they are sentencing Soldiers to Death for fleeing if that is even the truth but No Accountability for the Killings and Rape of millions of Congolesse some even at the Hands of the Congolesse Army
    God Have Mercy On The DRC 🙏🏾

  4. Tshisekedi way of leading and politics is the same as Habyarimana's before the 1994 disaster in Rwanda all based on discrimination against the Tutsis. Trust me the world will thank M23 when the war is done they are fighting for a better cause.

  5. I would rather die as a rebel than as a slave.
    I guess at this point that you could say that their "friends" and their "enemies" have switched sides with each other.

  6. EAC is a joke. Apparently it is a proxy war between RW vs DRC for resource rich regions in the name of the foreign NGO's? Then there's Kenya (the government). Where to even start with them? Unilateral deals with Europe and America brhind EAC's back? Africans need to stop playing with their lives.

  7. Congolese government are idiots😂😂how are they going to execute the soldiers who were defeated but not the commanders? Why even execute them at all? They were overwhelmed by M23 so they retreats they can’t beat M23 that’s for sure if the Congolese government keep executing the soldiers for fleeing all those soldiers will join M23 thus the incompetent Congolese army will lose

  8. people of drc be comforted because you have found a savior who is M23 go back to the areas he took because there is peace and there is no discrimination in drc🇨🇩🇨🇩

  9. The East African forces in DRC had the right approach to all this, they had managed to convince m23 to start leaving some areas,,,but it seems some people don't want this conflict to end so they got rid of the East African forces,.now m23 gaining more ground

  10. Remember how the Congolese generals killed the courageous, heroic and patriotic Colonel momadou? You expect soldiers to fight for traitors?

  11. All this is force information.
    Al Jazeera, what has Africa done to you?
    Yes Congo is on war but don't lie, don't lie we know this stupidity won't take you anywhere.
    1. Your translations are different from the original.
    2. You don't show who were sentenced.
    Everything fake. Why painting our Africa these bad colors?
    You don't report anything bad about Europe and USA where a lot of domestic terrorism happen.

  12. Congolese are known to be weak soldiers. It's always been this way. Even the che Guevara was stoned when he did his best to train them for their liberation.
    It's a people that it's easy to stump on

  13. I do not understand how killing a soldier who fled for their life will help. It is a horrible scare tactic for the remain soldiers and does not help the situation. I am not from the country though, and don't have any business trying to tell them how to run their country. I do feel sad for the civilians who are just trying to live and don't have money to simply move to another place or country. May peace come today!

  14. Infinite one said separate those who accept infinite one Allah paid death to their fleshes so their souls go heaven. Why feed food to the dead fleshes so the souls go heaven so how can dead meat eat living meats 🍖?

    Infinite one had given us life and the life is in his son life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too word of Jesus christ lives forever. Whomever rejected word of Jesus christ so too they had rejected jesus christ.
    Pay attention to word of Jesus christ never forgives rebels babies spirit blasphemy cheat superman spirit is word of Jesus christ never forgive rebels.

    He is the link between kingdom of God and kingdom of mortal kings so he is word of Jesus christ. Nobody can enter kingdom of God marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 except thru him is word of Jesus christ. Even jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh cannot enter kingdom of God except thru him is gate keeper is word of God is word of Jesus christ

    If the king does not have him is gatekeeper so the kjng can not enter. If God did not keep him is gate keeper is word of God so even God himself is forbidden from enter kingdom of God. No man can enter kingdom of God except thru him Is gate keeper is word of God is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death Is proof bible book John verse 3-16.

    Without word of God so there is no God. Even God himself obeys word of God so God is live and resserection jesus christ flesh knelt down obey word of God is John baptist spirit is word of Jesus christ is way of rightness.

    If king blasphemy cheat John baptist spirit is gatekeeper is greatest in kingdom of God is word of God is greatest in kingdom of God is word of Jesus christ is greatest in kingdom of God so God himself asked the angels why did they angels not believe John baptist spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so John baptist spirit is greatest in kingdom of God is word of Jesus christ is gatekeeper. Jesus christ flesh cannot enter kingdom of God except thru him John baptist spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so of course fake jesus christ rejected gatekeeper is word of Jesus christ so all the fake christ died so all the fake kings rejected gate keeper is word of Jesus christ so all the fake kings died so feast on meats of fake kings the fallen kings died because they rejected kingdom of God so they fake kings accepted mortal crowns and they fake kings accepted mortal sceptre and they fake kings accepted mortal thrones and they are fake kings accepted fake word of Jesus christ so they fake kings shall surely die physically so only dogs worship fake kings so only pigs swines adore fake kings so pigs and dogs called ah di and ah GAO love fake kings feed pigs and dogs called ah di and ah GAO love fake kings. The fake prophets the ah di and ah GAO love fake kings

    The true kjng refused to die physically like the fake kings accept fake word of God so they shall surely perish under the heaven is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so the true king desires only to knelt down worship true word of Jesus christ and the word is God because in the beginning the true word of Jesus christ was with God the life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too true word of God lives forever because he is gate keeper is one person not few persons and he is gatekeeper is one man not many humans

    Nobody can enter kingdom of God except thru him is gate keeper. He is not many humans and he is not few humans because he is the one and only pearl of great price in bible book so when the rich merchant found him the gatekeeper to kingdom of God is marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 so the rich merchant found the prize is everlasting life and prosperity. The blind accept pearls so the pearls are fake gate keepers . The rich merchant has eyes to see pearls are fake gatekeepers so the rich merchant find the pearl of great price is alladin so jafar the rich merchant jagar threw away the inferior pearls the fake gatekeepers the fake words of God

    Alladin is true word of genie the life and resserection jesus christ genie the magic lamb is magic lamp so genie

    Nobody can enter kingdom of God except thru Aladdin is word of genie so superman is word of Jesus christ so whomever keeps alladin is word of genie shall never taste physical death so whomever keeps superman is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so when lex Luther the rich merchant found superman spirit is word of Jesus christ is pearl of great price is true gatekeeper to kingdom of God the marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom pearl of great price said you rich merchant jafar has eyes to see my value is gate keeper and you jafar have eyes to see worthless pearls are fake gatekeepers are fake words of God are fake word of Jesus christ so jafar knows cast away the lesser pearls and keep only pearl of great price shall never taste physical death

    Jafar said whomever even life and resserection jesus christ flesh keeps pearl of great price shall never taste physical death so word of God is pearl of great price so word of Jesus christ is pearl of great price is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so jafar cast away the lesser peals the fake gatekeepers the fake words of God the fake words of Jesus christ

    Jafar and Alladin and Genie the life and resserection genie the magic lamp the magic lamb so rub the magic lamb is the magic lamp so genie the life and resserection jesus christ flesh said never had a friend like me genie the life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too holy spirit is alladin spirit is advocate is comforter is word of Jesus christ is alladin spirit lives forever is pearl of great price lives forever

    Jafar is rich merchant seeking pearl of great price is alladin spirit is word of Jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever to too alladin spirit is Holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is word of Jesus christ

    Jafar had been looking for alladin his whole existence. Stars sings les miserables sings stars. Morpheus has been looking for neo of Matrix is pearl of great price is word of Jesus christ