Buying TECH on Facebook Marketplace??
Buying TECH on Facebook Marketplace??
Facebook marketplace has become as big as craigslist, and it can be fun to shop! Today we are taking a look at cool tech on Facebook market place. What deals can you get on apple product, gaming pcs, gaming mice and keyboards and even more! There are some awesome deals on Facebook market place and even FREE PC’S! Its going to be a good video…
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I honestly have never bought anything from such marketplaces. So i dont have any experience with it
First of all Hey bro whats up. and secondly i want to say that espically in facebook marketplace people are there to get rid of their old stuff. There are some items which are said to be overpriced are people who dont know the value of their product and obvisiouly there are some people who are there to scam people but most of the stuff that you reviewed in the video was mostly older people or parents who dont know what the stuff is worth it. But the last computer with pentium i guess was a scam.
Nice vid