Black Women Don't Want to Be Married #genderwar #datingformarriage
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Kevin Samuels kept asking "Why are Black Women the most engaged Women and never could close the deal. The real reason is The fact that someone wanting to marry them was good enough. Black women don't want to get married. Black Women want to be Mothers, Not Wives.
Cap. 🧢 You don’t wanna do what your supposed to do you wanna do who you wanna do what you wanna do without any consequences and nobody to answer to
She’s acknowledging the true importance of the issues it’s a serious problem in the black American community I agree with her.
Women can stay single, but they should stop having children out of wedlock. Why? The data proves that it's not working.
How can marriage be a top priority for black women when there is a serious lack of of elligible single men, especially eligible single Christian men? Not every black woman wants to get with an old dude or a dude that's much older than herself (supposedly that's the solution).
That's the problem. Government supports single mothers and not families with a father in the household. If more black kids had fathers in their life that were positive role models they would all have a better life instead of always playing victim and blaming everyone else for their problems. The sky is the limit with nobody holding them back. You don't necessarily need to be married unless both of you love each other enough to be together forever. Just be there for the kids or don't make them in the first place.
Question: Why are we continuing with generational curses? No one in my family had a college degree but I knew that was a more profitable path for me to choose. Why has the family unit (husband and wife) become so devalued? Who created such a downward spiral way of thinking?
I agree
So how can women hold men to responsibility or question men when women don't want to serve that bottom line and hold herself to that bottom line.
If women have no standard and willing to forgo marriage and family then man is obsolete or not important and not needed by women.the gender war can continue because there's no endgame.everyone who is not at the top can't properly pair off or even become available to another.
Women luv the way they are living and have no real complaints.its men who need the options and available women and that should be the focus and when women want to pick a man to chase after she can holler at him.
Men speak for the whole civilization and he is just an individual who needs a woman he can marry,a woman he can do the right thing with,a woman who can be all his so he can do his job.women not wanting marriage keeps a lot of men out of family work when they should be and could be best used there.
The other aspect is they don’t want to be taught how to be wives. Then society tells them you are just as good as men .
What she has said is true but "WHO" was it teaching her this? Very doubtful that it was her father or grandfather.
They want to be married, but they don't want to be wives.
Accurate assessment of the issue.
💯Also people don't have the right attitude for marriage long term.