Crafting Beautiful Stone Stairs for Amir's Family Farm – A Unique Tractor Project

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“Crafting Beautiful Stone Stairs for Amir's Family Farm – A Unique Tractor Project”

Join us on an exciting journey as Amir and his family embark on a creative tractor project, bringing beautifully carved stones to their farm. Milad, with his innovative spirit, decides to use these intricately crafted stones to build stunning steps for a charming storage area. Witness the transformation as the tractor carefully transports these…



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  2. Referring to Hasan as the "hero" of the fam while Milan is sitting there sipping tea does not do anyone good. Now make it up to him sooner rather than later as Hasan is not there to hear any of it. This family is to be admired by all. Love is all around. Mom and dad have done good.

  3. Милад и Кадир също са герои!❤ Те също се трудят много. Всички са прекрасни, не само Хасан!

  4. Амир сәлемәтсізбе,сіз ұлдарыңызды бөле жармаңыз ,кейінірек сіздің қателігіңізден жігіттердің арасында ауызбіршілік,туысқандық сыйластық болмайды соны түсініңіз

  5. Señor Amir que hijos tan adorables y respetuosos tiene..cuando dice que hasan es el más trabajador y es un héroe,como cree que les sienta a los dos niños que están oyendo eso de su padre? Ellos también trabajan mucho y bien, y también quieren que su padre los admire y se sienta orgulloso de dio mucha pena de Milad y Gadhir..niños nobles 💜

  6. Amir, pare de ficar elogiando o Hassan como herói, o Milad trabalha tanto quanto ele, ou até mais. Você não pode desmerecer assim seus filhos, julgando quem é melhor, já basta fazer do Ghadir um "burro de carga". Não seja injusto.

  7. Amir pare de ficar elogiando somente o Hassan como herói, Milad trabalha tanto ou mais que ele. Você é um pai injusto com seus filhos, além de usar Ghadir como burro de carga.

  8. I've never seen anyone work as hard as Ajav..she sees what needs doing and does it. She's everywhere, lifting, carrying, cooking, shoveling, mixing, stirring, stepping up those high steps , she's strong, silent, unsmiling, tough, you can never tell what she's thinking.

  9. Bonjour la famille c est été se sera vraiment agréable ,pourquoi pour votre maison qui n est pas fini faire une charpente en bois pour le toi et ajouter des tolles peintes ,se serait bien de faire aussi une mezzanine pour les beaux jours ,bon courage à vous tous vous êtes dans nos cœurs 🧡

  10. ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله يااله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله ياالله

  11. Мои милые, красивые, дорогие,самые лучшие! Счастья здоровья, успехов во всем!❤️❤️❤️🤗🤝🇷🇺

  12. I’m afraid I can’t sing Milads praises. He works as little as he has to and he’s a terrible driver. I tell it like I see it. Why doesn’t he help Ghadir everyone is always saying Ghadir do this , Ghadir do that!

  13. I love each member of this remarkable family. Such a joy to hear each opinion, and the love they share for each other. Mother is such a pretty lady, quiet and respected by her boys and husband.
    I am so happy the kitchen step has been built. Hope it makes life a little easier for Mom.
    I do think the openings in the kitchen needs to have a drop down panel, so when it’s cold or raining, mother will at least be out of the worse of the weather, and a little warmer.
    Your home and out buildings are beautiful!
    Have you thought about of making a canopy for the main buildings? Wouldn’t it be beautiful? And give some shelter getting your shoes off and on. Also some shade from the hot sun, so you could set under and have tea.
    Father is a very smart man, with a great foresight of how he see their home in the near future.
    I love the dogs also. And the crazy rooster.🤪
    Actually I can see myself sitting having tea with Mother.
    Thank you for sharing your life with me and all other visitors. You are blessed, and I feel blessed also.
    Father, I hope your hand starts to heal soon.

  14. No pueden detenerse porque Hassan no esté! Ghadir y Milad también son fuertes e inteligentes! Reconozca y alague a todos sus hijos y no solo a uno porque ahí todos se han roto el lomo para vivir bien todos ahí aportan su fuerza y resiliencia… Hasta su esposa ayuda con las construcciones! Así que por favor no se detengan que Hassan vuelve pronto! ❤

  15. Hello, you are a beautiful family, but you should make better and bigger houses for the dogs and the chickens and buy dry food for the dogs. They only give them bread and they do not give it to them in adequate containers. I hope you will respond to my humble suggestions. Thank you.

  16. Pienso y Hassan es un héroe y sin el no hacen debería el padre esperar que regrese y hacer todo solo con el y permitirle a su hijo pequeño estudiar y tener otras aspiraciones y a Milán regresar con su familia. Son egoistas tanto la madre como el padre

  17. from the looks of Mum's kitchen – I'd say something to add to Amir's "honey do" list would be to build some cabinets or a storage system – that kitchen is getting crowded – !!!!! Leave the table outside and either build her a nice cabinet – or buy something that can hold food stuffs, and extra kitchen equipment

  18. Boa noite família amada!
    Ficou muito bom a escada. Tudo muito bom.
    Atrás da casa e atrás do armazém vai ter que fazer valeta, porque quando chover muito como choveu na última chuva, vai estragar as paredes e o galinheiro vai alagar. Chuva e algo perigoso que a Natureza não escolhe lugar.
    Não só Hassam que é herói, todos são. Parabéns👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    Deus abençoe e proteja todos vocês🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  19. I continuously watch your home become more beautiful. You all work so hard. Please could you make those stairs easier for your wonderful wife, Ajav, from the kitchen. You're all doing such a good job on your home. I love to watch the skills you use. they are very interesting. I wish you continued success. ❤

  20. I am worried Mrs. Amir has way too many steps to master everyday.. I held my breath everytime she carry out tray of food/tea praying please be safe beautiful Mother.. I miss seeing Hassain *smile.. Bless all of you.

  21. Deseo lo vaya siempre bien a HASSAN com a toda su flia. Milad también te mereces todo lo bueno. Toda la familia son hermosas personas. Y el pequeño sigue los pasos de sus hermanos, excelente gadhir. Felicitaciones a todos.