DRC: The Never-Ending War | ARTE.tv Documentary

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DRC: The Never-Ending War | ARTE.tv Documentary

Two years ago, the M23 militia went on the offensive again in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This armed group controls part of the North Kivu region, massacring and expelling civilians and waging a merciless war against the authorities. A report on a forgotten conflict.

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  1. Western Media misunderstood this situation. Don't think you got what people Think in Govt controlled areas. Wazalendo, FDLR , govt soldiers killing people , rape women, and children and force some to join the military. And kill people from Tutsi families, while M23 keeps all citizens regardless their ethnicity, and people are free to say what they want. That narratives you created are not really true

  2. It is utterly impossible to solve this conflict from the outside. All sides commit unthinkable atrocities on a daily basis. All of them have goals that are rooted in decades of ethnic conflict and hate. The only thing we can do is not sell weapons and try to help with civilian aid.

  3. The fact that congolese army consists of those hutu genocidaires who fled from Rwanda after killing more than a million Tutsi in just 100 days that alone should tell how wicked that congolese army is,it also consists of congolese militias who are used to rape,steal and kill congolese people that too should tell you how wicked the congolese army is,imagine puting all those criminals in your army what do you thing they will do to the population?people should watch videos of congolese people giving testmonies on how this army rapes the women and steal valuable things from people and kill them.the root of all of this is the wicked government because a good government can never put criminals in its army.M23 is fighting for a cause and only people with a good heart will understand.

  4. It is true that where M23 controls they bring peace and civilians continue their daily life,it is only when the M23 fight with congolese army and militia that those civilians flee because bullets do not choose who to hit but other than that M23 there is peace where M23 controls,they are a professional army who is fighting for their rights to live on their land and peace where congolese army and militia will no more be killing them and their families.

  5. Wait, “Forgotten”??? When has the Congo ever had peace???

    This land has been in “crisis” since its 1960 “independence”inception. But to be brutally honest, this land has been in conflict since the European Belgiums invaded their land and confiscated the natural resources for their own benefit!

    This is yet another savaged African state unable to recover from the horrific atrocities committed by the European regimes that stripped another nation’s land, sea, air, and humanity. Look at this place now. Why isn’t Belgium paying this place compensation for all the natural resources they stripped from that land.

  6. Congolese government is a big problem in the region,they supposed to eliminate the FDRL and all strangers rebels but they kill the Congolese because they speak kinyarwa and what people must know is that the region was a Rwandan territory then the colonialist cuts it and give it to congo (the message is: we will live together as brothers of killing each other like idiots )

  7. 😭😭😭😭 my heart dropped wen i saw this. The west is really ruining Africa. if it was not because of propaganda nd lies fed to our government officials ths wouldnt happen. i mean both groups want the samethng to live in peace nd have a none colonized freedom