Climate change turbo-charging Somalia’s problems but there's still hope | BBC News

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BBC News

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Climate change turbo-charging Somalia’s problems but there's still hope | BBC News

Somalia may be one of the poorest countries in the world and beset by violence, but it is “fixable”, according to its top climate official.

The country has been torn apart by more than 30 years of overlapping conflicts – including an Islamist insurgency, a civil war, and a series of regional and clan confrontations.

Yet Abdihakim Ainte,…



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  1. “They” have continually been trying to frighten us with one thing or the other. It has served them well financially because products were manufactured and advertised during the Saturday morning cartoons we’d watch. Products that promised to help include us in helping to save the world. “They” continued to bombard us with more and more garbage science and more garbage products to make us feel involved in saving poor Mother Earth.

    The garbage science continues with an asinine holiday known as Earth Day, global warming/climate change, and buy more crap (solar power, electric cars and windmills) that all do more to pollute and scar the earth than spray deodorant in a can and Freon in our cooling products. People like John Kerry have helped in financing these garbage products by buying stock in the corporations that produce the garbage they continually harp on us to consume. “They have created an atmosphere of fear over imaginary crises. And the lies continue.

  2. It's the European and American NGOS that are the biggest contributers to this corruption as they always hire people from outside foreigners or the diaspora to run their regional offices that means a local person if they are lucky no matter their education background or experience will only be hired as a driver or security guard so you can't blame the locals things that they have no control of specially when the collusion and the corruption is coming from western charities, NGO's and their governments hands while they are all saying we're here to help all that money leaves the country within a weeks of arrival and goes back to West to individual Bank accounts of the corrupted workforce of the charities, NGO's, western embassies officials and their corrupted foreign helpers and the Somali diaspora puppets they put in power and keep on bringing with them to loot the somali citizens. And this report is just another western corruption propaganda to loot both the western taxpayers and the somali citizens at same time

  3. the problem is western , because somalia before 1991 was most peaceful country in the world good social walfare their goverment nobody somali emugrants of other countries but our president before 1991 was dictator and western they supported repels against goverment finally somalia has collapsed 1991

  4. Somalia didn't call you to come to their just to say the whole Country one of the most dangerous countries in the world if so what the hell are you doing there, go back to your Country we didn't invite you to come to Somalia just to show the negative part of Somalia not the positive part of the country you white folks have been doing this to Somalia for ages what a double standard BBC.

  5. Its climate change, possibly triggered by man made global warming but NOT due to man made global warming. This region has been dry for millennia as a norm. In the more recent period ( last few hundred years) it has been going through a comparatively wet period that was supporting a growing population that is now suddenly unsupported as the regional climate reverts to its norm. In this region It's a natural cycle causing this and its easy for their govts to hit out and blame the west to leverage help than just accept and tell their people its normal.

  6. It's a warm country and when it rains after a long dry spell of course there is going to be flooding! If cloud seeding is involved it will make a desert flood like what they did in Dubai a few of months back!

  7. How do they show refugee camps outside of Somalia and say it’s Somalia😮 propaganda to get aids and not give to the people, the expert lady is in Nairobi talking about Somalia🥱 Good one guys