Boat capsizes in Democratic Republic of Congo | AJ #shorts

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Boat capsizes in Democratic Republic of Congo | AJ #shorts

Video shows the moment a boat carrying scores of passengers capsized on Lake Kivu in eastern Congo. Witnesses say at least 50 people have been killed.

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The Congo 🇨🇩 has more natural resources than Nigeria 🇳🇬 and Uganda 🇺🇬. The best 👌 rainforest on our Continent…. No reason for our people to risk their lives like that and die….. 😢 That river looks like an ocean 🌊. Poverty starts in the mind…..


Cia and mossad was sabotaging the ship


All are dead😢😢


Camera man yuko wapi


The government needs to get involved here. Someone benefitted financially from these people's demise. They need to prosecute and set an example.


Sorry this family thought they can seek peace out of there land due to the war fuel by USA, France, UK and Microsoft and Apple Africa is awake now


If the captain survived, he should be brought up on charges for this! That will help to put an end to the greed and flouting of safety regulations that are apparently so common in developing nations. Inexcusable tragedy, and most likely, it was totally avoidable.


May Our Lord have Mercy upon Alll of the families InshAllah🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🌿
Cape Town 🇿🇦❤️


Roads are not safe in Congo coz of war
So people they prefer use boats as safe way for the business transport 😢😢😢😢…


Over loading anything is a recipe for disaster


No life jackets on board? This is horrific and sad.


If this happens to you, just know that you can float on your back for a very long time. Whatever you do don't panic, try to calm yourself down. It's difficult if you have limited experience dealing with swimming but it's your only option to survive




So sad. May the departed rest in eternal peace


No respect for human lives. This type of thing is abhorrent. Where are the government's regulations and enforcers. People need adequate transportation


It's important to note the circumstances that drive people to these acts of desperation. No one wants this, but the fight for survival is an extreme one for many.


Looks overloaded


Lord have His Mercy


Boat people


Africans, everything of ours is chance. No sure deal!


They were migrating to overseas countries for better lives


إنا لله وإنا إلين راجعون اللهم اغفرلهم وارحمهم وعافيه وعاف عنهم.


Democratic boat


Watu wamingi sana wanaisha 😮😮😮😮


This boat is more than over loaded


God is a great planner for the warning of all those who do not follow his will




Horrible tragedy, rip 🙏🏼


Yaa Allah! Please tell me most survived .


Africa is africa


Well, it is no surprise.


Ну что они не понимают что могут несколько раз ездить, а так только один раз?