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Dr. Anil Rajani

Joined: Apr 2024
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Castor oil is sometimes referred to as nature’s botox and for good reason. It works to reduce wrinkles, moisturize, help with acne and relieves dry eye. It also amazingly grows lashes and brows.
The Best Castor…



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  1. hi, i watched your video and immediately ordered the queen of thrones castor oil. but then another video person pointed out that it's "expeller pressed" . you had said specifically to choose a "cold pressed" oil. can you clarify? thanx

  2. Hello Dr. Rajani, I had lips embroidery 6y ago, and the color is still intact a bit and looks natural, the problem my lips dried, I kept using Bobby Brown lips gloss for years till last year I changed it to organic cold pressed castor oil, amazing! Only use it before bed, but it nourishes all day ! Make my lips healthy and glossy all the time! And I also use it as my eye cream, my eyes got less wrinkled now! Now I’m going to use it as my night cream as you suggest Doctor!

  3. When I was pregnant with my second daughter I took two tbs of castor oil, but I was full term 40 weeks! I had terrible tearing with my first daughter and so that’s what made me interested in castor oil. Well, after taking it I went into labor and delivered a beautiful healthy 7.5 lb baby girl🥰🙌❤️!! No ripping this time around and she was born so fast the doctor almost missed it! Easy delivery!! I do credit castor oil👍. But that’s just me and my story. Nobody do what I did, consult with your doctor always!

  4. I love all of your content! Thank you so much for what you do. Castor oil saved my dry skin when I was living in Mexico City for 3 months and battling the dehydration from elevation. I used it morning and night, morning just a small drop and at night coated my face 30 minutes before bedtime. Since I've been back in the states, I have continued using it and still love how it makes my skin feel and look. I wake up hydrated and glowing every morning.

  5. I successfully used Castor with my last 2 pregnancies to induce labor towards the end. I always thought to myself if this stuff can do that, there has to be other great uses for it! It’s truly a magical product. I will try it in my face

  6. I found this magic oil by accident. After using it for a month right before sunblock daytime and put it under my eyes & lips throughout the day I seriously see the dramatic changes. My dermatologist even noticed. I have less wrinkles anyway but using it softens my skin even more like baby butts. I have a bottle in my bathroom and in my car (use it as lip gloss). I love love castor oil! I stopped buying expensive daytime face cream bc of the magic results from this.

  7. This doesn't make sense, it can't reduce fat (around the eyes) and plump like filler. These two things are contradicting. I bought some a while ago as I heard it was so good for breast lumps. Now I understand why, as most breast lumps are fatty lumps. I would love to put it on my face if it's good for wrinkles but I wouldn't want to risk effecting the fat beneath the skin?

  8. I bought a jar of Jamaican castor oil mixed with rosemary ( came already mixed) and I must admit the result on my skin has been amazing. I first mixed it with Shea butter but not easy to do. Results were good on my skin… however, once I started applying the oil straight from the jar on my face…wow. My few blackheads on my nose are gone, my brown spots are clearing slowly and my pores are much tighter. My skin looks amazing and younger. I did not expect such amazing results. I originally bought it for my hair but it is too thick to apply like that on my skull. I will try to mix with olive oil 50/50 and see if it helps.

  9. I'm so disappointed that I have had to stop using this on my face. I used this with Almond Oil as a carrier oil and after a week or so, I had dry patches all over my face. I have a high grade. Does anyone know why this would happen. I use castor oil on my tummy and have no issues at all.