Dancing with danger? Geologists warm of looming danger in Njoro
Dancing with danger? Geologists warm of looming danger in Njoro
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Naivety and gullibleness in action. It is dangerous. In diaspora, the grounds would be out-of bound space. No entry.⛔️⛔️🚫⛔️🚫
Don't call 911 for rescue
Mathaara ngumu ngumu😂inaitwa mathanjī😂
They are very brave to do that, bc me I can't dare try to do that
Reminds me of how people in Newzealand closely visited a smoking mountain which erupted abruptly at over 200 degrees literally boiling to death over 20 people and seriously injuring more.
The govt should restrict these visits and station experts to study and monitor whats happening underneath. This is Rift Valley area. Could get worse.
Something bad happens..!, tusiskie ati serikali saidia
That place can sink…careful ( that place should be put red fence by police danger zone] …
THAT guy is 90kg????
Similar to Ondiri…it's probably a water catchment and should be safe guarded a such. Ondiri had similar challenges, from a research I did with with the boys of The Alliance Highschool, and it ended almost drying our rivers in Nairobi and parts of Kiambu counties. So conservation is the way to go with this wonderous water Bog.
Only a matter of time before private entities interested in carbon credits discover it. The rest will be history…
😢 This foolish and ujinga then watu wakizama wata blame serikali,eti 🙄 ni place poa a kuenjoi 😢how foolish and blind people can be in this level?
When people die they will blame kenya 🇰🇪 serikali,mungu na shetani na wao ndio wanajipeleka kwa shida🤔
Very careless Kenyans wacha wamezwe
Why is the government allowing people go there
..why is the government not fencing that area….
Have you read your bibles where Dothan Korah amd Abiram.were swallowed by earth???
You will be an example 😢😢😢
They should offer a solution, instead of giving warnings
Darwin awards loading
Horror movie huanza hivyo
If gìkùyù is hard to understand,try kiswahili,if it's too hard too,try English!read prophesies of Jeremiah Ezekiel and Isaiah…we are living in those prophesies!repent gìkùyù repent!Dùire nowe Ngai wa maa…my fellow blind pipo
Ni kaa tu Ondiri Swamp.
It is not dangerous at all unless one is overly reckless
Abog n not dangerous at all waache jaba
Soil Liquefaction?
If you grew up in the village in swampy areas you would not dare play of it.
This is a portal 👽
Wakibounce zinabounce
This is a bog and actually not dangerous to persons walking on it. We have one here in kikuyu ondiri swamps that has been there for over a century. Back in primary school we'd go there and some daredevil boys bore two holes. They dove into one and reappeared from the other one meters away. The geologist has no clue what he's seeing
watu watamezwa na sinkholes
mguu ikaingia ndani…
Nikaona ni place poa ya kujienjoy 2:32 😮.
I thought he would be scared… 2:38
Does it have a scientific name?
Natural selection pending
Very dangerous.the day one will sink and the body never to be found is when dancing will stop.the water underground could be a river connected to very far other water bodies.
They'll blame the government once a tiktoker sinks into the underlying 'content'.
Bouncung wonders??? nooow……when was the 1st time I heeaarrd that term..hm..
This is not magical ,for heaven’s sake it is a swamp..
Ignorance has no defense.People take the stupidity and ignorance too far.
This is what happens when you have an education system where students dont learn anything but steal exams, they are empty on common sense.
"Hakuna mtu amewahi kuja na baikeli hapa…" Me listening in with my Subaru boys🤔🤔🤔
are we Africans stupid or what, after watching what is going on with this floods how can people be so stupid
This is called peatbog or peatland. It's formed when dead plant matter accumulates in layers on top of a soggy or swampy area. A person walking on peatbog has less chance of dying as a result of the surface he walks on compared to a person walking on the side of the road. Which school did the these geologist graduate from so that we can ask them to refund them their schoo fees
This is swamp 😂😂 with the rain around you guys should avoid this
And when someone is swallowed in that swamp…you will cry kwa government
Nature is unforgiving..be warned
Sisi wakenya tunakuanga na ignorant sana, Mbona watu waende kujaribu Kifu?
This a sinkhole waiting to happen
And when the dancing ground will soften,gape and sink with people,thry will go yapping,Oh serikali Saidia
For this of you saying hats disaster waiting
1 You should know that this place has been around for the longest time possible
2 it has never had a case on all those years
3 It has never changed it's state even in heavy rains
4 people their cattle there the whole day year round but none has ever even sunk
I'm from that place and I can testify that it's safe
Death has sent an invite and these many Kenyans have answered the call. There will be news soon. Hii ujinga tuache. Nature can be hideous.
There is another in kikuyu. Ondiri swap