British Women Asked If It's Weird That Black Americans Don't Know Where We're From

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British Women Asked If It's Weird That Black Americans Don't Know Where We're From

Demetra Kaye reports on British women being asked if it’s weird that Black Americans do not now where we’re from.
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  1. Absolutely stupid question, I'm a white man, American, with Irish roots, but wait they say all humans originally came from Africa. So i guess I'm a African American ,can't we all just get over the colors of our skin?

  2. It's rich how these girls thought Black Americans don't have a culture, but I'm sure these girls have bopped to Rap and R&B. These are distinctively made by black artists. We have a way of dressing , a language (AAVE), food, holidays (shout out to black Thanksgiving!!!) and worship services (gospel) that are distinctively ours. That is culture. I don't know what his aim was in the street interview, but all it showed was how Black British people are just as brainwashed about in the US as the rest of the UK. They speak the colonizers' language of 'culture' and then appropriate the culture (Black British rappers). They showed their own ignorance. They need an education.

  3. America is the real mother land. The oldest civilization is in Peru, south America. The oldest artifacts, mummies and pyramids r in America. America have the most pyramids than all continents put together.

    How in the hell is Africa the mother land when the world mimic black Americans. How when America is labeled the land of milk and honey and everybody wants to come here where the original beings live. Where black Americans keep America poppin.
    There is nothing original about africans. Be for real.

    Egypt is in the grand canyon and the answers to the question where are the descendents of the ancient Egyptians? They were enslaved as black Americans.

  4. It’s a valid question. Are you American? What makes you American? We call white folks here Irish, Italian, Russian without blinking an eye. They can be 3 generations in and we don’t bat an eye that they are those ethnic descriptions but also American. However, when it comes to black folk here who have been here for 4+ generations, all of a sudden they have amnesia. One football player on Finding Your Roots traced his name back to the slave master and STOPPED THERE!! 😂 He proclaimed himself a “Smith”! I just laughed! No, you’re not a Smith!! That’s your slavemaster name! WHO ARE YOU??! One of the great adventures all black folk go through here in America.

  5. I wish black Americans reject that Nation of Islam and so-called black nationlist ideology deculturalization and awfulization propaganda talking point that we have no culture. It’s not true. I would love to discuss this online and put an end to it once and for all. I am black American my ancestors were once Mende, Mandingo, Igbo, etc. etc. etc.

  6. you African Americans just need to take a 23 and me and then you can answer all of you are from some part African we are all from some part of Africa even us afro Caribbeans in uk just embrace it as America doesn't embrace you . john henry clark marcus garvey have written about this subject quite a lot.

  7. The only difference between an African American, A Jamaican and a black Brazilian is a SHIP STOP, so yes you’re a citizen of where you were born. But you’re an African. A goat cannot birth a lion. Unity amongst all people of African descent is needed now more than ever, living in North America? I don’t see blacks getting no respect, try getting a job, go down the coffee shop, so everyone needs to wake up to the reality.

  8. Last time I checked, no African relatives in Africa are trying to track me down. As long as you’re putting more effort into what divides us, you’ll never rise up.

  9. I can go get a DNA test to determine where I’m from or do alot of research. I highly doubt I’d be greeted with open arms. I’m of African descent but I have no family in Africa I can visit. And it’s the same for a lot of European and Asian Americans.

  10. I find it more weird they don’t take responsibility for the slave trade that happen as well. Some of them help capture us who are here now they are saying we are the lost children who don’t know where we are from. And BTW we do have a culture the Black American culture is the most copied culture on the face of the earth. Our culture is the reason why slang is slang the cool walk is the cool walk, the soul train line has to be done at every family event. Don’t give me we don’t have a culture while looking outside.

  11. I think it’s weird of them to assume when there are black Americans like me who culture is attached to a local island culture as well due to where I was born AND raised to try and tell us we have no cultural. They need to cook their panty cause they coming in too hot with those ignorant takes🥴🤡🤦🏾‍♀️

  12. The question was about ethnicity, not birth country. Culture flows from ethnicity. If you do not know you ethnicity, ho wcan you espouse a culture. Culture is a complex notion though because the culture of your place of birth does have an impact. when you come from a multi-ethnic background, as many "Black" Americans do, it becomes even more complex. I have done the DNA testing so I know more about my ethnicity, but dose that meen I should espouse the Mende culture of my Mothers or the Ewondo culture of my Fathers? What about the other ethnicities my DNA points to such as the British who were obviously the slave owners? It looks like I have a choice, so I would rather not choose the colonizer but rather the cultures of the ethnicities who have not committed the crimes of Chattle Slavery and the denegration of the cultures of the rest of the world.

    Was I born in America? Yes, but I am a Black man and no one can tell me I receive the benefits of the colonizer's culture. That is why we seek another.

