DRC protesters target Western Embassies, As South Africa Deploy 2900 Troops to Fight Armed Groups

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DRC protesters target Western Embassies, As South Africa Deploy 2900 Troops to Fight Armed Groups

DRC protesters target Western embassies, As South Africa Deploy 2900 Troops to Fight Armed Groups In Eastern Congo – It is no secret that the insecurity and conflict in eastern Congo have escalated significantly with the resurgence and advancement of M23 rebels in the region. The M23 rebellion, a rebel group largely composed of former…



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  1. Rwanda does not have anything to do with the current situation in Eastern Congo.
    Mobutu Sese Seko should be blamed for backing the 1994 Rwandan genocide and ultimately accepting the Hutu extremists into the then Zaire which continues to be the challenge.

  2. We are Africans weather we are Christian or islamic. They will make us weaker to they canbuse us to fight thier war. We don't have problems with Islamic people we have a problem with the islamic way of thinking Thier God is the only way and they will kill you for it if you not following thier way

  3. They use our weaker countries in Africa to pin doown the big country. Americans are trying to maintain thier power or else the idains and the Islamic will get them and the idianns and Islamic wanna use us to defeat America to get Thier revang against the Americans

  4. Congo cannot point fingers. The congolese people should first have unity amongst themselves. That country has a problem of deep rooted tribalism and ethnic hatred. No amount of outside help will stop the Eastern war. It is upto the Congolese to first have unity.

  5. South Africa sending troops to help the DRC fight its own people. What in hell is wrong with those African leaders. Why they never sent soldiers to help Niger mali and Burkina Faso fight those Sahel Muslims killing our people. Also why don’t they use their soldier to end apartheid and poverty in South Africa. What is wrong with black leaders. What is wrong with them. They are ready to kill blacks but afraid to run those Europeans that have enslaved them in their country. Complete unconsciousness in Africa.

  6. The true m23 are these two presidents kagame of rwanda and museveni president of Uganda,you arrest these two you have arrested m23.Museveni is not a Ugandan but a tusi who forcefully took power by use of a gun and what unites these two presidents kagame and museveni is that they are both tusi and their plan is to establish their tusi satanic dynasty to east Africa and to Africa at large.Museven is the biggest problem here more dangerous than kagame,he sets the trend and kagame follows.These two presidents kagame and museveni are the cancer eating up congo and east Africa.museveni and kagame are the m23,they are the so called AdF killing innocent people.

  7. DRC does not need armies DRC need protection against France France is playing all the dirty games in the north of Africa I do have a question for South Africa, South Africa you are sending armies to DRC to kill who you are up in arms with Israel, you engaged on acts genocide on DRC national you have an army to. Mozambique to kill who South Africa you are niw like a headless chicken worse still you are foreigners through your national wing dhudhula its you South Africa whi is supposed to prosecuted for genocide the leader of DRC need to identify people of are angry then solve the matter please boot out France from Africa he is the cause disturbilities in Africa why can't you emulate Burkina Faso

  8. Tchisegeti has no leadership skills to rule the country rather than using his own people and rebellions groups to terrify the people who don’t agree with his stupidity ideas. World been quite and scared of him due to the fear of losing interest they have in Congo. He’s blaming others for his insecurities caused by him rather than taking responsibility for his mess.

  9. They are perfectly allowed to share their dissatisfaction with the way things are being dealt! Wish they had a young Captain Traore🙏🏾😔also my brother and sisters look at the bigger picture all this mess by creating tension between RWd and Congo is part of a bigger plan to destabilise the region! So they foreigners can find puppets that can rule the region and therefor open the door for our resources! They have been using these tactics forever put us against each other! Don’t fall for the propaganda we should instead work together and come to a common ground! War is not the solution!