Chinese Roots Lie in Africa: Why the denial?

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Chinese Roots Lie in Africa: Why the denial?

Scientific research shows that most of the population of modern China owes its genetic origins to Africa. The Chinese claim that they originated independently in China.

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  1. ALL humanity originate from AFRICAN RACE!!!
    All these denials, are result of White Colonisers!!!
    Genesis states Almighty Creator GOD, created man and woman in their image( God the father, God the son),!! SO!!! Why do these scientists Intellectuals, keep telling us we evolved from monkeys, chimpanzee????? This is anti- God!!!
    THEY ALL know the truth!!! Despite fabricating facts!!! Imagine living in denialism what a sad miserable insecurities!!!


  3. Why would anyone from Africa want to claim the Chinese as one of them. They don’t claim you and they treat you horribly. Let them embrace their denial and stay clear of Africa.

  4. All authoritarian regimes like to think their people "different", better than the rest. Peking Man may even have been the first CCP party member. Jokes aside, they probably find their theory of superiority useful while they try to impose post-colonial economic dependency on various African countries.


    One of the most important places where Asian Turkish history started is the Yellow River coast and its surroundings in China. The Yellow River was one of the first settlements of the Turks, starting from 7000 BC, and the 'TURKS' founded the Chinese country.

    All dynasties, except the Manchu Jin dynasty (1115-1234), including the Xia (pronounced: Shia) ia (2070-1600 BC) Dynasty Ming 明朝 (1368-1644), are 'Turkish' states. 'All Chinese history' is a 'part of Turkish' history.

    KaƟgarlı Mahmut also wrote in the Divan-ı Lugat it-TĂŒrk that the Chinese country is a Turkish country and that the Tabgaçs, Continents and Tanguts living here are Turkish tribes. Chinese characters are also a script discovered by the Turks.

    According to the Chinese Language Specialist Qiu Gui Su (pronounced Çiu GĂŒy Su), the Mandarin language emerged as the language of the ruling class in the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The language spoken in the Chinese court until 1421 is Turkish.

    Considering that even though Tabgaç moved to Beijing, the capital of the "Ming" Dynasty, they would have continued to speak their native language Tabgaç Turkish, we come to the conclusion that the Mandarin language emerged during the Manchular period.

    The languages ​​that are the basis of the Mandarin language are Turkish, Manchu and Korean languages. During the Manchu Qīng Dynasty (1636-1912), this language evolved and came to its present state, with many words (words) entering it from the languages ​​of many other non-Turkish peoples in China.

    Mandarin is an artificial language that lacks logic and rules and is based on abbreviations. Most of the last syllables of the words (words) taken from Turkish, Korean and Manchu languages ​​are tried to be molded and the remaining parts of the words undergo radical phonetic transformations.

    For this reason, the pronunciation of the words is constantly changing and the same word can be said in several different ways. Hence, Mandarin is a language whose spoken is constantly changing and transforming and whose end is unknown.

    Even people whose mother tongue is Mandarin today have difficulties understanding each other and having communication difficulties. Writing this language not with a sound alphabet, but with sign characters, which are logograms, facilitates and accelerates this change-transformation process as much as possible.

    During the 275 years of ruling China during the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus not only destroyed their own languages ​​and ethnic identities, but also the languages ​​and ethnic identities of Tabgaç, the Continent, Tangut, and other Turkic peoples in China. "Could something like this happen in such a short time?" There may be those who oppose.

    However, the Iranian example should not be forgotten. After the Azerbaijani Turk Reza Shah, who took over Iran in 1925 with the help of the British, a significant portion of the Turks lost their language and ethnic identity and quickly became Persian in the last 95 years, and if assimilation continues at this rate, there will not be many Turks in Iran in the next hundred years.

    During the Qing Dynasty of the Manchus, the Tabgaç and other Turkic peoples were made to forget their language and culture, and their Turkish character was removed. Although the Manchu dynasty fell in 1912, it was the Manchus who ruled the Republic of China, which was established in its place.

    The "Han Chinese" who rule China today are mostly Manchus. The unidentified Manchus began an attempt to create a new ethnos after 1912 under the name "Han Chinese". In China, which has a population of 1.5 billion today, 1.2 billion people are called "Han Chinese" by the Chinese government.

    Of the 1.2 billion people who are called "Han Chinese" by the Chinese administration and claimed to speak Guanhua (Mandarin), 120 million of them are Canton, 120 million Hakka, 115 million Min, 100 million Sichuan, 90 million Wu, 75 million Jianghuai, 60 million Gan 40 million are Hunan and 5 million are Tanka peoples, and they speak distinct languages.

    These languages ​​are not the language of Mandar. All of these peoples live in the south of China. Those who live in northern China and speak Guanhua (Mandarin) are the Shandong people of 100 million and the Hebei peoples of 75 million people. These are the descendants of Tabgaç, Kıtay and Tangut Turks assimilated by the Manchus.

