Dr Uzwi-Lezwe Radebe on the impact of his book 'Introduction to African Indigenous Spirituality'
Dr Uzwi-Lezwe Radebe on the impact of his book 'Introduction to African Indigenous Spirituality'
Dr Uzwi-Lezwe Radebe, Leader and Founder of The Revelation Spiritual Home launched an Introduction to African Indigenous Spirituality book which aims to differentiate between religion, Universal spirituality, and Afrikan indigenous spirituality.
The book makes a clear distinction between the sectors and their functionalities in the societies…
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💙lesi sizwe esiphila kule sikhathi sanamuhla sibusisekile ngeshwa iningi lethu alikuboni lokho futhi kubukeka umlando ufuna ukuzi phindi Imboni uZwiLezwe akayalezi okuningi kodwa ukuthi sizwe buyelani kuzi ndlela zabo khokho benu zoku phila kusho abadala akazi thumanga uThunyiwe Dr uZwi Lezwe Hadebe kuyo le Era to Guide the nation kuhle masosha kuhle
Afrika spirituality must go back to leading the world. The first man on Earth was a black person. Syazibonga imfundiso zeNkosi Yomoya❤💙
With spirituality we have life purpose and direction as Africans.
our very own Dr Uzwi-Lezwe Radebe the voice of the nation , the light Bearer
Glad to be in an Era Of seeing Africans being restored to their true Spiritual Identity
As Africans we are very honoured to have an authentic Spiritual Guider of this Era with such strength, compassion and passion for leading the people into relearning of what religion has instilled in Africans and Restore African Indegenuous Spirituality.
#Spirituality is leading
Truth to be told and mostly of the people likes fake religious beliefs #afrocentric indigenous spirituality must lead
My Spiritual Guider u Baba wam, 💙
The game changer book 💃💃💃💃
When i die tell them that ilived in the days of imboni uzwi lezwe radebe
We are in an Era that was prophesied by the greats iMbonikazi Mantsopa, iMboni iNkosi yoMoya Simon Kimbangu 100 + years ago about the coming of an authentic Spiritual Guider and Spiritual King👑. It's high we seek their guidance and teachings for the betterment of our present state as well as the future. It's time for Africa to rise again, grateful for the recognition they are giving iMboni UZwi-Lezwe Radebe💯🙌
This book will clarify the custodian of idlozi, of isithunywa… We will get to know the difference between the Universal Spirituality, African indigenous Spirituality and religion
Practicing African Spirituality in an African context
It is one of the most valuable things I've ever owned, the long awaited book😊😚
I have my very owned signed copy of the book🎉❤❤❤.
Dodondolo lwama Afrika I can’t wait for this book to arrive in my hands, I already can see the light that it carries
Besiqhopa umlando # Blue Nation #Amasotsha
African Spirituality is now
Religion is a men made belief system, ofcourse there will be a little bit of comparisons between religion and Spirituality because religion copied some of its concepts from Spirituality. We need to understand and differentiate between the two and decide which one will lead us! For a long time we have been indoctrinated and pushed into religion with no questions asked. It is time we return to our Spirituality and This book for sure will enlighten us into the right direction.
The prophecy of Simon Kimbangu about the coming of a spiritual king and the book of hidden truths "We will have our own Sacred Book,in which are written things hidden for the Black Race "🥺it's all happening.
Thank you Tata IMBONI Uzwi Lezwe Radebe and the team for thi eye opening book I can't wait to get my Mother eyakhe.
❤Afrika is blessed to have such a great divine spiritual guide 🙌💙
Spirituality Must Lead
Our Imboni
Our Spiritual Guider
Our Spiritual Father
We thank the Rhadebe family for giving birth to you today, we know who we are because of you, let's go forward, father
True spiritual nation
We are very honoured and grateful to receive this Wisdom from an Authentic Spiritual Guider. Once a Nation or people learn to distinguish between region and Spirituality, and follow their Spirituality, we can say now, it's only a matter of time…
African Revival
Indeed this is proof that Africa is the mother of spirituality and human kind,this book will then become the only solution to fix the human condition
Indeed this book is not limited to Africans/people practicing african indigenous spirituality,but it's a book that all races & all religious practitioners must have this book
It is very important for one to understand the difference between religion and spirituality and we are so glad to finally have a book and not that alone but a spiritual leader/ guider that can easily breakdown how, when, why and what happened to us and our true spiritual ways maybe this will help us to regain our core strength….So happy!
Truly #DecolonizingThroughLiterature
Imboni is an authorized Spiritual Guider/King who publish books, a few past Spiritual Guiders who couldn't entire form a big institution 🎉🥳🥳🥳💙💙💙💙💯💯🔥🔥🔥
This book is unmatched, it is out of this world I humbly encourage Africans to buy it and know their spiritual identity 💙💙💙💯💯
The time of truths has come, the time of African Revival.
Africa revival is now that we tell our own stories.listen to our spiritual guiders and go back to our spiritual ways.
A game changer book that every African must have in their homes.
A book that will forever be my treasure and next future generations thanks imboni Dr uZwi-lezwe Radebe
These interviews are showing that Africans want to know about their own identity that's African indigenous spirituality
What a great honour to see imboni also be guided by a spiritual guider in this era.
This book it a must to have, this book it's a must to read, this book is a need, this book is gold to all Africans who loves themselves
Now is the time that we tell our own stories. Define our own Spirituality in our own way. As our history as Africans is not really what is supposed to be. Such books by iMboni will settle the confusion as they give us Guidance. I am proud to know that I will have my own copy soon.
Sabc News thank you for giving IMboni such a platform to introduce a powerful book to Humanity. As we know that this is a book that will bring clarity and also Spiritual awakening to Human's
To live in an era of a true Author that speaks and gives dignity to an African message is a Blessing. A Book that is a legacy for future generations.
Ubukhulu bakhe okunqoba imboni ihlakaniphile futhi usebenzise izithunzi ezifanele zokwakha amazwe ethu ngesikhathi esithile 100yrs era sila
Ukwazi kuka imboni ukunikeza izibalo ezincane nokuthi umlando wethu uphinde uphumelele ekutheni silwa nabantu bethu.
Ngezenzo zakhe , uhamba phambili ukulondolozwa kwesithunzi sezwe lethu kanye nendlela esisifanele ekuphileni
Kukhona ukulondolozwa okukhulu embonini uqondisa ukuthi izwe lethu lisamukele izithunzi ezintsha zokwakha imvelo yayo.
Indlela ebhalela ngayo izinto ezindaba yemvelo yaseAfrika kumehluko kanye nokukhula kwesintu sethu kusolwandle
Ukwazi kukaRadebe ukunikeza umqondo wokuzithuthukisa kwezwe lethu kwezinye izikhathi kanye nezilwane ezifana nomhlaba.
Ukwazi kwakhe ukwengeza izithunzi zethu zezwe lethu nezamalungelo okubalulekile kwisintu sethu.
3. Umqondo owenza kube lula ukuqondisa ezilwandle zethu ezikhula ngokuthi athumele isikhathi esithile esibalulekile
Imininingwane engcono etholakala embonini kaDr. Uzwi Lezwe Radebe ikhomba ukwazi kwezotha zesintu zaseAfrika nangokucela.