Did the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon Exist : Exposing The Truth

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Historia Africana

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Did the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon Exist : Exposing The Truth

King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba are subjects of intense debate among scholars and theologians. In this video, we present years of research to explore whether these biblical figures are historical or mythical, and discuss the potential implications for religious beliefs.

1. Negro Nations and Culture by Cheikh Anta Diop.
2. David…



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  1. That would be considered adultery she was not his wife. The laws of Israel definitely did not for adultery. Solomon father King David committed adultery with Bathsheba and was punished for his iniquity. Lying on the Bible is called blasphemy.


  3. Jer. 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

    Gen. 30:31-33 And he said, What shall I give thee? And JACOB said, Thou shalt not give me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep thy flock: I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all the SPECKLED AND SPOTTED CATTLE, and ALL THE BROWN cattle AMONG THE SHEEP, and the SPECKLED AND SPOTTED among the GOATS: and of such shall be my hire. SO SHALL MY RIGHTEOUSNESS ANSWER FOR ME IN TIME TO COME, when it shall come for my hire before thy face: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats, AND BROWN AMONG THE SHEEP, that shall be counted stolen with me.

    Dan. 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and THE HAIR OF HIS HEAD LIKE THE PURE WOOL: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

    Nu. 12:10-12 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, MIRIAM BECAME LEPROUS, WHITE AS SNOW: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned. LET HER NOT BE AS ONE DEAD, of whom THE FLESH IS HALF CONSUMED WHEN HE COMETH OUT OF HIS MOTHER'S WOMB.


    Time = 360 days = 1 year = 12 months of 30 days each month
    Times = 2 years = 720 days = 24 months
    Half of time = 360/2 = 180 days = 6 months
    = 3 1/2 times/years (Dan. 7:24-25 & Dan. 12:7)

    = 1,260 days (Rev. 11:3 & Rev. 12:6)

    = 42 months (Rev. 11:2 & Rev. 13:4-5)



  4. They both existed as for solomon giving her a child I don't believe that ever happened solomon's loves likes are recorded in scripture/the bible.if he did have a sexual encounter with the pagan Queen of sheba lm sure as hell it would been documented not just in the bible but in other holy books. That's why l don't believe that this encounter took place. but unfortunately many people believe this story and other claims like the ark of the covenant was taken from Jerusalem to Ethiopia the could only be handled by a few priestly levite individuals in the bible it staits what happened when the ark fell into the hands the ungodly.

  5. These are nothing more than an attempt to belittle the true heritage of King Solomon, who indeed was black and anointed King by THE MOST HIGH, as well as the wisdom bestowed on him by GOD.

  6. King Solomon was Māori of New Zealand. The Queen of Sheba would be of the KuKuYa Tribe of Kenya 🇰🇪 they are the Guardians of the Box 📦 of the Covenant and the Tablets made of Stone!

  7. Y'all should Read the Quran! Tells you exactly ! Also read Kebra Nagast this video is definitely on point ! It will definitely help you understand the construction of these megalithic structures amaze over ! Sulayman was blessed with the help of the Jinns as builders and workers ! We call aliens or Extraterrestrials beings !

  8. It's already aware of Queen Sheba and Solomon. My question is, what happened to Judah's youngest son Shelah and his desendandants? Why isn't Shelah's descendants not recorded? Judah married a Cannanite woman ( whose name isn't mentioned, but Josephus does mention what her is. They have 3 sons. The oldest and the second to the oldest dies. Shelah the youngest lives. All it mentions are the twins by Judah's daughter-in-law and how she dresses up as a prostitute. I ask because I believe blacks are from the Tribe of Judah. Each son from Jacob was given an identifier and Judah is the "Lion". Lions thrive out of Africa. Of the twelve tribes (the 12 sons of Jacob, Judah's identifier, is the lion!

