Dear Black People: Stay Out of Dubai FOR THIS REASON!!!!

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Dear Black People: Stay Out of Dubai FOR THIS REASON!!!!

Welcome back to another episode of the Reaction Series on the channel.

@Ndagire made an awesome video about this subject that I would love to share here today. The link is below:

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A lot of Africans and Blacks across the diaspora have experienced a multitude of issues either visiting or working…



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  1. The problem is corruption dictatorship stupid wars, selfishness and jealousy that s what is keeping Arfica down. If Africa could get rid of those ot would be the most powerful unstoppable continent

  2. I'm a black American and have been vacationing in UAE twice a year for a few years. I have spoken to some of the black African women who have run away and become prostitutes. 😢 I've been told that they sometimes sleep 10 to 12 in a room. The UAE does have a dark side in the way they treat their black African workers. Black Africans Men and women mostly work in service positions. I've been told that even though they service me absolutely delicious food, they aren't allowed to eat any of the food. I understand these black Africans come to the UAE to work because there aren't any jobs in West Africa where most are from. I've been told that they're treated horribly. I've met wealthy black Africans who only come to the UAE to vacation and shop. Why do many of the wealthy black Africans spend their money in the UAE when there's large shopping malls right in Africa where they can shop and support their own businesses 🤔

  3. kadamas means maids. dubai uae and such countries are dangerous Philippines and Africans. the arabs in dubai and uae have lost their humanity because of money and they think they of different color

  4. Bro, its NOT the Arabs. The same thing happens here with union contracts and hiring agencies. Uganda has some sort of hiring agency that gets these laborers. The Arabs ask the agency, "We want 200 workers. How much? The Arabs give the Ugandan agency the money and then the Ugandans decide on how much of that money they're going to pay the workers. The ArABS, i AM SURE ARENT PAYING THESE PEOPLE and use a 3rd party. Corruption and greed by their OWN people

  5. why dont people stay in their own countries? why would you think "others" are obligated to treat you better than your own, why dont you appeal to the african govt?

  6. In Duba when I am doing my shopping with my husband or alone, I would see how the Arab Women look at me with disgust. Cause I am living my own life…not a slave to anyone

  7. I lived and worked all throughout the middle east, including Dubai, luckily under US forces, so I did not experience what the Africans go through. The Emirates will NEVER hire Africans in high level jobs in Dubai. They are extremely rich, and will only hire africans, Indians, Chinese, etc. as service workers for them. It's harsh, but that's the sad reality.

  8. Thos Arabs have killed more than the ones killed in ukrein,by russian.but this fools we coll pressindet of of Africa dont care,take cash then keep for thear familys,its soo sad,if you put oll together including esia it can be more than3 to 4 times than those killed in Ukcrein.

  9. We got crezzy linders,we got linders without brein,evean if they kill thear people they dont care,last year alone they killed more than 90 ugandan GERL, but museveni know that,Do you thick he care,bring cash,that cant help the country

  10. Bro they do the same thing over here at your local bodega or gas station corner hood store … , they only hire Black women for the (front line) cash register… Mexican men to cook and usually a black man to sweep up the garbage in the parking lot

  11. h8te that the african women (and of course its them) leaving the most to try and make a way for family back home and not the males…..just h8te the black african males didnt build a society or patriarchy so that the women…. their women wouldnt have to go abroad to another man of another race country to try and make a better life for herself AND family. you think african males would try and do better since they say they h8te racism so much. notice you focus on black womens relation to other race of male groups as opposed to how black males dont know how to tactically deal/built(tactically) with the other race of male groups.

  12. Yeah… even over here in Turkey (close to Turkey… but still, an Arab country) they pay blacks significantly less.

    Also they only give Africans hard labour jobs. It’s all physical labor.

    Even if you have banking certificates and credentials to show that you have been a banker for most of your life, they’d still tell you to go and wash plate. (You’d basically be classified as inexpensive labor, no matter how experienced you are or in whatever field it’s from… normally.. I don’t know, maybe unless you’re famous among them or something).

  13. As an Arab i feel embarassed why the UAE gouvernement do not do anything to change many things i am sure it is not on purpose but we are really ignorant abotu what is happening , i am really sorry about that!

