Chad Announced It Is Ending Its Defence Agreement With France | Dawn News English
Chad announced the termination of its defense pact with France, requiring French troops to leave. Citing sovereignty, the government aims for a smooth transition while fostering closer ties with Russia. France’s military footprint in Africa is shrinking, with Senegal also questioning troop presence, reflecting shifting alliances in the…
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Well done Chad. Get the unwanted things out of your country.
Chad la cat kapi gorusmek farz…
Atatürk icin Dedi…
THE CHAD 🇹🇩 FRENCH. Relations Ended
Looks Like CHAD 🇹🇩 Will Be a Rusia 🇷🇺 Dictatorship COLONY
It's a welcome development
Senegal, Nigeria work up, refuse to be colonized, bukinafaso should be your role model.
Congratulations and greetings from Greece. ♥️
now arab countries copy like sahil..
congratulations chad..
Africa most organize herself as brothers and sisters should.