    The total number of assimilated Turkic peoples, together with the Muslim Circles (Hui) transformed from Turks, is 200 million, if we add the Manchus, and they live in the north of China. Their native language is Guanhua, now known as Mandarin.

    Today, the Manchus are conducting a terrible assimilation policy based on repression and violence in order to keep dozens of different ethnic groups in China together. The regions that the Chinese administration wants to assimilate with pressure and violence are East Turkistan, Tibet and Inner Mongolia.

    The Manchus have already been assimilated. According to official numbers, there are some 11 million Manchu living in China today, but only a few thousand of them know Manchu.

    The main language of the rest is now Mandarin.

    The Mongols in Inner Mongolia under the People's Republic of China have not yet been fully assimilated. According to official numbers, there are close to 7 million Mongolians in China today. There is a violent assimilation policy in Tibet. East Turkistan, on the other hand, is the most important region in the target of the Chinese administration today.

    According to the official numbers of 2010, there are 10 million "Uyghurs", 1.5 million "Kazakhs", 190 thousand "Kyrgyz", 10 thousand "Uzbeks" and 3500 "Tatars" in East Turkistan. However, this number is exaggeratedly small. Today, around 40 million Turks live in East Turkestan, and the Chinese administration implements a policy of assimilation at the level of physically destroying Turks.

    The enemy is not the Chinese people, but the fascist gang running the Chinese state. This fascist gang is also digging its own grave with this tyrannical system it continues. China is a prison of peoples and is doomed to disintegration.

  6. HYDE CLARKE entitiled "THE TURANIAN EPOCH OF THE ROMANS, AS ALSO OF THE GREEKS, GERMANS, AND ANGLO-SAXONS, IN RELATION TO THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE WORLD", published in "the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society", Vol. VIII, 1880, p. 172 -222. Let me cite just one paragraph from the research of Hyde Clarke: "My own researches, as laid in detail this year before the Philological Society, fully establish the character of the Etruscans as a Turanian language, belonging to one great group, or family of families, allied to the languages of all the nations of early culture, the pre-Hellenic, Thracian, Phyrigian, Lydian, Carian, Georgian, Canaanite, the Akkad of Babylonia, and Egyptian. Among modern languages the analogues are with Basque, Ugro-Altaic, Georgian, many languages of India and Further India, Japanese, Coptic, and the languages of higher culture of Central, Western, and Southern Africa, and many languages of North, South, and Central America." This revelation is a mouthful. Here we observe that the writer Hyde Clarke also referring to many Indian Languages being from the family of Turanian languages. Both the historians and linguists should take note of it. It is surprising to see that the worlds historical and linguistic writers ignored this Turanian fact of the ancient world so far and in fact intentionally buried it into darkness.

    In view of the above citing, when I say that the ancient world was a "House of OGUZ", I am absolutely correct! After all, I base my conclusions of my studies on a lot of different sources as I have indicated in my writings.

    Credit Polat Kaya.…/sim_royal…/page/172/mode/2up

  7. I'm the son of a proud Nigerian father & English mother raised in London, In the 80's I didn't notice that many Chinese in Africa, but when I visited the cradle of mankind a few years ago with my son who was 20 yrs at the time I noticed how many Chinese 'middle class types' were in South Africa. It was obvious that a major Chinese investment program was under way. My son had visited China a few years prior to our visit and didn't think anything of it. looking at Africa from the west, it seems attractive and a place where you can get away from the problems facing America and Europe, especially for those of us with African heritage. I've noticed many young families from both the UK and America relocating to countries like Ghana and bringing their skills to the continent, there is a wealth of under valued talent in the west, who would excel without racial bias holding them back.

  8. People must understand that the world back then was very different from what we know and see today. And very different landscape with even different animals! In the years that the land of China started to become a nation, China as well as India became centers for commerce and cultural exchange. And sea routes made things very fast. This is why Ankor wat had a lamp from Alexandria. It's why Chinese even made it to Europe and various Black African people made it into Asia. I'm half Korean and my Mom's country was on the last stop of the silk road, and had many visitors from all over the globe. It's why many families have patriarchs from outside Korea, such as India, China, Japan, Iran, and other places. So I'm not surprised. African people are the first people, and the first few types of people. I personally would like to see the Chinese removed from Africa ln soil because they cannot be trusted. If their history with their neighbors is any indication they can't be trusted. Them or the Japanese. Because they have a history of acting benign then launching invasions and exploitations in their neighbors. Most Asian people see us as beneath them. Especially the children of these mixed pairings. So we must be careful.

  9. The genetic data can be explained by the fact that thousands of years ago China crash landed on the eastern coast of Africa which is documented in ancient Chinese texts. China was an advanced society, even more advanced that Egypt. They had ships the size of aircraft carriers, with thousands of soldiers on board. Till today, there is STILL a massive ancient Chinese cemetery in East Africa. The survivors disseminated throughout the coast and now their DNA is attributed as African. When you test Chinese people, it will come up as African traces. But this is a common logical fallacy in modern DNA origin testing. It depends on certain assumptions which are hidden from you in the test reporting.