  9. I have no doubt queen Sheeba lived. Her story is somehow hidden for reasons unknown. She could have been seen as a threat.
    Hope someday her story will emerge and be told with great fervor. 🤷‍♂️🙂

  10. Prophecies of Yahawah continue to come to pass as the book testaments occurred. The Israelites live to this day as the 12 tribes throughout the world, especially in Africa and the Americas rn as we speak. And God is real….

    so yes, Israel's African-Alkebulan story is real as it gets. And brothas and sistas of Africa must repent and seek God eventually, qnd keep the 10 commandments.
    It's our destiny in order to leave and home. Only way out. Live right n and claim your freedom

    Godbless n Shalom

  11. I believe that king Solomon and the queen of sheba existed however i don’t believe that they had a child together. I’m sorry but that sounds like a bunch of fairy tales

  12. "Historians claims Solomon was not King of Israel, but an Egyptian Pharaoh". Was the story of King Solomon's life whitewashed and rewritten by biblical scribes? This the only logical explanation why there is no trace of his gold left in Israel.

  13. The Bible in Hebrew called her the Queen of Kush, which is Sudan. And this is more historically accurate than what the English Bible called her (unfortunately, the English Bible is more about politics than historical accuracy ).

    Josephus Flavius in his book Antiquities of the Jews said that she was queen of both Kush ( Ta-Seti / Sudan ) and Mizraim ( Kemet / Egypt ). This is not surprising. Since the first kings and queens of Kemet ( Egypt ) came from Kush.

    But since Josephus' book was translated from Greek into English it reads in translation that the queen of Sheba reigned over Ethiopia and Egypt.

    Fact: the Queen of Sheba had absolutely nothing to do with modern day Ethiopia which in ancient times was known as Axum then later Abyssinia. The story of Solomon's descendants who ruled over modern day Ethiopia is a political fairy tale. It did not happen. The same kind of political fairy tale which made Kemet ( Egypt ) white and all other great ancient civilizations established by black people which stretched from the Kingdom of Kush to that part of Africa politically called "The Middle East" all the way to the entire Asian continent.

    The Queen of Sheba's descendant, if she had any with Solomon or anyone else, would likely have ruled over Kush ( Sudan ) and Kemet ( Egypt ).

  14. From the scientific, archeological, geographical, and academicians' reports, and I quote: (The Igbo People of Israel will confront the Jebusites, the ancestors of the present Ijebu in Ogun State Western Nigeria. They were known in the Ancient World for their great wall fortification. The wall's total fortification is more than 160 kilometers (99 mi) in length. The fortification was built comprising a ditch with unusually smooth walls and a bank in the inner side of the ditch. The bottom to top height difference between the ditch and the upper rim of the bank on the inner side is about 20 meters (66 ft). The walling materials were made of laterite, a typical African soil consisting of clay and iron oxides. the ditch forms a green vegetation. The Jebusites were the ancestors of the people of Ijebu in ancient Eredo in the Shungbo Kingdom. According to traditional legend, the burial site at Eredo (Igbo language: ere do, meaning 'making peace with food for the stomach, referring to the Yoruba gastronomic culture') was for a fabled wealthy and childless widow named Bilikisu Shungbo (Igbo language: obi ili oke ozu eshu nuo Igbo, meaning 'the house of burial of an important corpse, a body that married the Igbo'). It is said that the monument was built as her personal memorial. The grave of Biliisu is believed to be located in Oke-Eri, a town north of Eredo. Pilgrims of Christian, Muslim and traditional African religions annually trek to this holy site in tribute to her, Bilikisu Sungbo is connected to the legend of the Queen of Sheba (igbo language: ishi ebea, meaning 'the head of this region') a figure who is mentioned in both the Bible (Igbo language: ibo ibe Eli, meaning 'mediators and witnesses of the Most High God') and Quran (Igbo language: okwu Orie Enu, meaning 'the word of the Most High God'). Bilikisu travelled to see King Solomon (Igbo language: isi e lo ama ana, meaning 'the head that thinks wisely for the land'), in Jerusalem (Igbo language: iyi erusalam, meaning 'evil should not touch me'), in present -day Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Christain scriptures mention a "queen of the south" who "came from the uttermost parts of the earth", i.e. from the extremities of the Igbo land borders, to hear the wisdom of Solomon [Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31]. She was called Queen of the South, which was a mistranslation from the Igbo word south (Igbo language: owa ala, meaning 'channelled walls' also means the 'southern wall' in a different context) which is a direct reference to the City Walls of Eredo. It therefore means that the Walls of Eredo were known at the time of King Solomon over 3,0000 years ago, and could have even predated the period of the Exodus over 4,500 years ago. The Biblical account says that she was black in [song of Songs 1:5], which the Revised Standard Version (1952) translates as "I am very dark, but comely", but the New Revised Standard Version (1989) has "I am black and beautiful", as in the Septuagint (Ancient Greek)

