BNC#6: Frans Cronje – Don’t despair, big opportunities to surface post-Election'24

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BNC#6: Frans Cronje – Don’t despair, big opportunities to surface post-Election'24

In his keynote address at the BizNews Conference in Hermanus, SRF Chairman Dr Frans Cronje shed light on South Africa’s evolving political landscape, emphasising the need for strategic analysis over simplistic labels like “positive” or “negative.” Cronje delved into the country’s economic trajectory, challenges faced by Eskom, and shifts in…



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  1. The facts speak for themselves, the ANC will not give up their position they will cheat and lie about the elections, just like Zim, they are now backed by China Russia and the Irains, so they will stay and keep feeding from the troughs that they control. There is going to be civil war especially between our black people. They are not interested in building anything, work doesn’t feature in their lives, oh yes they want to be paid and receive everything for free, but definitely not work, it’s part of their culture and that will take centuries to change.

  2. The arguments for Eskom and Transnet being privatized is not what South Africans need. Yes, we are now getting power and transport restored, but at what cost, as the private market will increase the prices? Unless Eskom and Transnet places a Cap on profits. Government should produce cheap electricity and cheap transport, not charge an upfront fee for the private sector to try and profit.

  3. wow now i wish i registered to vote , so i can vote for this dude with so much sense, i feel like we need someone like this especially the way the world is going these days

  4. all important stuff..lekker lekker, but Mr Cronje looks like he needs a big flippen burp !!! Did he klap a few too many castle's before he went up? Just let it out and carry on.

  5. I am of the opinion that community structures will at the end control everyrhing within that community. The roll of the government becomes irrelevant and will have to aggresively oppose all private initiatives with laws and new laws and by laws, in order to stay in power, resulting in making citizens the enemy of the state.That prepares the table for conflict.

  6. Been commenting for at least a year about that the DA and other clean parties MUST work hard because the ANC, EFF and now MK are all going to stand together to keep the ANC in power or at least the same useless bunch. watch this space.

  7. Good to have a refreshingly optimistic take about our beloved country.

    However, the potential downside of him being wrong is great, dire in fact. A talk like this tends to placate the discerning among us, lulling ppl into the sense that "everything will be OK". Just look at the looting that took place in KZN 2 years ago. Imagine that on a more national scale or even half of that?

    For anyone considering his talk, consider this, what is the cost of what he is saying being wrong?

  8. Frans Cronė is a smart man but his analisis has a fatal mistake given triggers that change and hugely swing public opinion
    The masters of chaous already have triggers in place for the sheepel
    Respect for the man thou hes a good man !

  9. No government in the history of South Africa has been able to teach our children to read and write. 80% of our 11year olds cannot read and write with comprehension after 4 years of schooling.
    What jobs will these 50million citizens who struggle to read and write do in our modern country?

  10. The Reserve bank is a private institution The monetery system relys on credit creation banks are tight because of dire debt conditions .The issue at hand for South Africa is that the market is looking at near zero persent intrest rates and have urealistic high rates Sa farmers are in deep trouble cuase of deflation in produce prices. High energy input costs regulations and destructive policys are putting strain on the economy
    The way i see it is the banks are in very bad place if money creation expands poor people will struggel to keep up with inflasion
    If banks keep tight the economy will slow leading to mass insolvencyś
    The policy makers act in hinde sight this time they will respond when it is to late they also risk the era they expanded created bubbels in asset prices if this is marked to market the banks cannot trust the colateral on their books wich makes for very intresting times
    Hungry poor people will not be of moderate opinion

  11. The arrogance and conceit of a well formed argument you gonna hope to get these outcomes vs what is coming to you
    Great adversity is coming to this country from which the leaders will come to give birth to a more permanent system

  12. Like ZANU PF in Zimbabwe, nothing will be accomplished in South Africa as long as the ANC destroyers are still around. They will, like the monsters they are, deliberately porevent advancement and progress. I see KZN declining into a Haiti like situation where mobs and gangsters rule. Sad, but the Black culture is set up for exploitation of the masses.

  13. What's your views on system change. There's an option vote for system change to a directelections system where we can elect our leaders individually making parties irrelevant. There are new parties not small parties with fresh new and current ideas. This is what SA desperately needs right now. The political system is not working. Ot may be working for those who benefit from it. It doesn't work for everyone though.

  14. Bravo Dr Cronje! Spoken like a true South African. Every South African now needs hope more than ever and pray God they will vote the anc into the sewers, then revitalize their beautiful country.

  15. I'm sure Mr. Cronje's audience is reassured by what he has to say but this made me nauseous. The "privatized" South Africa he's describing would be a barren landscape of inescapable hellscape of slavery for the poor.

  16. Hmmmm bla bla bla. Fat cat analysis for fat guts politics. I'd like to see how far his analysis would get him on a Friday night in say Dieplsoot or Cape Flats. Mr PR. Gladbek.
    Def an agenda delivered in narrow framework of ANC-DA toenadering. Trying to steady floundering ship with snapshots in time. Sorry. I don't buy it.

  17. Much needed perspective. I'm so tired of opposition party campaigns and the media framing this coming election as if it hangs on a knife edge and depending on which way it falls our country will either go on to true reform or become irretrievably lost. It may do but that is not a guarantee and we shouldn't miss the woods for the trees.

  18. Thank you very much Dr Cronje. It is white people like you that South Africa needs. Pure understanding of where we come from, where we are and where we might be heading.

    I strongly support your research findings, black South Africans are not anti white, power hungry people spread this notion. Black South Africans have embraced racial differences, the said reality like you said, rural South Africans have that connection to the ANC which they will never just let go, and they every right to love the ANC.

    However there are many people my age who don't relate to the ANC and want to see better government.

    Your findings echo 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿

  19. ANC and its enablers and financiers have ruled for 30 yrs and have actually managed to remove the word hope and trust in goverment and those whole rule over us and control our lives. The fact that anc actions have managed to rob millions of ppl pf hope , faith and believe will be the legacy anc leaves on rsa and the world ! Its unthinkable that those who have benifited financially are the ones who have stolen voices of the so called "free"
    God bless south africa. The rot is to deep in every inch of this place only a miracle can save n fix us.