  10. The Chinese party line is apparently designed to cover the fact that they are terrified of being ‘less’ in some way, and perceived having African origins. It would be interesting to study the genetics of existing primates in both areas, as their relationships would also provide a baseline for the evolution of all primates.

  11. All mankind, however, do not reverence their dead to the same extent. The peculiarity is most characteristic of the earlier underlying races, whom we have generally been in the habit of designating as the Turanian races of mankind. But if that term is objected to, the tomb-bailding races may be specified – beginning from the East – as the Chinese (Read Turks); the Monguls (Read Turks) in Tartary, or Mogols (Read Tatars/Turks), as they were called, in India; the Tartars in their own country, or in Persia (Ä°lyas ƞimƟek's note Persians never existed in History, only after 1925; Persian language is created in Tatar/Turkish palaces In Özbekistan/Tacikistan/Sasanid Empire; Persians have no legacy. All those monuments are created by Turanians (Turks); sinds Persians (Turks) seem to be fakely classified as Arian/Ä°ndo european language) the ancient Pelasgi (Read Turks) in Greece; the Etruscans (Read Turks) in Italy ; and the races, whoever they were, who preceded the Celts (Read Turks) in Europe. But the tombbuilding people, par excellence, in the old world were the Egyptians (Read Turks). Not only were the funereal rites the most important element in the religious life of the people, but they began at an age earlier than the history or tradition of any other nation carries us back to. The great Pyramid of Gizeh was erected certainly as early as 3000 years before Christ; yet it must be the lineal descendant of a rude-chambered tumulus or cairn, with external access to the chambers, and it seems difficult to calculate how many thousands of years it must have required before such rude sepulchres as those our ancestors erected — many probubly after the Christian era — could have been elaborated into the most perfect and most gigantic specimens of masonry which the world had yet seen. The phenomenon of anything so perfect as the Pyramids starting up at once, absolutely without any previous examples being known, is so unique* in the world history, that it is impossible to form any conjecture how long before tiiis period the Egyptians tried to protect their bodies from decay during the pro- bationary 3000 years.'

    Outside Egypt the oldest tumidus we know of, with an abso- lutely authentic date, is that which Alyattes, the father of Crousus,

    King of Lydia (Turk), erected for his own resting-place before the year 561 B.0, It was described by Herodotus,' and has of late years page 30-31

    Buddhism is the religion of a Turanian race, (page 506) using that word, as used by its inventors, in the broadest possible sense. The Persians say Iran and Turan, and Iran and Aniran. terms equivalent to our Aryan and non-Aryan ; and Buddhism is not and never was, but exceptionally, the religion of the Aryan race, and is not now professed by any Aryan people in any quarter of the globe. ………..

    Page 506 After, however, a thousand years of apparent supremacy, the old faith came again to the surface and Budhism disappeared from India, but still remains the only faith of all the Turanian nations around it and wherever the Aryan races never seem to have settled.

    If any Turanian blood remained in the veins of any of the various races who inhabited Europe in the middle ages, it is easy to understand how the preaching or doctrines of any Buddhist missionaries or Turanian tribes must have struck a responsive chord in their heartn, and how easily they would have adopted any new fashion these Easterns may have taught. As we have had oc.-asion to point out above, the dolmen-builders of Europe certainly were not Arjan. Nor, if we may trust M. Bertrand and the best French antiquaries, were they Celts; but that an old pre-Celtic people did exist in those parts of France in which the dolmens are generally found appears to me indisputable. Though the more active and progressive Celts had commenced their obliteration of this undemonstrative people at the time when written history first began in their country, there is no reason to suppose that their blood or their race was entirely exterminated till a very recent period, (He does not know or does not dare to say exterminated those who did not convert/forced to Chistianity. Other Who did convert lost their Turkisness, languages, customs, and ofcours believessystem faith, legacy. A total Transformation/Reset, make up. ) and it may still have been numerically the prevalent ingredient in the population between the fourth and the tenth centuries of our era.

    Of course, it is not intended to assert or even to suggest that the Western nations first adopted from the East the practice of using stone to accentuate and adorn their sep…. Page 507.

