DEBATISM Ep 24: The World is a lie Sweden vs Jeran from jeranism Did God Inspire The Bible? 5/15/24

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DEBATISM Ep 24: The World is a lie Sweden vs Jeran from jeranism Did God Inspire The Bible? 5/15/24

My opponent had a specific format in mind and I have agreed to follow it, this will be slightly longer than my normal debates. Please see the format below.
1. Jeran: Introduction: 15min
2. Sweden: Introduction: 15min
3. Jeran: First rebuttal(disproving) of introduction 15min
4. Sweden: First rebuttal(disproving) of introduction 15min



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  1. We are to love our Father in Heaven with all our hearts & soul, and love others as we love him.
    He did not say to worship the Bible.
    Or Peter. Or anyone or anything else.
    Just those 2 simple sentences.
    Buried under a ton of commie-gobbledeegook.
    Hmm..seem familiar ?

  2. Great job, Jeran.
    And i would add that one of Jesus' main objectives was to destroy man made religion .
    But as soon as he left the scene, Peter built it all back .
    Didn't he warn not to trust Peter numerous times ?

  3. Question for Jeran … If the creator appeared to you and said "you are forgiven" … Would you believe those words? Or maybe would you be more like Cain and say "My crime is too great for me to be forgiven" … Which is different to what his father Adam did when approached in the garden, Adam just shifted the blame to "the WOMAN … That YOU gave me"

  4. Jeran destroys the globe earth lie , now single handedly exposing the absurdity of Abrahamic religion.
    This is the work of a good soul. My complete respect to you.

  5. Jeran, you have been quite blasphemous in your understanding of God, thinking WE are gods, which is not the case, that is new age thinking. You speak as if you are a between a rock and a hard place, in your thinking, YES, you are. Not a Christian, which is most of your audience that are against the false science, infinite forever space/possibilities.

    It would be so sad to lose someone like you, that has placed their wellbeing on this Earth on the truth only to deny Christ. The way, the truth, and the life, none get the Father except by him.

    Love you Jeran, will be praying for you!

  6. The brother was wrong though, Judaism is not following the so called “Old Testament”. Talk to any practicing orthodox Jew who is not a rabbi. They will tell you that they were taught the Talmud rather than the Tanak, because they were told by rabbis that they could easily misinterpret the Tanak. If the Jews really followed the Tanak a.k.a. “Old Testament”, then they would have accepted Yeshua as the Messiah and they would no longer exalt the rabbis to the nearly god like status that they currently hold them to be.

  7. This truly is just Gnosticism that hates the God and Father of Yeshua Messiah, YHWH, and His Torah. This is from Gadreel, the serpent of old who is the devil and satan who hated God from the beginning and His ways.

  8. Did god inspire the Bible what a joke does the god the Christians believe in even exist there is no proof that this God even exist it's a faith bassed religion it's like saying was the Bible inspired by Santa and the rain dear at the north pole. And if you believe the story of the dead sea scrolls you are definitely not thinking strait a kid goes in a cave he never went in before while hearding his sheep a cave that a kid could get to but no one else had ever looked in bullshit this was a set up by the Jesuits the ones that made the Bible the ones that are in control the ones that hide the flatearth and to call a glober a religious faith belief is not real being honest I don't believe the globers are worshiping the globe thay may be stupid or not want to let go of the ball for whatever reson but thay are not going to a globe worshipping church and singing hims to the globe and why witsit would even go there when he is in an actual faith based religion is really kind of stupid and I don't think witsit is stupid I think he is in a colt that is based on fear and like everyone that believes in the Bible he has been brain washed through fear of God of hell of the devil of demonds and on and on people that believe in the Bible don't love god thay fear god and that makes thoes people not mentally stable enough to see the truth before them in fact this hole thing is bullshit that I am actually having to stick up for globers religion shouldn't even be a part of the shape of the earth debate it does not matter where he gets his information on the Bible from Hebrew Greek piglatin it doesn't mader it doesn't change the fact that the Bible is a faith bassed religion with absolutely no proof of any of it being true or it would be called a fact bassed religion but it's not and to bring it in to a flatearth debate jest proves how desperate the Bible believers are to try and bring some kind of proof through that facts of the flatearth and I would still like someone to tell me where in the Bible that it says the Erath is flat the Bible can't even give you the definition of the word faith because the Bible was designed to become what ever the reeder wants to make of it you can say the Bible says anything you want and you can go into it and find something that will fit your size one size fits all here is the dictionarys answer to what does the Bible say faith means and it strait up tells you the closest thing to the meaning because the Bible is not strait up about anything that leaves it open for people to make of it what fits them go look at what is the Bible say the meaning of faith is.