  13. Angela Davis had a DNA test proving her ancestors came on the Mayflower 😮
    LeVar Burton has a great great great grandfather that is white.
    Sunny Hostin has slave owning ancestors.
    Ask them for those reparations 😮

  14. From the UK here. These people do speak for me and is an indictment on our poor education system. Black people around the world would not have a voice if it wasn't for your fore fathers. Dr Martin Luther king, Malcolm X, thinkers like James Baldwin, innovators and inventors like Lewis Latimer…..developers of music genre such as blues, gospel, rock and roll, hip hop, jazz. Sports stars like MJ, Carl Lewis, Michael Johnson. Jesse Owens. The black female computers that helped to get spaceship up to space and return safely Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson and Dorothy Vaughan. You showed us we could be great especially if we work together. Thank you for bourbon and original cow boy culture. I could go on. The only mistake you made is not having your own state free from oppression. But let's not have division amongst ourselves and allow people with no knowledge drive a wedge between us.

  15. Is it weird that she doesn’t know history of the United States how they purposely sold children to other people who didn’t see their lineage, destroyed records and kill peoples parents destroying the line back to them? She is so dumb I’m sorry and not all but a good chunk of Africans are dumb like this.

  16. Those of you who think that black Americans have no culture need to remove the veil from their eyes. The whole world has been, presently is, and will in the future be copying and benefiting Black American culture in music, the arts and of course …. our swag. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

  17. Could you please stop putting Caribbean people in this nonsense? We, too, don't know where the hell we are from.
    Every time, you all mention a problem with Africans, you bring Caribbean people into your fight, as though you all were the only enslaved people. Stop it, you all behaving like the Caribbean community didn't have to fight for their freedom. Up until today the the Moroons of Jamaica are still fighting. You all are the hateful divisive ones against Caribbean people. You love Africa which enslaved all of us. Furthermore, if you all were honest, you would admit that Caribbean people stood with you all during during the civil rights movement. NOT AFRICANS!

  18. What many Afrikans fail to tell diaspora blacks is that even majority of Afrikans if not all, don't know where they are really from going back 3-4 generations, they just identify with a tribe and don't know how it migrated to where it is. Some stupid Afrikans think they are Hebrew or biblical, which is nonsense.

  19. Then why say African American when they're Black British women? Why not African British women? People are too focused on race and culture instead of the content of ones character. Ya'll seem to have forgotten what Dr King said.

  20. Nothing is strange or weird many don't know their history or every family member these days. We are disconnected but only seen in stereotypes, bad news or if it's time to vote. Very few people talk to learn where someone is from or anything about the history even if in another country. But these videos do get attention and can be a possible start. If only information for a small few.

  21. Neither of them are dressed as what their culture is. They can diss greens but we gotta act like fufu don’t make the bulk of their meal and for taste the dip a late glob in oily as soup. Get real

  22. This question often gerts me, and having migrated to the UK from the Caribbean (St. Vincent), I understand both sides i.e the Brits side and the American side. Below, I'll present my points, but please know I am generalising.

    The question from Black British people comes from either ignorance or lack of education in history. Asking a black American, where they are is from is equivalent to asking a black Caribbean person where they are from. Same as Black Canadian, Black South American or black Central American. Matter of fact, anyone from the Americas. All the black people in that part of the world are from that country. Of course, their ancestors are from Africa and came as slaves 100s of years ago.

    The question for the black British stem from a place where the UK was mainly a white country until after the WW2. After WW2 is when mass immigration into Britain began, mainly from the Caribbean, with the majority being Jamaicans. In the late 80s, early 90s is when immigration began from Africa into the UK. Therefore, black people in the UK are really 1-3 generations away from saying, my parents or grandparents are from Jamaica, Nigeria etc. Whereas in America, they have the same history timeline as Jamaicans in that part of the world.

    So the brits are looking at it from their perspective because Jamaica is predominantly a black country, and of course Africa is made up of predominantly black countries. Whereas America is predominantly white, so in their eyes, black people do not "originate" there. They see US as a white country and wouldn't question a white person "oh where are you really from", when in fact, white and blacks in the US have the same historic timeline. If they can see if from that perspective then they'll better understand.

    Lastly, I'll say blacks and whites are not native to the US, the native Americans are. Present day Jamaicans not native to Jamaican, the native Caribs and Arawaks are.

  23. We have elements of kulture but what makes it debatable is that we don't have a language other than English or a religion outside of the Abrahamics. I am learning to speak Kiswahili and studying Maat. It would be great if more did the same.

  24. You can find out where your ancestors came from but you don't share that culture unless you study that culture and if you choose to practice some things related to that culture but the truth is we built a whole new culture here in America so that is our culture remember we were here from the beginning America had no culture in the beginning

  25. I know where I’m from. South Carolina! I had the same convo when I went to London last year. I told the chicks y’all look like American black chicks the way they dress. Plus I ain’t see none of them in African garb! Smh