    Furthermore it says: all toponymy ending with AK/Ack in France is not only Turanian but (Finally) admitting that it is Turkish. I will do an other separate section about the toponomy tracing back to Rude stone monuments in all countries : their age and uses

    by Fergusson, James, 1808-1886

    Publication date 1872

    Topics Megalithic monuments, Monuments mégalithiques, Megalithic monuments

  12. 3) He is a wise person who was glorified and sanctified and a poet who is supposed to tell the ancient epics of the Turks. It is unclear whether he ever lived or not. There is no information about his life. The oldest source that mentions Korkut Ata is the ending CĂąmi el TevĂąrih of the Ilkhanid prime minister (vizier) ReƟidĂŒddin Fazullah Hamedani (1247 – 1318). The epic of Korkut Ata was written down several times by unknown authors in the 14th or 15th century. The name of the manuscript in Dresden is "Kitab-ı Dedem Korkud Ala Lisan-1 TĂ€ife-i OğuzĂąn", the name of the manuscript in the Vatican is "Hikayet-i OğuznĂąme, Kazan Beğ ve Gayri". Now, if we say that Korkut Ata is the oldest linguist or the father of linguistics, we would be bogus. However, Mahmud of Kashgar is the oldest known linguist on earth and the true father of linguistics. Because he wrote the oldest known dictionary between 1072-1074. With extensive explanations and grammatical explanations. This dictionary named "Divan-1 Lugat el TĂŒrk" is Turkish-Arabic. European scientists engage in genealogy (racism). This is a fascist understanding of science. The so-called European linguists, who put forward the fabricated "Indo-European language" thesis, try to make a manuscript that is about four hundred years old look like it is thousands of years old in order to cover it up. Because, according to European linguists, Sanskrit "is a classical language spoken in South Asia from the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages, and originated by spreading from the north to South Asia in the late Bronze Age." The Late Bronze Age is the name given to the period between 1500 BC and 1200 BC. The north of India is Central Asia, the homeland of the Turks. In short, the dimensions of falsification are that wide. The hymn called segurft astadhyayi (eighth chapter), allegedly written by Panini, is the argued to be oldest surviving hymn Sanskrit grammar writings. However, there is no written document. There are hyms that have been handed down only orally from generation to generation, not a written document. Those who try to deceive them as if they are written documents are only committing fraud. There is also no documented script in Sanskrit. It is claimed to have been first written in various Brahmi scripts in the late 1st millennium AD, but there is no evidence or documentation. Sanskrit was written in the Devanagari script in the contemporary period. There is no written document remaining from this language, which is called "Vedic Sanskrit" and is claimed to cover the period between 1500 BC and 500 BC. The Vedas have been orally transmitted from generation to generation for centuries. The oldest written farewells found today are manuscripts written in the Devangari script of the early 19th century, called 'Rigveda' (Sanskrit: Rigvidy). However, European scholars argue that the Rigveda is the oldest known Sanskrit script. However, the Rigveda was also transmitted orally until the beginning of the 19th century. Devangari script, which is claimed to have emerged in the 7th century, is the script known today as Indian script. However, it is not known exactly when the Devangari script was formed. Duismeism (fraud) in the field of "written documents" does not end there, either. It is claimed that Kalidasa, who is said to be the greatest Sanskrit playwright, wrote in classical Sanskrit and laid the foundations of modern sang (arithmetic) in this language. However, it is not known in which age he lived, and there is no information about his life. The exact period of his "writing" is also unknown, but it is suggested that it was probably written before the 5th century AD. But again, there is no written document. There are only kĂŒÄŸs (hymns). The two great Sanskrit epics, the Mahabarat and the Ramayana, are also a series of oral hymns. (Page 33)

    European pseudo-linguists and inspired by Indian linguists refer to the local languages ​​spoken in the Indian subcontinent from the 3rd century BC to the 8th century AD as Prakrit. He also defines Sanskrit as a standardized language used by ancient Indian khanates for literary, official and religious purposes. Prakrit is a word taken from Sanskrit. The Sanskrit word ri prakrit means 'rough', 'primitive', 'low', 'natural'. This word has been transformed into Sanskrit from the Old Turkic word birg, which means 'dirty', 'not pure', 'stool', 'dirt'. However, there is no written document between the 3rd century BC and the 8th century AD. Existing "Prakrit" manuscripts date from between 1300 AD and 1800 AD. It is assumed that these manuscripts were copied from earlier manuscripts. To make such a claim without any written documents dating from the 3rd century BC to the 8th century AD is unscientific and fraudulent. Linguistics cannot be built on assumptions, and anyone who tries to do so is at odds with science. The formation of Hindi and its dialects took quite a long time. The formation of Sanskrit, a divine language, took place in parallel with this. This formation process, which started with the influence of Turkish from Daravidian, then continued with the influence of Pelasg and finally completed its formation with the influence of Arabic and Persian. The first Muslim Turkish rule, the Delhi Sultanate, included present-day Northern India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. During the Delhi Sultanate, the Hindustani language, which was spoken as a lingua franca, emerged in Northern India, which consisted of these lands. Present-day Hindi, Nepali, Bengali, Urdu and other Indian languages ​​are variants of the Hindustani language. These languages ​​are close to each other and are generally mutually intelligible. page 34

    Part 3 of Transformation/Reset Of Tatars To Indians.

