Could the island of Ireland unite or will the UK stay intact? | Inside Story

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Could the island of Ireland unite or will the UK stay intact? | Inside Story

A stand-off that has frozen politics in Northern Ireland for two years is over.
Pro-British unionists are to take their seats in the regional parliament where the biggest party is Sinn Fein.
But its goal is Irish unity.
So could that happen?
Or will the UK remain intact?

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  1. "Stay intact". It's ONE ISLAND. The question is if IRELAND will be in tact. It's not right now. The only reason Ireland is divided is directly due to British colonialism. It's time to end this and unite the Island as one country.


  3. The revision of Irish history in Ireland just goes on and on.
    Prior to the British invasion there were four independent Kingdoms in Ireland, with no central authority, fighting incessantly with each other to be top dog? Sound familiar?
    Pope Adrian had to give Ireland to the British king along with a ring to seal the deal, and ask him to invade Ireland to get the catholic religion properly adhered to in Ireland. Which Britain did six years later and imposed the papal bull. To suggest that there was this homogeneous Christian Irish nation throughout time, is pure gas-lighting, as usual.
    It was much better and much more interesting than that. The Irish kings wouldn’t give up their multiple wives for the priests, until the British made them on instructions from the pope.

    Check it out yourself. You should really read up on your history and stop listening to the gas-lighting of Irish politicians.

  4. Strange how the desire of a majority of people on the island, and soon to be a majority in Northern Ireland is passed over in favour of "bread and butter issues", when it comes to the discussion about reunification. Of course NI would be better off economically and socially by merging with a successful, growing and progressive society and economy. It will always be an afterthought in the UK.

  5. Never happen. Don’t go by religion, check the last census where only 36% describe themselves as Irish. No chance of reunification. This has come about because liberal Unionists voted for Alliance. Vote Alliance, get Sinn Fein.

  6. One day, there will be no 12th of July, no marches, no drum beating, no union flags. Just a quiet normal day.
    On the other hand, the 17th of March will be celebrated on every major street in every city and town of the island of Ireland.
    Justice will prevail, sooner or later it will. And the murals of these murderous planters will be washed away. There will be only one flag, that is the tricolour.
    I'm not an irish citizen, but I know the truth.

  7. A united Ireland with 100,000s of migrants. Many of them who loathe our Christian way of life??? Is this really what we want? And what about the eye watering rates increases etc now coming along the track towards us

  8. In the event of a border poll the outcome may not be decided by the Nationalists or Unionists in N Ireland but by the huge numbers of Roma gypsies who live in the North they are pro British so well done Sinn Fein and your open border policy what an own goal.

  9. Answering a previous reply to a comment.
    The revision of history in Ireland with Ulster as its main target has been rampant and going on for centuries.
    The Northern Irish have also been persecuted by Dublin and London for centuries, with them both squabbling over our territory and on occasions starting ethnic cleansing and genocidal campaigns to eliminate us, such as the Ulster Plantations, executed with zeal by both Dublin and London. A permanent propaganda campaign has been going on ever since to convince the Northern Irish, and the world, that we don’t have a history and don't exist. The renaming if Ulster to Northern Ireland by London and Dublin was part of this campaign of genocide in Ulster, attempting to divorce the Northern Irish from their very proud and successful history. A policy continuing to this day in the Belfast agreement by leaving out the 31% of Northern Irish citizens in the official voting designations. The only country in the world were its citizens are not recognised between their own borders.
    Ulster or Northern Ireland, lost their three counties because of Republican conditional threats of violence, if the three counties of Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal were not included in the agreement, as they had a catholic majority, the violence would continue. A very, very! Sad day for those three counties. Lord Carson’s submission, with Tory support had asked for all nine counties, there was no religious divide in his submission.

    To maintain, as Irish republicans do that the Northern Irish can no longer use their proud historical, hopefully future restored name, Ulster, is to suggest that Ukraine can no longer use its name. Because Russia, a violent, ruthless and expansionist neighbour, has taken 20% of its territory. A totally ridiculous, absurd suggestion and part of the ongoing genocidal campaign against the Northern Irish, to isolate and remove them from their own history and territory.
    If you were born in Ulster, please, please check the facts, you will find that unlike other proxy Northern Irish political party’s versions of history, everything here is historically and factually correct.
    The truth is easily verified.

  10. The Good Friday Agreement is clear. If The majority in Northern Ireland voted S, F. And the majority have done so there for a free and independent ireland should follow England must now draw up planes to withdraw from the north of Ireland and accept the vote….

  11. I think whatever happens, speaking as someone from the Republic of Ireland, we need to learn the lessons of what went wrong in Northern Ireland i.e. discrimination. We need to make sure we treat the two sides fairly, if a United Ireland ever does happen. In that way we can avoid the mistakes others have made in these kind of situations.

