Calls For Canada’s First Black Speaker’s Resignation Grow After Ejecting Conservative Leader

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Calls For Canada’s First Black Speaker’s Resignation Grow After Ejecting Conservative Leader

Emma Ansah reports on the calls for Canada’s first black speaker of the house to resign after ejecting the conservative leader from the House of Commons for calling the Prime Minster a “racist” and “whacko”



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  1. I am tired to see black forcing themselves to be with the same w.people in theirs own government nothing will change until all back to Africa and participate and build , I do not give a damn I mean all black from USA ,Canada , Europe, Australia all theses damn Black need to go to Africa is👉🌍 . It looks we never get tired 😩 by suffering 😭😭😭

  2. This is not a surprise move by the opposition, regardless of what country or dominion. Racialized superiority and inferiority is deeply embedded in the pathology of most societies. European formerly colonized societies are among the worst.

  3. Pay attention to Trudeau's body language — his head is shaking left to right, (indicating no), while his mouth is saying the opposite. Legalizing hard drugs doesn't work; he doesn't believe what he's saying.

  4. Historically, the only people and agencies who have benefited from Illegal Narcotics are drug dealers and law enforcement…Drugs will never stop growing Naturally, and the Chemical Industries will never stop Creating them Artificially. Drug addiction (as a mental and physical escape from reality) will always be a part of “painful societies”.

  5. All the ridiculous haate I have read about today, how much unity has there been amongst black people globally? Are we not tired of this mess with WS

  6. This is the guy that Trudeau used to replace other Speaker after the Nahtzee incident… Remember that??? They wanted that forgotten to the records too. Trudeau ain't $h!t!!!

  7. At the end of day, weather canada ,the US, or anywhere else, them folks don't have any interest or care. US blakk people, and if they have the power to snap out, existence with their fingers, it would been done, all that then finished off world.

  8. I would simply as the question under what circumstances have prior Canadian speakera have been forced to resigned or were involuntarily removed from office. Then I would compare what they did to where the current speaker supposedly has gone afoul. The results of the comparison would show all we need to know about what is happening with the current speaker.

  9. Haven't we witnessed in America the last 50 years the folly of criminalizing drug use? Haven't we painfully witnessed how these hardcore punishing tactics that have destroyed whole communities, looted state treasuries, trained the entire legal system against the poorest, least protected people?

  10. Stop the🧢, they don't like being under the leadership of a 🖤. Them folks will do anything to get him out. This is that evil that lives in them all. Such a disgrace to mankind.

  11. The reporting is lacking here. His liberal partisanship is one thing, and there's also evidence that he altered the transcript of the house. I'm black and don't care if he's black. If he did this, he needs to go.

  12. The black speaker did nothing wrong if you can't use certain language and respect the speaker in The House of Commons. That's a “you” problem. These suspect white supremacists are upset that in a black person is in the same building as them.