Controversial: “Church is Wack” Cassper vs Gospel Singer Tye Tribbett on Church views

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Controversial: “Church is Wack” Cassper vs Gospel Singer Tye Tribbett on Church views

Controversial: Cassper vs Gospel Singer Tye Tribbett on Church views



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  1. I really love what Cassper say it encouraging,we shoudnt give up in fellowship with our brothers and sister because someone did somthing bad,we rather look for new church

  2. The #institution culture that he is talking about is not God's church…so calling it the church is a #misconception when you know that God's saints are the #church and we have #guidelines on how to operate as His body…the question is are we allowing our minds to be #renewed by the standards in which God has laid out for us….or are people jumping on this bandwagon because they want to do #whatever comes to their mind but we must also understand that Tye has numerous #issues that he needs to work on …

  3. Listening is a skill akere.
    Full context is imperative.
    Anyone who doesn't understand these 2 things should not be held as a leader or as a voice for a people.

    And I repeat, just because someone sounds smart doesn't mean they are smart.

  4. TB Joshua's empire referred to itself as church…so we have to understand that there is a lot of fake 'church' out there but then the true church is there also. Wisdom is being able to make the distinction.

  5. Don’t you think you quoting tye out of context after playing a short clip. Churches differ some are run by man not God , some look like churches but it’s the devil at work. It depends what type of worship he refers to.

  6. Maybe if we can listen to the whole clip not just miss quote by listening to what we want to listen too, God is not a religious institution please Rickey listen to the whole clip before you comment,

  7. Nah, this man is way off. He's just trying to win the approval of the world. He's all about attending church online. Yes, God is not confined within the walls of a building, BUT we as the body are also commanded to meet and worship together.

    Hebrews 10:25
    "not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

    Let's be honest, online church is not the same as fellowshipping together in person. Watching a soccer match on TV is not the same as being at the stadium with other soccer fans. The atmosphere is very different. I mean it's easy for people to be on WhatsApp or Insta (distractions) while "attending church" online – their hearts and minds won't be 100% focused on the Lord who is to be worshipped in spirit and truth (John 4:24). We can't dilute the word of God and His commands just to please people who's hearts are far from removed from Him and want their ears to be tickled.

    2 Timothy 4:3-4:
    "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts."

    Romans 12:2:
    " Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

  8. This is crazy…I hit rock bottom after that TB Joshua documentary came out…Yoh I've been unable to go to church ever since…and lately I've been feeling like it's time to go back…timely word…

  9. He is pastoring a church so all this while his church was wack he is another kirk Franklin losing my religion stuff. He is now compromising now all of sudden church is wack…