  12. A vote for Sinn Fein does not necessarily equate to a vote for a united Ireland. Rightly or wrongly being under British rule is all we have ever known. Why on earth would you vote for something completely different. Just take the Northern Irish Civil Service as an example. It employs many catholics enabling them to rise up the ranks and attain very well paid jobs. Why would they want to jeopardise their livelihoods. Most people just want to get on with their lives and have no interest in religious differences or change of sovereignty. I can’t imagine the Southern Irish relish taking on the fallout. Why we can’t simply be just called Northern Ireland. We are all Northern Irish after all.

  13. On the latest poll conducted by the Belfast telegraph show's only 30% in favour of Irish unity. Sinn Fein have an obsession with United Ireland which only serves to cause tensions , along with their continued glorification of IRA terrorists that murdered innocent men women and children civilians.

  14. Have a border poll and we will see who's opinion is accurate strange that it's the same political presenters who are always throwing obstacles up when it comes to Irish unity but stay silent when we are governed so badly by mainly far right Tory governments over many years .

  15. Jeez fact check please, you are a major international news channel, people tend to believe you by default, tens of thousands were not killed in the conflict, thousands were, around 3500, so unless you are including earlier conflicts such as The Irish civil war, which you don't appear to be, you're way wide of the mark. I'm just over 1 minute into your video and as an Irishman I'm wondering what else you got wrong.

  16. Freedom for Palestine. Ireland will be free in a decade. We need to stand with our brothers and sisters in Palestine, as many have stood with us when it was neither safe nor profitable to do so.

  17. 49 per cent of unionists didnt vote , that's why sin fein topped polls . They will start voting again next election im sure . Northern Ireland is staying british

  18. Best solution is slow, steady economic integration, which will grow links and interdependence. Britain is facing decades of difficult choices, and NI is not thought of as British, by the majority of UK voters. Most English would be happy to say, goodbye to NI. As integration increases, the South won't be seen as so foreign to Northerners, and the North less of a powder keg and black hole for public money to Southern voters. This will take decades yet, and will require the old colonials (e.g DUP , TUV types) to pass on as well.
    London pays close attention ro the voting patterns, and it wasn't lost on me to see how King Charles was warm to SF and chilly to the DUP when he visited after his mom's death.
    The UK needs very little to walk away, and this decision will be pivotal, and more important than local politics IMO. If GB continues to decline (relatively) , then a financial burden ljke NI will be seen as a luxury rather than necessity.

  19. I'm a Catholic from the Republic of Ireland and I'd vote against unification. I don't want Northern Ireland to undermine our economy by joining us as we have a good thing going and we don't want to spoil it. Our social welfare and health care system would collapse as r have to deal with funding an aging Northern Ireland population. Northern Ireland is a burden for the British and it's something we don't want to inherit.

    Romantically it sounds great but practically it would be a disaster for the Republic of Ireland. The ibo people who are passionate about it as Irish Americans who don't have a clue of thr realities of life on this island and dying have to deal with the economic fallout of such a move. Sinn Fein have always been for the fairies, idealists who make big claims but never actually demonstrate a practical plan on how to improve anything

  20. Okay thanks al international and community my family all also and all international and community my family all European the government my family all European and all human and all my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all British the government my family all British the government my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all British good happen my family all palatine the government my family all west bank and Gaza all the government my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all amid and all from Gaza and jeursalem and all al Aqsa and all company and all airlines and all also export and import my family all brothers and sisters my family all South African the government my family all South African and all human and all history my family all peace OK thanks

  21. *WARNING: DON'T get me started on the partition of Ireland/India/Israel-Palestine 😢… I will go for hours!
    What is so incredible is that a Nationalist-Republican party being the largest party not just at Stormont, but in local government too, was NEVER supposed to happen in the North of Ireland. Also, after the last census, Roman Catholics now outnumber Protestants in the 6-Counties. ‼
    Moreover, in a region where Civil Rights have ALWAYS mattered, it is objectively more valuable to be Irish inside the EU right now than it is to be British.

    Without meaning to be inflammatory, I believe the British have lost the last thread of rationale for ever being in Ireland and Northern Ireland has lost its raison d'etre. Dublin won't rush to a border poll, but they can just let things settle. All the momentum and initiative is with Ireland right now.

  22. Not everyone in Rep. of Ireland wants to endure the possibility of unionists' endless complaining of how badly they're being treated if reunification happens. Independent NI in the EU might work best.

  23. Ireland is an island belonging to Ireland, it does not and never has belonged to England. It was invaded over the centuries, with appalling cruelty England. England also was Catholic, until Henry made himself the head of the Protestant church, Jesus was not a Catholic, a Protestant, but a Jew, if you follow His path you are branches of the same tree