  13. 2) 27

    The old Turkish word "mantal" is derived from the root man, which means 'banmak'. The two great Indian epics, the Mahabharat and the Ramayan, also appeared during this period. However, in later periods, it was transformed into a sacred literature by being rewritten and arranged and the heroes of the epic were sanctified. Thus, although they are important to literary and religious tradition, they cannot be genuinely identified with a historical period. Set in the Upper Ganj region, the Mahabharat describes the war between two related tribes. Ramayan also describes the life of Rama, an epic son of the Kosal Khanate in the Middle Ganj region. The word bag/bay/bey, which means 'big', 'great', 'sublime' in Turkish, means aimaha (big) in Sanskrit; The Old Turkic word banT, meaning 'all' / 'whole', also translated into Sanskrit as Bharat, which means 'Hindistan(India). The Sanskrit word rama has no direct meaning, but zaffera ramaniyetoa means 'delicacy'. Therefore, the word 'rama' has been transformed from the word arim /erim, which means 'behavior', 'attitude' in Old Turkish. Auryan, meaning 'journey', 'trip' and 'car' in Sanskrit, has been transformed from the Old Turkic sub-word meaning 'to turn, 'to deviate', 'to go away'. The Vedic Age includes the conflicts between the Turks and the Dravidians. In the Vedas, the Dravidians are called das, meaning 'slave'. This word has been transformed into Sanskrit from fas/taz/daz, which means 'every object is bad', 'vulgar', 'empty'. In the Vedas, Stones (Dravids) are defined as those who do not make offerings to or obey the lords' commands. The possessors, who are the holy spirits in the Tengrism belief, are today.

    incorrectly referred to as "gods". In the Vedas, the language of the Dravidians is called mirdhr, which means 'sweet', 'soft'. This word has been transformed from the Old Turkic word mir, which means 'honey'. [Mir has also been transformed from Turkish into Mandarin, which means 'honey' as mi.]. During the centuries-long period of mixing of Turks and Dravidians in northern India, he was greatly influenced by the phonology of Old Turkic and the radiant Dravidian language. Apart from that, Pelasg, which was the official language of the Macedonians during the Seleucid Empire (323 BC-63 BC), also influenced the Old Turkic language, and many Pelasg words were mixed into Old Turkic. Pelasg, which the Westerners forged and called "Ancient Greek", is a language that evolved from Early Turkish. Thus, a broken language emerged from the mixture of Old Turkish, Old Daravidian and Pelasg. This broken language is Sanskrit, the predecessor of modern Indian languages. This broken language, called Sanskrit (zip), continues to be widely used in Brahmin and Buddhist hymns. Sanskrit is a combination of the Old Turkic words san, which means 'respect', 'glory', 'un', and sekrit, which means 'to move' (to act) and is composed of the words 'respectable', 'sacred', 'top' (perfect), ' means 'extraordinary'. For example, amba, one of the Sanskrit words meaning 'main', comes from Early Turkish amma, Pelasg dupá amma; the other, au matr, comes from the Pelasg word páup mátir, which also means 'mother'. While this word is translated from Dravidian languages ​​as sbor am'ma in Tamil and soda am'ma in Malalayam, in Kannada tayi and Teleguca 58 talli ___________________________( For detailed information on this subject, see. Arif Cengiz Erman, "An Introduction to Turan History", )

    preserved its Dravidian structure. The Sanskrit word canani, which means 'mother', is also derived from Farça ole (see picture for the right alphabet/symbol) canan (beloved). This word, on the other hand, was translated into Persian from the word Turkish can (Old Turkish bell). Considering that Persian was a literary language created from a mixture of old Turkish and Arabic in the palace of the Turkish Ghaznavids in the 11th century and 12th century, the fact that Sanskrit completed its formation after the 13th century, when the Muslim Turks began to rule India, emerges. ATA tata, a Sanskrit word meaning 'father', is a conversion from Turkish ata and Pelasg Àrra åtta. The Sanskrit word api bhratr, which means 'brother', is derived from the word ppårpa fråtra, which means 'brother' in Sanskrit; The word bala has been transformed from the Turkish word bala which means 'child', and the word am gav which means 'cow' has been transformed from the Turkish word kuv (bulk, large, fat). , ko (Scandinavian).]. There are many words like these that have been converted from Turkish to Sanskrit. I give a small part of these conversions as an appendix at the end of this book. European linguists who argue that Sanskrit emerged in the 5th century BC, edited Sanskrit They claim that the person was Panini, an epic personality. However, the century in which Panini lived is uncertain. It is debatable whether he even lived. Although it is debatable whether Panini's "work" is dated between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. Although it is claimed that he wrote it in the period, there is no document proving this. The oldest Sanskrit script that exists today is from 1663, unearthed in Kashmir and written on birch bark.

