BLACK VOTERS Stun MSNBC With Trump Support
BLACK VOTERS Stun MSNBC With Trump Support
Krystal and Saagar discuss black voters stunning MSNBC with Trump support heading into the 2024 election.
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I used to be a super democrat, but now for the first time I’m voting republican……F#@K THE DEMO-RATS!
Life was better under trump…
You mean the same MSNBC polling that predicted Hillary Clinton's victory in 2016? Main stream polling has been oh what's the word? WRONG.
Biden is a MESS,, lost his mind with a Crack-Head in the house .. he is lawless and destroying America…Will the American People watch their Freedom ripped away ..Trump IS bringing Blacks – Whites and Spanish people together like never before.. Trump WILL clean up Bidens MESS Quickly .. put this Country back On Track and lower prices- Deport Millions ..restore peace to the black and poor communities gas prices and food will come down and the Green Bill will Go-Up-In-Smoke the first day in office and law and order will be BACK like the lights coming back on in America – World leaders WILL stand down from War.. Bidens Will be Going To Jail
Accept it didn’t hold even hold in 2020.
Biden had to cheat under the cover of covid to win.
Dems are agents for chaos!! Period
Since 1953, the United States has had 13 economic collapses. 12 of those collapses were under Republican run and lead government. That’s 12 out of 13 folks. After every collapse the middle class is done worse. We have never really recovered from any collapse. I am 45 years old. Every single Republican president that has entered into office in my entire lifetime has come in during an economic boom and crashed the economy by the time they left office. This includes Donald Trump, who was able to do it in just four years. The Republican president before him. Bush Junior was one of the worst collapses in our history. I do not like Democrats. I don’t like Republicans. Honestly I’ve only liked about four presidents throughout our whole history. And it’s completely split 50-50 Democrat Republican. It doesn’t matter what you believe in or what your political party is. It’s not like voting for a Democrat or Republican has ever gotten you special treatment. After every economic collapse we’re all equally poor. I don’t care about the culture wars we’re having today. I think it’s wasting everyone’s time and separating us unnecessarily. It’s never been about liking each other. It’s just been about getting along. These culture wars are just there to distract us while our government is robbing us. I don’t care if some liberal wants me to call them, they them, or if some Republican doesn’t want a book in the library of their school. Because none of it’s gonna matter if our children have no future. Nobody cares about the guy wearing a dress when they’re starving. I can’t afford another economic collapse. I can’t afford to let my children’s future dwindle to nothing, and we’ve been watching it, we all see it. The last immigration laws were 70 years ago. Immigration is a major talking point in the Republican Party. It is their second most dominant argument. In that 70 years Republicans have held house, Senate presidency and the Supreme Court on numerous occasions and have done zero to change the immigration laws. Donald Trump only use an existing law called title 42 of which was only usable during Covid therefore being completely temporary. Even though they’ve helped total control and could’ve changed the immigration laws to be anything they wanted to be a no Democrat could’ve done anything to stop them they haven’t. Right now we have a president willing to make immigration law form. He is offering Republicans everything they’ve ever said they wanted. They are the only ones Republicans are the only ones holding it up. Appears as the Republicans really don’t want to do anything about immigration. They just want to use it as a talking point to upset their base and the general population. At that point since they are the only ones preventing any immigration reform any immigration issues we have are their fault. I didn’t say that means vote for a democrat either. I just said vote for anyone but a republican, as they have 71 years of crashing our economy.
75 million people voted for Trump in 2020. More than voted for Obama either time he ran. Trump is trmendously Unpopular with one half of the country. The other half is extraordinarily committed to having him re-elected.
In 2020 Joe Biden scolded black leaders telling them that they need to figure out how to get along with a Latinos because they were going to become the largest demographic in America can you tell black people that he was going to replace them without telling black people he was going to replace them
Any sane person loves Trump.
How could 42% of people still be that stupid…?
Finally they see voting Democrats in will be above and beyond affordable living and renting forever than purchasing their own home and property…
Safer Boarders and controlled migration of immigrants…
Better education for their kids and safer schools…
They’ve never been Democrats.
Biden 2024!! 🇺🇸 🔥
Biden started off with Afghanistan in chaos and the world has been burning nonstop for 3 years. Biden is an unmitigated disaster!
Not a nightmare for me, more like a nightmare for you! Trump 2024!!!!!!!!!!!
Jimmy Carter was better than POTATO HEAD IN CHIEF.
Chaos under Trump? You mean those Tweets vs what Biden did in Afghanistan? In Gaza? In Ukraine? In Nagano-karabakh? Wide open borders to smuggle fentanyl/criminals. C'mon man.
Where was the chaos under Trump? I really hope that your service is not a biased one like CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and so on. I really do. There are enough one-sided reporting networks already.
To say that any "normal Democrat" could beat trump when he won more votes than any sitting president in history, especially when at the time he was down 1 or 2 points ( margin of error) is a bit naive. I've heard a few of her comments and that doesn't surprise me.
No reparations no vote period
Biden's approval isn't 37%. It's more like 27%.
The first Bush lost because he raised taxes after saying read my lips, no new taxes.
vote policy, not party. This administration is seeing the county turn on them and their awful policies. As they should, its a sad situation.
I don’t think a generic democrat beats Trump, none have any name recognition
Is Youtube blocking you guys? I haven't gotten a single link to you all in a month.
Former democrat here for Trump 2024
Biden wont ve be the nominee. They will switch him in the 11th hour now that the opportunity for challengers is closed