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  1. That Shay-Shay that she gave him there made Shannon look and act just like a little boy looking for a rescue from his mama's checkup. 😂 She's powerful and imperial, just like in the movie Precious. We need more of Mo' Nique! 🎉❤

  2. Y'all got EVERY excuse in the book. Shannon has a history of being Buckkkbroken…He can't stand on sh**! If she let him listen to the audio and he's too scared to say it, means he's STILL cashing checks, not writing them.

  3. He’s not scared he just doesn’t know the answer! Shannon is not an intelligent man! Football iq off the chart!! But thats it. He is not an intellectual man….

  4. manipulation at its best this behavior is very toxic this is just how ppl pull you into their mess she changed her tone and had the dead stare like you can trust me who side are you on his instincts was telling him to be careful here this was not a good look for monique he dont know who was on the other end of that call she is a mess 😂