  15. I absolutely cannot believe you guys would do a video like this. NO, QUEEN OF SHEBA AND KING SOLOMON ARE NOT HISTORICAL. Look at the name: SOLOMON, Sol-Omon. Sol being Latin for SUN, Omon being the same as Amon/Amun (as in Amun Ra) another name or reference to the Sun. SHEBA, has the same same sound derivative as Heb and was without a doubt taken from the Elephantine narrative. The story of Sheba and Solomon IS ALLEGORY, NOT HISTORICAL! It is 2024, when will you guys stop this stuff?

  16. There is no letter (J) in the Hebrew language or equivalent. so no jewish Solomon. there's a Israelite Solomon, Yahudite Solomon. jewishness is a euopean invention. a replacement of the African Hebrew presence , as well as the African origin of the people of the book. the european bible a replacement of the ancient African oracles aka scrolls. root of the Semitic languages and culture is termed Hamito- Semitic european later corrupted to the revised term Afro Asiatic. research language and much study must be done to undo the work of the corrupt wicked european scribes .

  17. One either believes in The creator or the book ;a script written by the collective thought of the peers contemporary . Lots of the legends being portrayed are far short of the realities, depicted in scribbled and painted residues . The realities of history are written in the living relics of time ,Us and the cultures that live on resisting the tides that keep trying to demolish them . We are here no matter what is said time and again .We are here to stay . We are history in the dynamic setting of eternity .

  18. I've heard it said the Queen of Sheba is actually Hatshepsut from the land of Punt, which was part of the Ethiopia of that time. The story of Sheba going to visit Solomon seems to match one of Hatshepsut's famous travels. In fact, the place she went to sounds a like the old Jerusalem.

  19. This presentation has 'IDENTITY THIEVES' on it. My assessment is based on quran. Read the information about in quran yourself, see how it differs from the representation here. Both people of the book criminalize and corrupt the activity of the man.

  20. Can you give a source that shows the deep African identity in Yemen from Nilotic Sudanese populations in its origins? Because the moon god of the Sabaean people was similar to Mesopotamia. If you can give me that primary it would be greatly appreciated.

  21. To be frank, in this respect most of us (Ethiopian) consider Israel as our own people. History and blood relationship is true besides Biblical history particularly of the Old Testament.
    Next to Israel, most Ethiopians take the USA as their own at least second country. This is of course due to a considerable number of people of Ethiopian like to travel to the USA to visit and even to live. Next to this the Great Britian and France used to be deep rooted friends of the late Ethiopian emperor Haile Silasie. Even currently, 😊that friendship did not last for we trust each other for one or another 😅reason.

  22. I think he said that the Solomonic dynasty lasted in Ethiopia until the time of Haile Selassie. I attended undergrad with many Ethiopians and Eritreans. And I distinctly remember them saying that Haile Selassie aka Rasta Ferai was not of the royal lineage. It was his wife who was royalty but women couldn't be emperor so naturally as her husband he became emperor. It's a amazing how quick they are to introduce the emperor's Arabic background but he's not royalty by birth.