    It is an ancient manuscript. Thus, the existence of a person named Panini goes no further than epic. Prest PLEARS There is a great deal of falsification regarding the manuscript Panini from 1663 found in Kashmir. There is a grammar book written by a person whose period is unknown. However, there is no such ending. There is also no document proving that Panini is alive. The claim reads: "Since the nineteenth European scholars found and published Panini's work, Panini has been affirmed as the first linguist and father of linguistics." It is claimed that Panini wrote this book around 500 BC. However, there is no text or writing left from that period. There is only one manuscript dating from AD 1663. From this, it is understood that the oral hymn, which is claimed to be the epic person named Panini, was first written down in 1663. Hence, this written language is 17th century Sanskrit. Panini is an epic person like our Korkut Ata (Dede Korkut). Korkut Ata, in the ancient epics of the Oghuz Turks (page 31)

  14. 1) The Formation Of Sanskrit Language.

    The very first Tatar kingdoms Ä°n India is the: (and all of them were Turkish administrations with their Real Tatar Names.

    Never in Hindistan History Others then the Turks Ruled.

    Delete also the words Mongols, Persians, Chinees, Slavs, Celts, Europeans.. out of your memory… actually the list is much longer.. These are all Turks

    Kuru Khanate,

    then the

    Sixteen (16) Khanate,

    (after the union of the smaller khanates).

    Magad Khanate.

    Morya (Maurya Empire) Khanate, Satavhana (includes the word Han) Khanate,

    India Sak (Saka/Scythian Turks) Khanate,

    and then The KusHan or KuƟan Khanate.

    Then, AK Hun Khanate.. More precisely AK Kun (Sun/Day) Khanate..

    Watka Khanate,

    Kurça Khaganate,

    After the….. .. Khanate,

    The Delhi Sultanate,

    The Halac period,

    The Tugluks period,

    The Sa(E)yyids period,

    the Bengal Sultanate,

    the Baybarli Sultanate,

    Then the British colonialism and frauds are coming, they are doing their best not to call/count them as Turks..

    Politics of erasing Tatars/Turks from history.. (I will add a summery of what exactly the Brits did how long these dynasties lasted why they ended and why and when an other arrised)

    I will add later writing/articles passages from books about their religion similarities with Tengrism religion, exactly the same: evolved much later in to (actually just called Hinduism and after Budha Buddhism.. and articles of each of those khaganates and a summery from Turkish historians..

    I have gathered already tens of articles adding to this narrative for who want to know more about it pls check my group The Turkic Origin of Indian societies and the formation of their languages for more articles about this subject.


    From Arif Cengiz Erman's book.

    The location of the BMAC, Andronovo and Yaz Tepe civilizations

    (camera translation)

    The Dravidians were the indigenous people of the Indian subcontinent. As the Turks spread from the Indus Valley into the interior of India, the Indian elgini (ethno) was formed in northern India from a mixture of fair-skinned Turks and dark-skinned Dravidians. However, this mixture did not emerge in a short time, but as the result of a process that developed over centuries. The Dravidians in southern India, on the other hand, retained their bee identity. Today there are approximately 245 million Dravidian native speakers of Dravidian languages ​​such as Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Brohi, making up the majority of Southern India and Sri Lanka. There are also small Dravidian communities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

    It is higher among South Indian societies with about 17-19. It (Y-DNA) originated in Southeast Asia. This gene is restricted to Austro-Asiatic-speaking populations in India and is found among Tibeto-Burmese males in the Himalayas and Northeast India. Austro-Asiatic languages ​​are the majority languages ​​of Southern China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Sanskrit and its contemporary forms, the Indian languages ​​spoken in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, can be considered a distant branch of the Turanian language cluster. In contrast, Dravidian languages ​​spoken mostly in South India are not closely related to languages ​​outside India. Evidence of a long-term communication between speakers of these two language clusters in India is evident from the fact that a large number of Dravidian words are found in ancient Hindu hymns such as the vedas. The Vedic Age, between 1500 BC and 500 BC, is the period when the Vedas, the oldest sacred hymns of the Hindu faith, were created. Aften vidy ('veda'), which means 'science' / 'knowledge' in Sanskrit, has been transformed from the Old Turkic word bitig, which means bitik (book), writing, document. This word is derived from the root biti, which means 'to write' in Old Turkish. Da Rigvid, which means 'the knowledge of counsel' in Sanskrit, was composed in the Punjab region around 1500 BC. Erig, meaning 'advice' in Old Turkic, has been transformed into Sanskrit as rig with this meaning. In Old Turkish plum, it means 'to warn', 'to advise', 'to suggest', 'to encourage'. Hence, Old Turkic Erig Bitig has been transformed into Sanskrit as Rig Vidy. Rig Vidy consists of 1028 composed poems clustered into 10 chapters ('mandala'). Mantal, which means 'değre' (circle) and 'region' in Old Turkish, has transformed into Sanskrit as aisct mandal, which also means these things.