  14. Its true what the guy said expats in middle east countries hire mostly from their same kind cos my friend who is expat there experienced that on the other hand i think that happens in all countries in every society i am sure that also happens in Africa but when the shoe is on the other foot of course there is dissatisfaction no one likes to feel discriminated against 😳

  15. Used to be slaves were taken against their will now people willingly become slaves because they are so poor they have no other option. Modern day slavery has been made legal but there are no mass protests against this but sadly an accepted practice cos their very low wages & dismal poor living conditions means higher profits for their employers.

    In the end its all about the big money. Biblle says 1 Timothy 6:10 KJ For the love of money 💵 is the root of all evil”

  16. Here in north africa algeria the black subsahran african are in every city in every roundabout and in every road about fifteen to twenty people begging brother our country itself is bad for us and the invasion of the subsahran african made it worse you have to change the definition of so called racism it's more complicated than a black are victim and abused come and see with your own eyes they creating havoc 😢

  17. Hi Kenganda. I am happy that you have addressed this issue.

    Here are my answers to some of your questions.

    Q1. Why are we sending so many Africans to the Middle East?

    A1. We are not sending them. They are sending themselves because there are few opportunities in our African countries. If they stay around doing nothing they can end up messing their lives and smoke something we don't like. Which parent would like their daughter/son to fail after spending so much on them in school?

    Q2. How many of us are in the Middle East?

    A2. Over 170,000 Kenyans and 140,000 Ugandans. Note that the Filipinos alone in the UAE (not other Gulf states) are over 670,000. So we are not there alone and we are few. We will get there soon.

    The number of Kenyans in the Diaspora is about 3 Million while Ugandans are about 1.5 million. Tanzania has over 370,000 but I think it is because of their English language issue. To go anywhere in this world you must be fluent in English.

    Q3. Why is this a good thing?

    A3. I have explained. There are few opportunities around. But we would rather have our people busy over there than stay idle. And then there is the immigrant thing (is it bug or skill). When you go to a new country you assume that you have zero privilege and you have to work like a donkey. That's how America was built. That's why a foreigner can find opportunities in East Africa and I can find opportunities in Western countries.

    Q4. What are the negatives?

    A4. We have people coming home in coffins. Then we have people who take our bad habits over there by engaging in illegal activities. In the end, they spoil our brand. These are the people who should not be given passports. But then if it happens in the Western world it can also happen elsewhere.

  18. What they need to do is UNIFY. Without it nothing will change. They're under a certain rule of government in Dubai. Seeking independence from one government to another is simply a waste of time. Keep developing your own economic and political forums.

  19. I've been to Dubai. Black Americans go to Dubai and are treated with the top tier level of respect. Black Africans go to Dubai and are telling completely different stories. So I can't speak for what Black Africans are experiencing, but if you're a Black American in Dubai you'll be treated very well.

    This is a problem of Uganda and Africans selling their own people out. This has happened since forever. There is American privilege overseas, and it's got nothing to do with race really.

  20. My five 🌟 Nigerian Doc once told me, the Nigerian Government once financed Dubai, because they’re not oil rich like Abu Dubai, he told me when Dubai needed money, and no one would help them, Sheik Mohammad would get gold from Nigeria… He said that’s the difference between the two nations, Nigeria is corrupt, and don’t help their people, where as Dubai built it’s economy, and take care of their citizens!

  21. There is no place like home. why go to Arabs countries were black Africans peoples. are hated by those people just for the colours of their Skins If you do a job then you must be pay properly for it. It's a terrible mistreatment of black peoples. The Arabs have kidnapped black people's of Slaverys in the pass they done terrible evils as Slavery The have do respects for black people's I wish to God that the parents Stop! Sending there young adults to the Arabs Countries I do hope the Africans would step in and Stop! These young Africans adults from going to such Countries where black people are despite why go to such a hateful countries that have only for the colours of your skins. We are created by the most high God Anger be upon them for there for what if black people's are in those Arabs working please pay them for the very hard works that they do

  22. People leave their money under their feet 👣 to find money somewhere else. I wouldn’t allow my kids to go abroad to work they should go abroad to invest or build a business.

  23. Yet you lot wanna support the same Arabs (Palestinians) who hate you and mistreat you, isn't that ironic?

    This is not in support of the Nazi Isreali Zionists either, they can kick rocks too. You will never see me in rallies supporting either group, you can only look out for your own.