You couldn't convert to judaism …because it's a tribal religion. Period. The DNA mattered …they slowly changed that because they want to hold on to a colonial settler occupation under the name of Israel and they dont have enough jews to back it up. It was a a demographic problem they solved by changing the religion. The Azkenazim and Berber jews already had very little Jewish blood in their veins to begin with , but the so called 1,5 to 2 million jews arrived from Russia since 2001 have no tribal connection and have no jewish identity at all. They are all converts for economic reasons. Zionism stole and replaced Judaism. Israel is a de facto crusade state that only serves the interests of USA and UK. Judaism have existed in the Fertile Crescent for 25000 years in total harmony with "others" in places like Baghdad and Aleppo. The called them selves Arab Jews. Zionism destroyed that.
Islam is beautiful and yes people are reverting to Islam (submission to God) and yes we try to convey the message because we want everyone to go paradise. And everyone is equal except who increases in God consciousness.
If Judaism is not encrouges you to call people to Judaism then purely you are astray and your Judaism is not from God because God is not cruel he sent truth to each and every human being about Islam by heart they will know before death and some people they known and some of them died as muslims and some them didn't but now people will accept or not is their own choice they wanna follow Satan or Allah swt it's their choice but Allah never punishes people without any reason before death Islam came to them and they recognize Islam as truth before death even some of them are accepting and some of them are not and Kaffirs will be go to hell for forever inshaAllah but Jews will be also kafirs will go to hell if they didn't accept Islam before death
Not everyone who was born a Jew is a Israelite, the chosen people rebelled against the lord hundreds of times, and were destroyed numerous times, ISAIAH 53, psalm 22, both prophecies about the death and crucifixion of the Messiah, they killed the lord of glory, that’s why in the end of days, the when they see him, he will say unto them, he was pierced in the house of his beloved, he was pierced in the house of his people.
613 commandments don't include killing women and children
Racist and Nazi "Cult"
Jews worship YWHW who is son of one of the polytheistic gods El and Asher … why would I worship other tribe god ?
You couldn't convert to judaism …because it's a tribal religion. Period. The DNA mattered …they slowly changed that because they want to hold on to a colonial settler occupation under the name of Israel and they dont have enough jews to back it up. It was a a demographic problem they solved by changing the religion. The Azkenazim and Berber jews already had very little Jewish blood in their veins to begin with , but the so called 1,5 to 2 million jews arrived from Russia since 2001 have no tribal connection and have no jewish identity at all. They are all converts for economic reasons. Zionism stole and replaced Judaism. Israel is a de facto crusade state that only serves the interests of USA and UK. Judaism have existed in the Fertile Crescent for 25000 years in total harmony with "others" in places like Baghdad and Aleppo. The called them selves Arab Jews. Zionism destroyed that.
God gave them 10 commandments that they couldn’t even keep & then they decide to add 603 more. What Tom foolery
I'm not having a bit cut off of my dick for anybody.
Judaism is a race religion
Islam is beautiful and yes people are reverting to Islam (submission to God) and yes we try to convey the message because we want everyone to go paradise. And everyone is equal except who increases in God consciousness.
Nobody would follow your terrorist cult which keeps killing babies. You got taught a lesson in Amsterdam 😢😂😂😂😂
Can I send my resume for her ?
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3
Islam is a universal religion, while Judaism is not. Jews are a race, and you can not just join in like a yoga class.
They are lying. No person born to a Jewish mother is considered Jewish. Judaism is the most racist fascist religion in the world.
Only if his mother was a jew . He can convert to judaism .. it's all ethnicities 😅
Who convert to Judaism is religion is very bad people are very hatefully they are killers or messenger of god ..
No thanks. Your messiah came and y’all denied him. I’m going with him. Keep your 600 and whatever laws.
Really? I'm actually suprised and disappointed at the same time.
Bunch of weirdos.
We dont that soul keep it wid you … who is thirsty of the blood of children
If Judaism is not encrouges you to call people to Judaism then purely you are astray and your Judaism is not from God because God is not cruel he sent truth to each and every human being about Islam by heart they will know before death and some people they known and some of them died as muslims and some them didn't but now people will accept or not is their own choice they wanna follow Satan or Allah swt it's their choice but Allah never punishes people without any reason before death Islam came to them and they recognize Islam as truth before death even some of them are accepting and some of them are not and Kaffirs will be go to hell for forever inshaAllah but Jews will be also kafirs will go to hell if they didn't accept Islam before death
Both are not jewish at all…
Not everyone who was born a Jew is a Israelite, the chosen people rebelled against the lord hundreds of times, and were destroyed numerous times, ISAIAH 53, psalm 22, both prophecies about the death and crucifixion of the Messiah, they killed the lord of glory, that’s why in the end of days, the when they see him, he will say unto them, he was pierced in the house of his beloved, he was pierced in the house of his people.
And they wonder why they’re hated. 109 countries for a reason. Weimar off time.
Why would I convert to Judaism when the God of King David is my God Christ ?
They literally thinks that they are better than everyone else.
These are imposters they’re all converts