  15. The very firts negroid people were Turks they changed due climatechange sun ultra violet the food they could find and they could not find thet become chinees dravvidians but also the germans, celts, scythians cimmerians, slavs all are turks who were once fully blavk negroid but become fully blond all scandinavians are turks or what ever they called theirselves back then uygurs, kumans, kıpçaks, peceneks, persians, greeks, romans masarians/mısır (egyptians) DNA genetics and linguistic is the key andgenesis 11 (vers) bible..

  16. All the facts mentioned point strongly in favor of our suspect that all agglutinative languages are genetically related.

    All agglutinative language may be related to one another on the simple reason because they all go back to Sumerian. (1000 words are written; pronounced and have the same meaning as Turkish shown in Arif Cengiz Erman's book: Real History Of The Turks)


    Indigenous languages of the Americas

    Algonquian languages

    Cree (also classified as polysynthetic)

    Blackfoot (partially fusional)

    Siouan languages

    Iroquoian languages

    Cherokee language


    Athabaskan languages

    Muskogean languages

    Quechuan languages

    Aymaran languages

    Arawakan languages

    Tupian languages

    Tupi language (Brazil)

    Nheengatu (Brazil)

    Araucanian languages

    Salishan languages

    Mesoamerican languages



    Austronesian languages[3]










    Niger–Congo languages

    Bantu languages

    Berber languages

    Dravidian languages






    Eskimo–Aleut languages




    Turkic languages












    Crimean Tatar


    Southern Altai




    Tungusic languages

    Japonic languages




    Mongolic languages

    Mongolian language

    Kalmyk language

    Buryat language

    Moghol language

    Oirat language

    Khamnigan language

    Languages of the Caucasus

    Kartvelian languages

    Northwest Caucasian languages

    Northeast Caucasian languages

    Tibeto-Burman languages

    Tibetan (both Classical and Standard)



    Uralic languages

    SĂĄmi languages






    Basque (fusional verb morphology)

    Munda languages


    Elamite[citation needed]




    Lullubi[citation needed]

    Sumerian language[5]

  17. HYDE CLARKE entitiled "THE TURANIAN EPOCH OF THE ROMANS, AS ALSO OF THE GREEKS, GERMANS, AND ANGLO-SAXONS, IN RELATION TO THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE WORLD", published in "the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society", Vol. VIII, 1880, p. 172 -222. Let me cite just one paragraph from the research of Hyde Clarke: "My own researches, as laid in detail this year before the Philological Society, fully establish the character of the Etruscans as a Turanian language, belonging to one great group, or family of families, allied to the languages of all the nations of early culture, the pre-Hellenic, Thracian, Phyrigian, Lydian, Carian, Georgian, Canaanite, the Akkad of Babylonia, and Egyptian. Among modern languages the analogues are with Basque, Ugro-Altaic, Georgian, many languages of India and Further India, Japanese, Coptic, and the languages of higher culture of Central, Western, and Southern Africa, and many languages of North, South, and Central America." This revelation is a mouthful. Here we observe that the writer Hyde Clarke also referring to many Indian Languages being from the family of Turanian languages. Both the historians and linguists should take note of it. It is surprising to see that the worlds historical and linguistic writers ignored this Turanian fact of the ancient world so far and in fact intentionally buried it into darkness.

    In view of the above citing, when I say that the ancient world was a "House of OGUZ", I am absolutely correct! After all, I base my conclusions of my studies on a lot of different sources as I have indicated in my writings


    One of the most important places where Asian Turkish history started is the Yellow River coast and its surroundings in China. The Yellow River was one of the first settlements of the Turks, starting from 7000 BC, and the 'TURKS' founded the Chinese country.

    All dynasties, except the Manchu Jin dynasty (1115-1234), including the Xia (pronounced: Shia) ia (2070-1600 BC) Dynasty Ming 明朝 (1368-1644), are 'Turkish' states. 'All Chinese history' is a 'part of Turkish' history.

    KaƟgarlı Mahmut also wrote in the Divan-ı Lugat it-TĂŒrk that the Chinese country is a Turkish country and that the Tabgaçs, Continents and Tanguts living here are Turkish tribes. Chinese characters are also a script discovered by the Turks.

    According to the Chinese Language Specialist Qiu Gui Su (pronounced Çiu GĂŒy Su), the Mandarin language emerged as the language of the ruling class in the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The language spoken in the Chinese court until 1421 is Turkish.

    Considering that even though Tabgaç moved to Beijing, the capital of the "Ming" Dynasty, they would have continued to speak their native language Tabgaç Turkish, we come to the conclusion that the Mandarin language emerged during the Manchular period.

    The languages ​​that are the basis of the Mandarin language are Turkish, Manchu and Korean languages. During the Manchu Qīng Dynasty (1636-1912), this language evolved and came to its present state, with many words (words) entering it from the languages ​​of many other non-Turkish peoples in China.

    Mandarin is an artificial language that lacks logic and rules and is based on abbreviations. Most of the last syllables of the words (words) taken from Turkish, Korean and Manchu languages ​​are tried to be molded and the remaining parts of the words undergo radical phonetic transformations.

