Children Learn about Ghana | Ghana songs | Zaki & Zoltan Adventures
#Zaki & Zoltan Adventures is a travel company that specializes in experiencing the best of Ghana. In this video, we’ll teach you about the history of Ghana, the culture and the people. We’ll also give you a tour of the city of Accra and some of the most popular attractions.
If you’re interested in learning about Ghana, this is the video for…
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#educationalsongsforkids#introductiontoghana#jingles ##learnaboutghana#singalongs#songsforghana#songsforkidschildren in ghanaghanaghana foodsghana for kidsghana songghana song for kidsghanaianGhanaianCultureghanaianfoodskidslearnaboutghanakofiannanlearn about ghanalife in ghanaliving in ghanaplaces to visit in ghanasingalongzaki zoltan ghanazakizoltanadventures