DR Congo President Accuses Rwanda of Looting with EU Support

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DR Congo President Accuses Rwanda of Looting with EU Support

DR Congo President Accuses Rwanda of Looting with EU Support – It is common knowledge that the Democratic Republic of Congo or DRC and Rwanda have been locked in a tense standoff over many years partly fueled by accusations of natural resource plunder. Kinshasa has long suspected Kigali of supporting the M23 rebel group, which operates in the…



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  1. M23 is not fighting Congo, they want right in their motherland, they are not intended to harm, they are looking freedom and peace to their mothers and sisters.they don't need war they want peace.even if M23 go, there are ADF, Mai Mai, FDLR, etc…now the only focus is on M23 while others are building themselves in secret.Congo will not have peace if they don't bring up peace talk between their natives.

  2. The Congo is going to surprise western powers like China and Russia are doing today.
    It is not too late for Western world to do right for the DRC now otherwise they will regret soon

  3. The EU should be exposed to the WORLD as a
    Co- Conspirator for signing an agreement with Rwanda/Kagame to violate the sovereignty of DRC for mineral exploitation.

    The ICJ must become involved. Rwanda does not have the mineral wealth that it has agreed to deliver to the EU. The amounts requested can only be obtained by THEFT from DRC.
    They will have to DISPLACE an entire population on the eastern border for this illegitimate gain.

    EU must answer to the ICJ.

    RWANDA cannot sell to EU what they do not own.

    Where is the

  4. It has been welll documented that the looting of minerals is occurring by Rwanda.

    Kagame is facilitating this theft.
    His role is to destabilize the area for his gain and for Europeans access to the mineral resources of DRC.

    This is a diabolical agreement between the western nations and Kagame.
    It shows the immoral nature of some African leaders. They can be easily bribed then used to harm a grossly impoverished people.
    A neighbor, a brother.

    The sanctity of African life means nothing to the EU.

    I have lost ALL Respect for
    Paul Kagame.

  5. President Kagame and president tshisekedi please please for the greater good of your peoples get together in good faith as brothers by urgently engaging in constructive discussions in order to resolve the pressing issues that's causing such hurt and discontent between yourselves! Do not allow external sources to create further divide among your peoples… As for president Kagame if Infact you are supporting the rebel in the Congo please stop… Seek Peace and Pursue it with your neighbor in the Congo no need for wars in Africa ! Unite ..

  6. God commands us to judge people by their accomplishments. What did the president of dr Congo did to his people? NOTHING!

    Dr Congo president is accusing Rwanda 🇷🇼 without proof. That’s wrong.

    Congo has been in chaos long before Kagame was born. There are over 100 armed groups in dr Congo serving the colonizers of the West.

    People say Congo’s president is doing his bosses, the colonizers of the West’s dirty job. Because the West harasses Rwanda as they do all over Afrika.

    May God judge wrongdoers👹 according to His righteousness, and pay them the wages of their deeds. Amen 🙏.

    May God grant Afrika lasting freedom, peace, love ❤, and prosperity. Amen 🙏.

  7. Kagame has all along tried to fool us that he is a panafricanist. But we now know he is a blue boy of the colonisers. May be even a CIA agent. He seems to have a craving for a larger Rwanda. That means to annex part of DRC. The foreign masters are very happy to assist him towards that goal. In the meantime, they have agreed to loot DRC together as they fan the rebellion.


  9. Don't. Forget. MUSEVEN, what. Kagame. Does. Are. Together. Wth. MUSEVEN. WHY. MUSEVEN. HAD. TO. BUILD. ROADS. IN CONGO, Because. He. Wanted. To. Transport. His. Thiefty. From. Cong. To Uganda. Then. After. To. RWANDA, LWAKI. MWE KWATA. ENSI. EZITALI. ZAMWE?

  10. Africans even if We are enemies but we are still family 😢😢 please don't hate each other 💕💔💔😭😭 don't give whites the reason to smile and Recolonize Our Maman Africa 😢😢 Please love each other as Africans I BEG YOU IN THE name of God ❤

  11. The Congo president doesn't have nothing else to do.
    He can fix that mess he and France along with Belgium are doing.
    Stop dragging Rwanda in his mess , he doesn't have to steal. The Congo president is a big crook.

  12. We as black peoples have to stop all this nonsense we really have the white peoples nervous because we are woke African have the power in numbers so stop fighting each other and fight the real enemy

  13. Kagame came to power in BLOOD , ruling in BLOOD while KILLING political opponents ABROAD as well HOME.
    Kagame is USED by Western countries ( EU) to KILL Congolese ppl for MINERALS.
    Over 10 MILLIONS have been KILLED by kagame in 2 decades with Western COVER-UP.
    That is the reason why you will hear : " kagame is a model in Africa ".
    NOTICE : when PUTIN " attacked " Ukraine, the EU sent MONEY and WEAPONS to Ukraine.
    When the UN declared that kagame ATTACKS Congo , EU sent 20 MILLIONS € to RWANDA for WEAPONS that are used by kagame.

  14. When I first learnt of Kagami's support for M23, it neither sounded crecible nor made sense to me for 3 reasons.
    1. Rwandans are still trying to develop their country to the fullest
    2. Africans are not imperialists and have never been.
    3. Where the hell did Rwanda get the fund to engage in imperialism and the sponsor of distabilization in a neighboring country?

    After watching this video and knowing that the EU is involved, it's now starting to make sense to me. I thought Kagami was a patriotic African but he seem like a sellout based on this video or is he?

  15. Most of Rwanda's revenue is from mining. 2018 Rwanda earned $783 mil from mining exports, apparently from tin, tantalum, and tungsten & artisanal mining. Now from a glance this does not add up at all. In 2020 Rwanda's mineral exports revenue dropped to $124.9 mil. This is a huge plunge and very suspicious over a two year period. Now, suddenly there's a lot of fighting in DRC's mineral rich region and the main aggressors are Rwanda backed March23 movement rebels. President Felix might be completely right.

  16. Go and research Rwanda, you will see a small country claiming land from a big country saying their protecting Rwanda Tutsis who live in Congo, but the funny thing is that they are claiming land that's almost twice it's size, and those lands have other congolese tribes living in there🤔😕 Rwanda must stop lying