    For this reason, the pronunciation of the words is constantly changing and the same word can be said in several different ways. Hence, Mandarin is a language whose spoken is constantly changing and transforming and whose end is unknown.

    Even people whose mother tongue is Mandarin today have difficulties understanding each other and having communication difficulties. Writing this language not with a sound alphabet, but with sign characters, which are logograms, facilitates and accelerates this change-transformation process as much as possible.

    During the 275 years of ruling China during the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus not only destroyed their own languages ​​and ethnic identities, but also the languages ​​and ethnic identities of Tabgaç, the Continent, Tangut, and other Turkic peoples in China. "Could something like this happen in such a short time?" There may be those who oppose.

    However, the Iranian example should not be forgotten. After the Azerbaijani Turk Reza Shah, who took over Iran in 1925 with the help of the British, a significant portion of the Turks lost their language and ethnic identity and quickly became Persian in the last 95 years, and if assimilation continues at this rate, there will not be many Turks in Iran in the next hundred years.

    During the Qing Dynasty of the Manchus, the Tabgaç and other Turkic peoples were made to forget their language and culture, and their Turkish character was removed. Although the Manchu dynasty fell in 1912, it was the Manchus who ruled the Republic of China, which was established in its place.

    The "Han Chinese" who rule China today are mostly Manchus. The unidentified Manchus began an attempt to create a new ethnos after 1912 under the name "Han Chinese". In China, which has a population of 1.5 billion today, 1.2 billion people are called "Han Chinese" by the Chinese government.

    Of the 1.2 billion people who are called "Han Chinese" by the Chinese administration and claimed to speak Guanhua (Mandarin), 120 million of them are Canton, 120 million Hakka, 115 million Min, 100 million Sichuan, 90 million Wu, 75 million Jianghuai, 60 million Gan 40 million are Hunan and 5 million are Tanka peoples, and they speak distinct languages.

    These languages ​​are not the language of Mandar. All of these peoples live in the south of China. Those who live in northern China and speak Guanhua (Mandarin) are the Shandong people of 100 million and the Hebei peoples of 75 million people. These are the descendants of Tabgaç, Kıtay and Tangut Turks assimilated by the Manchus.

    The total number of assimilated Turkic peoples, together with the Muslim Circles (Hui) transformed from Turks, is 200 million, if we add the Manchus, and they live in the north of China. Their native language is Guanhua, now known as Mandarin.

    Today, the Manchus are conducting a terrible assimilation policy based on repression and violence in order to keep dozens of different ethnic groups in China together. The regions that the Chinese administration wants to assimilate with pressure and violence are East Turkistan, Tibet and Inner Mongolia.

    The Manchus have already been assimilated. According to official numbers, there are some 11 million Manchu living in China today, but only a few thousand of them know Manchu.

    The main language of the rest is now Mandarin.

    The Mongols in Inner Mongolia under the People's Republic of China have not yet been fully assimilated. According to official numbers, there are close to 7 million Mongolians in China today. There is a violent assimilation policy in Tibet. East Turkistan, on the other hand, is the most important region in the target of the Chinese administration today.

    According to the official numbers of 2010, there are 10 million "Uyghurs", 1.5 million "Kazakhs", 190 thousand "Kyrgyz", 10 thousand "Uzbeks" and 3500 "Tatars" in East Turkistan. However, this number is exaggeratedly small. Today, around 40 million Turks live in East Turkestan, and the Chinese administration implements a policy of assimilation at the level of physically destroying Turks.

    The enemy is not the Chinese people, but the fascist gang running the Chinese state. This fascist gang is also digging its own grave with this tyrannical system it continues. China is a prison of peoples and is doomed to disintegration.

  19. Yes, everyone has evolved from Africa However, we must be careful on what intentions are. There is a Quote saying, GOOD Intentions can also lead you to hell, So be aware and stay wise in all direction

  20. My own research provides evidence that as China takes over Africa over by storm…they treat Africans in China much worse than any western country does. The government rhetoric is disturbingly false.

  21. no matter were Africans are in the world we are treated the same, knowing and doing something about this matter is another thing. life have left many lungs empty but the words of fairness have many hiding places in the cities of wrongness, when it is just so hard, to do the right thing. reminds me of the T.V. show "Fear Factor". God Blessed America…

  22. I LOVE THIS! We just completed our Family Reunion and Ancestors Party, during which we featured an mtDNA family history that begins 140,000 BCE. Our accomplishments as members of the Shang Dynasty in China are part of our genetic record that is published in a book and posted gallery-style on a wall during the Reunion. You have energized members of my family and re-energized me in my research and present work on a similar documentary. I wish I could be part of your organization. THANK YOU.

  23. They know they're not of us. They are the infidels, the untutored. Their mission is to take Africa, same as the Europeans and India. They're not of us, heathens the Bible speaks of.