Can EU states ever find a shared foreign policy amid division? | Inside Story

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Can EU states ever find a shared foreign policy amid division? | Inside Story

European Union foreign ministers meet to discuss the Red Sea crisis, the Gaza War and Ukraine.
There’s unity on some issues – but sharp division on others.
Is it possible for the bloc of 27 states to have a shared or meaningful foreign policy?


Nastasya Tay

Suzanne Lynch – Chief Brussels correspondent, Politico…



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  1. Gaza have not a food and Saudi UAE sending the foot to Israel they are doing like that they are Israeli not a Muslim I have a 100% dot did Saudi and UAE DNA is a not of Muslim all Muslim people will remembered Saudi UAE Bahrain Indore ki also because Turkey is a most dangerous he have two face of snake ameriki Israeli non Muslim are protects for Philistine but 57 Muslim country are sleeping most loser are Arbi OIC have a not a power loser in the world only dialogue king like a dog

  2. There All on the grave training extremist funmental democracy extremist self interest
    Fuild policy political short sighted divorce from reality
    Refusing to take responsibility for their provocative propagate arrogance ignore jow boning dance around the main reason
    A war economy financial services industry funds
    Debts ceiling lifting debts and rental and subordinate practices wasted intelligence resources money embargo sanctuary
    The stupidity western hornets nest decipion manipulation sinister atteturd backdoor policy dysfunctional egoistic soliciting poverty global domination
    Get out of Gaza
    The USA got 8 fund war machines going on in different countries global war economy industry contacts trading
    Weapons trafficking
    Uncivilized practices wasted intelligence resources money embargo sanctuary third parties misrepresentation society citizens ethically moral
    A roaling doors
    Economy going brak bank rupe

  3. Germany is trying to wash its hands with Palestinian blood. UNSC should pass a resolution demanding a two state solution. If Israel rejects it, NATO should be sent in to conduct a referendum, irrespective of Netanyahu's position.

  4. Children 🧒 👧 👦 burying their parents and friends.
    Where’s the human right?
    Where’s the children right?
    Where’s the women’s right and elder’s plus men’s rights?😕

  5. Good Anchor/ good show. I felt for her a little as she's trying to explain, like hundreds before her, that you can be the biggest dog in the room. But if you got no bite it's just words and few take you seriously.
    Unanimity of voting is stifling the EU's development in all areas of development. (Besides the Chinese stealing all their technology of course)

  6. Can EU states ever find a shared foreign policy amid division?

    Not while some nations have "Veto" Power!

    It's a joke to believe any organization is democratic when one member can Veto decisions!

  7. It is necessary to change most important decisions to a qualified majority. It will always be profitable for hostile and competitive Powers to buy somebody like Orban off and block the whole organization. That might not be acceptable for some countries and good riddance to them.

  8. The Berlin representative's allegory that cooperation on this issue is ,to me an old cat lady, very apt ; you CAN'T herd cats! Cats will only follow out of love or self interest. It's too bad that peace in the middle east is being stymed by Israel who rejects it utterly because the history of Europe is also a history of many warring states who have finally learned to coexist peacefully in spite of cultural and religious differences. There would be a way forward if Israel and the USA is blocking. Could there be some reason like a new and plentiful source of oil and gas that is causing this recalcitrant attitude?

  9. EU needs to free themselves from the US policies otherwise they will remain a joke & a slave to the US.
    They suffer every consequences of US actions & wars because the US is very far away so they are hardly affected both in terms of refugees & inflations.
    The US continue to make profit from wars through their arms industries while EU continues to send money that they are supposed to use to support their citizens.
    They follow US sanctions on Russia cheap energy supply only to buy from the US which is more expensive.
    They need to understand the US has nothing to lose!

  10. This is one unmistakable signature of the European Union: they have ZERO foreign policy.
    Ireland rightly supports self-determination for Palestinians, while Germany continues to humiliate itself with its historical burden and blind support for the Zionists.

  11. The movement of ships through the red sea, is it more important that the lives of Palestinians?. If it's about isrealis every world leader will be up in arms. Pure hypocrisy.