D-Day, the Largest Assault of World War II
D-Day, June 6, 1944. The largest assault phase which aims to create a large-scale Allied bridgehead in North-West Europe, and to open a new front to the west. This landing marks the start of Operation Overlord, code name for the Battle of Normandy.
This is the story of the decisive part of the Second World War, which changed the destiny of the…
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Membahas tentang Perang dunia terjadi lagi di beberapa wilayah penduduk bumi ini, hanya saja belum menyebar luas, penyebab terjadinya perang adalah banyaknya pelaku-pelaku kejahatan hingga orang-orang zalim yang melakukan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan (dengan harta bendanya). Contoh seperti di wilayah Israel& Palestina sama halnya yang terjadi dilingkungan hidup saya semenjak lahir, pemecah belah hubungan baik keluarga kandung (Ayah kandung, Ibu kandung, Anak kandung) dan maling harta benda hak milik yang sebenarnya, contohnya harta benda hak milik kedua orang tua kandung saya dan membuat kebohongan besar, manusia diciptakan berpasang-pasangan (lelaki&wanita) asli, bukan palsu menzalimi diri sendiri (menyalahi diri sendiri).
Jadi pihak-pihak militer yang terhormat hanya perlu melakukan strategi perang untuk memberantas kejahatan-kejahatan yang telah mereka perbuat, demi mewujudkan perdamaian dunia yang nyata. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab, dibawah pemerintahan yang benar yang memiliki jiwa normal (tindakan & ucapan) yang jujur, bukan tindakan melawan hukum pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia semenjak lahir.
Korban kejahatan.
yo creo que rusia la opacan mucho ruisa fue crusial en la segunda guerra mundial. sin ella no ganaban
El día D es un vómito a la par de Stelingrado!! A la batalla que llaman 2 guerra mundial la ganó la Unión Soviética!!
Ai cũng nghĩ mình giỏi ai cũng nghĩ mình mạnh tràn vào đánh nhau chết sạch chết như rạ, chỉ làm lợi cho một số ác quỷ như hitler
The name of the soundtrack of this documentary
انزال النورمندي 3 مليون 🌊💫🌊 كان هتلر يستعين بالعملاء لكن انتهى الزمن هذا وتغيير المكان g80%20ki والوقوف جانب الحق بما كان نظامياً واعتقد ان الكلام واضح الامهال والاصحاء عقلياً بما يقروا بالحق وما يلحقه
Se merece un honor y respeto para los soldados que dieron su vida por el mundo por culpa de ese demonio de Hitler
1945년 이후에 냉전을 주도하면서 한국인에게 제대로 된 역사를 알기가 매우 어려워졌습니다 미국 주도의 편견에 가득차고 왜곡된 2차 세계대전사를 귀가 아프도록 듣게 되었습니다.
False!!!! 세계대전 최대의 공격은 미군에 의한 것이 아니라 소련군에 의한 것임!!!!얼빠진 미군은 힘빠진 독일군에게도 탈탈탈 털려서 지지부진 상륙이후 전진이 제대로 이루어지지 않음. 베를린 점령을 미군이 아니라 소련군이 하게 된 것은 독일패망을 불러온 최대의 공격이 소련군에 의한 <바그라티온 작전>이란게 진실입니다. 막강했던 독일군의 전력이 사실상 궤멸된 것도 바로 <바그라티온 작전>때문입니다.
This channel posts untrue content, they intentionally remove the role of the Russians in World War II, it was the Russians who liberated Europe, now the US and NATO are against Russia, they want the world to have a negative view of Russia.
To je lež.Vůbec to nebyl největší útok.
Encore en anglais, ras-le-bol, je me désabonne
Ok .wow
Watch out the pro Putin, re-writers of world history are out in force.
Dünyada,soylu ve ari ırk diye bir şey yoktur. Kimseye vadedilmiş bir toprak da yoktur. Savaşlar zekâ ve güç gerektirir, zekâ güçten çok daha önemlidir. Türk Kurtuluş savaşı bunun en iyi örneğidir, bu savaşta çok büyük bir zekâ vardı,onun adı da Atatürk.
D-Day der größte Blödsinn, den uns erzählt wird. Die Wirklichkeit zeigt es heute‼ Ukraine, Gaza und Rheinwiesenlager. Wann kapiert ihr Menschen, daß es um Euch selbst geht.‼
Thanks for the forecast! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
le plus grand débarquement amphibie de la WWII, le plus grand assaut, c'était l'Armée Rouge sur le front de l'Est !!! et c'est celui-là qui a mis fin à l'Allemagne nazie, pas les attaques calamiteuses des anglo-saxons à l'ouest….
26:18 What.,……….
Спецоперация спланирована по фильму "Спасти рядового Райана" 🤭
Largest? Ridiculous – 200k vs 3.5mil in battle of Kursk
Actually the largest assault in all of history was Germany on the USSR. Also, all of WW2 is pretty much lies and WW1 as well. They won this assault by luck. The Germans were destrying them. As they did the whole war even theough having all of their civilains bombed everyday all day and nught.
она не крупнейшая. Не надо врать. Это мелкая операция местного значения
Русским скажите спасибо, на пришлось целую армию перебрасывать и понести больше потери что спасти вас после того как вы облажались со своей операцией д во Франции
ok. wow
Now my surname is French,
Deheriz.. the France for the ones that started the flamethrowers, also the gas in World war I wasn't Germany, they rip the coffers out of Germany and the psychopath called Adolf Hitler come in and blame it on the Jews and use all the French got away with it the English and Americans. Who's the most powerful country now Germany, because they are better people. Scottish Irish German Jewish I am and what happened to Germany is disgusting
Did you know after World war I France had control of Germany's monetary. They created Hitler. They rip the heart out of Germany. And then a monster coming and took over and blend it all on the Jewish people which was completely wrong. England helped Hitler kill Jews America stood by new it was happening. And then you go and destroy a country. England and America you are the true evil of this world
Please indicate the original year each documentary is posted. Its very deceiving !!
Брехливый фильм
Who made ww2? The couples families, yes they created wars they sell weapons they made vaccines they know money stock magic they rewrite history, they gifted American a D-grave.
Как обычно только сша и англия победили гитлера. СССР тут не причём. Сарказм
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