Causes behind Black women’s mental health inequities
Causes behind Black women’s mental health inequities
Wizdom Powell, Chief Purpose Officer at Headspace, discusses the impact of “Black girl depression”.
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Who cares?
Great information, thanks for sharing.
15 million subscribers…….756 views?
Has Anyone heard about Excusitis disease !!!
Brain and behavior science of every individual as well as food that we eat every day can affect how we function The Lack of culture and family support to have BOTh Parents is as equally important it has nothing to do with COLOR
Republicans fault
Its racist for black women to be crazy… SayWhat?! Damn you Racism!! Shut up race card throwing 🤡 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣 Her name is Wizdom leave off the dom!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
There are practically no psychiatrists who take Medicaid.
Non-Medicaid shrinks aren’t abundant either
Not to mention I certainly could never afford one
We're always going to be at the bottom if you keep coming up with excuses for why we're there..It's 2024 and its time my people get rid of this losers attitude and start striving much higher..Apparently most of us cant even get I.D. thats how low you're ranked or seen in democrat eyes…If we cant do that what can we do?
Maybe they should stop having so many kids out of wedlock.
Are you a socialist? Do you agree with Joe Biden's socialist agenda? Do you support Joe Biden's policies? Why do you live here, in the capitalist country of the USA? My suggestion to you is to go to Cuba, or Venezuela or maybe China (communist country) and stop being a hypocrite, saying that you support socialist ideology and live in a capitalist country. Do you love buying products like cell phones, laptops and traveling around the world without government control? Buying a car and owning your own home? Then you're a capitalist. Think about it, people.
I'm pretty sure trans can solve it.🌈 Black women need more lgbt education.
Why did you say black to women?
Why do you constantly engage in racism?
Just a woman
Is this real?……Seems like it's made up in delusional land…..ABC News happy to spread the nonsense to their indoctrinated ignoramus viewers….
The DSM. Diagnostic & Statistical Manual. Personality Disorders:
Who is the one person who is Normal with no flaws, to be like?
People have personalities; there is no such thing as a disorder.
If I inject myself with Diesel fuel & a new Disease is created… would Government study it or tell everyone to never inject themselves with Diesel fuel…if you didn't inject yourself are you in remission?
Cancer Industry. . .
Pine Pollen straight off the tree, is the most Nutritive thing on the planet. Lauric Acid, found in in Breast Milk & Coconuts.
Spirulina, Chlorella (Google; PDF this stuff).
Or hold government accountable with their own research hidden in the N.I.H National Institute of Health. (PubMed). Nitrosamine & Zodiac ***Cancer. Acrylamide.
Why is the word 'cure not used?
Or is it wise to not inject yourself with the filth to begin with..?
You know, If a dead pig is on the Table, People will eat it if you call it Bacon…
Start calling it what it is: A dead Pig on the Table.
"Consequence is a Bigger word than you think ~ Incubus
I want you to think about the very first person who discovered Dairy.
'I found God clutching a razor blade, sayin' look at the f**'n mess they've made, they'd trade their hearts if they were made of gold, but they're as worthless as the souls they've sold . . . **
Chinese People; The Yulin Dog (Cat?) Festival in China 🇨🇳 (YouTube/Vimeo)
Caged & then thrown in Boiling Water.
Oh, yeah, Horses…
Chinese also the most Pro-abortion. . .
If you ever consider befriending
&/or Hanging out with anyone who looks to have Chinese in them, interrogate them first.
Ask them what they've eaten in their life. Ask them the Nationality of their Parents (Background check).
They've consumed absolute filth and ,evidently, understand vey little about nutrition.
The Vietnamese are almost as bad.
***The Japanese 🇯🇵 are just awesome. The other 'Asians" Have a lot to learn.
If you believe a will come – a day you may have to answer for everything; if pretty safe to say you won't have pay a price for eating fruit & veg. Nothing to answer for – But, did you ever pay cash for animal slaughter (Did you purchase hamburgers?
When someone says: In Love, this can only be said to a Significant other, Spouse or Lover
A car is not sentient; said to a child; that is incorrect.
Do people earn only $40 per hour, or sell an hour of their life for only $40…
How many hours you got left?
"Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life"
"Most people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75"
A Pizza: society; a slice of Pizza.
You and your friends are one slice. The slice next to that – well, those people kind of O..K
The slice opposite, well those people are considered strange, eh…
Hide 'N Seek: often when a kid plays this game; they'll count & run to the other side of the house looking for those hiding.
The kid hiding behind the couch/sofa the where he or she was counting often won't be found – Hidden In Plain sight'
You believe in Patriotism? If your parents made you in a different country – Would you think that country has the best government. Why is government correct in the country you live and not any other country?
Vaccines; MSDS Materials Safety Data Sheets (stay away from these ingredients).
If 1 person has ever, in the history of vaccination, been damaged by a Vaccine; how do you know prior to injection that you'll will be %100 fine?
In future; say government says:
'Vaccines are not what we thought'
Is it governments fault, or are you to blame? You as an adult want someone else to make your decision… Why did you enrol to vote?
(I'm Australian; late 30's, have never enrolled to vote. I know a woman in her 60's, has never enrolled to vote).
Why didn't you question why some "experts" are drawn to different conclusions?
My mother often says – Some people are educated beyond their own intelligence; they may be articulate, but they speak above people and don't get the message across. They sound like they know what they are talking about…
They sound authoritative.
Cancer Industry: Remission – ask them why they don't use the word 'Cure?
Again: If I inject myself with Diesel fuel… & new disease is created….
If you didn't inject yourself with Diesel fuel are you in Remission?
Why don't the media use the word 'truth?
The Clairvoyant-run media. If you ever see a Clairvoyant, ask them to provide a timeline. See another and ask why they a drawn to the same conclusion. Sit them both down together.
You have a car with a knock to the rear bar, bodykit plastic part – Dent. Hairdryer & pop it out! Don't waste your time with smash-repair industry.
A Play within a Play, a Stage within a Stage.
~ Michael
P.S; Fasting = Autophage