BREAKING: Candace Owens OUT At DailyWire After Israel Spat

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BREAKING: Candace Owens OUT At DailyWire After Israel Spat

Saagar discusses the breaking news that Candace Owens and The Daily Wire have parted ways over her coverage on Israel.

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  1. “Doing to her”?? So she’s a victim now? I thought she didn’t believe in the victim mentality! Until it happens to her. She forgot she wasn’t one of them!

  2. What Hamas did on Oct 7th was so vile, there is no turning back. The Palestinian people support Hamas while they hide behind them. Israel must end this once and for all. 10/7 was the point of no return. If Candace can’t see that then she needs to go.


  4. I have completely lost all respect for Daily Wire!!!! It first started with Ben Shapiro and his outrageous views on Israel and the war! But now I won't support Daily Wire as a whole ever again

  5. I'm not a big fan of Candace Owens. But, to be fair she did not acknowledge Nick Fuentes praising her criticism of the Israeli defense force. Nick is a self proclaimed white supremacist despite having partial Spanish ancestry and possibly some Arab ancestry. I state the latter because the Arabs enslaved some people of Iberian ancestry as well during the Arab slave trade in addition to Africans and other Arabs. The politics on both sides of the aisle are pretty toxic. Ben Shapiro obviously fired her because he's pro Israel and feels that Israel should defend itself by any means necessary. He was even giving her the chance to resign. I would've done that if I was in her situation. Had Candace did that he could've given her severance pay.

  6. You never talk about the Jews. As disgraceful as they're actions when ever be. You must never have the perspective that what they are obviously doing disgraceful is DISGRACFULL….

  7. Why is this surprising?? "Conservative" /Republican baesed media has being USING Candace Owens for years now…… AND SHE was a willing participant all this time…. If she was surprised bybthis then she's not too bright.

  8. So Ben thinks no one is allowed to speak out about Israel’s wrongdoing in the war. Israel has killed hundreds of child from their attacks. If you say Israel is wrong then you’re antisemitic? Sorry to disappoint you Ben, but we have the right to be critical of Israel.

  9. This was bound to happen to Candy.We all knew that Candace was ok with her owners as long as she stuck to criticizing black America, radical feminists, liberals, etc.Candace got comfortable, pulled a Marc Lamont Hill, and got canned.🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

  10. and when Candace ownes says she is fed up with white people, and constantly criticizing black people.. she is racist and self righteous. I have no sympathy for her. If she doesnt like something, she will hate the entire group of people depending on race IMO

  11. Ohhhhh, so that's why she's going to black platforms? I wonder why she never tried that while she was employed at the Daily Wire!?! 🤔

  12. Whilst I DO agree with Candace Owens stance on the murderous evil state of Israel, against the INNOCENT Palestinian people, that is about the only thing I agree with Ms Owens on.  When Candace Owens tore into and savagely criticised black people, the black community and black culture, that was absolutely fine.  However; the minute she says anything negative about the EVIL STATE OF ISRAEL, all of a sudden everyone is up in arms.  I have nothing against Jewish people.  There are good and bad Jews just like there are good and bad blacks.  BUT ISRAEL IS AN EVIL STATE THAT DERIVES PLEASURE FROM MURDERING INNOCENT PALESTINIANS ON MASS!!!  As far as Candace Owens is concerned…..One thing I am fairly certain of……THE MAJORITY OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY DO NOT WANT CANDACE OWENS BACK!  Tell her to go look for a job and a home down at Mar-A-La Go, with Donald Trump!!!

  13. Most interesting things I saw in this feud was
    When Kanye was praising Hitler she was kind sensitive to her as he is freind when ben talking about terrorists attacks on Israel is emotionally unhinged that shit make laugh so hard I can't believe people buying her some sort of Jesus lover no she ain't she is just another capitalist business class grabbing an opportunity to go on further right probably with tucker.
    Other thing that Ben's video of some sort of private party where ben criticise her opinion as disgrace she emotional unhinged on disgrace part
    Btw loving it I wish I can see more feud between them😂😂

  14. I agree with what your saying thankyou for speaking the truth i absolutely love both ben Shapiro and Candace Owens ..
    That being said im really disappointed in ben and the daily wire i canceled my subscription with them and ill follow Candace wherever she goes she has millions of fiercely loyal followers so shes going to be fine
    And Ben should be a little bit ashamed of himself 😢

  15. Why is everyone so stupid? They did not censor her speech, her demeanor and speech with everything going on just doesn’t align with the foundation of the values of the daily wire! She is hateful. She is a wolf in sheep clothing, she is NOT who she acts to be, whenever I hear her speak I get the worst feelings ever, she’s extremely phony.

  16. Candace Owen spreads blood libel and pretty basic antisemitic conspiracy theories.

    Then again this is BreakingPoints, Russia's favorite propaganda mill.

  17. I do agree with your point about guilt by association, but she was also liking a lot of tweets that called for violence against Jewish people. I think that the Daily Wire has an obligation to be tolerant of really extreme language since they have made that such a big part of their organization, but supporting people who advocate for violence against Jews is a step farther than a couple of anti semitic comments.

  18. You guys lie as much as Finkelstein about anything connected with Israel. She wasn't fired for criticism of Israel, she was fired for straight up blood libel against Jews.